jhan2022's avatar

Sept. 3, 2023

The world of the Shining Prince

I liked this books a lot, it's organized in a easy way and it's easy to understand. Heian Kyo was the capital of ancient Japan and a place of great sophistication and wealth, so much that they comunicated almost only using poems, as so a bad poem was meet with social shame. They were also obssesed with rank and style, so much that they had dictated by law which colors, tone and lenght on clothes could be used based on each person rank. This went so far that a woman, whose sleeves were the wrong tone (they used multi-layered ones), would have being subject to the court scorn, not directly of course, but through gossip and backhanded comments.


I liked this books a lot, as it's organized in an easy way and it's easy to understand.

Heian Kyo was the capital of ancient Japan and a place of great sophistication and wealth, so much that they communicated almost always only using poems, as s. So a bad poem was meet with social shame.

They were also obssesed with rank and style, so much so that they had dictated by lawson which colors, tone and lenghth onf clothes could be usedworn based on each person’s rank.

This went so far that a woman, whose sleeves were the wrong tone (they used multi-layered ones), would have being subject to the courten scorned, not directly of course, but through gossip and backhanded comments.

jhan2022's avatar

Sept. 5, 2023



The wWorld of the Shining Prince

I liked this books a lot, as it's organized in a easy way and it's easy to understand.

either "as" or "since"

Heian Kyo was the capital of ancient Japan and a place of great sophistication and wealth, so much that they communicated almost only using poems, as so a bad poem was meet with social shame.

or "...and a bad poem was met with social shame."

They were also obssessed with rank and style, so much that they had dictated by law which colors, tone and lenghth on clothes could be used based on each person's rank.

This went so far that a woman, whose sleeves were the wrong tone (they used multi-layered ones), would have being subject to the court's scorn, not directly of course, but through gossip and backhanded comments.


Well written, even though there were a few minor errors. This was very interesting!

jhan2022's avatar

Sept. 3, 2023



The world of the Shining Prince

The wWorld of the Shining Prince

I liked this books a lot, it's organized in a easy way and it's easy to understand.

I liked this books a lot, as it's organized in a easy way and it's easy to understand.

either "as" or "since"

I liked this books a lot, as it's organized in an easy way and it's easy to understand.

Heian Kyo was the capital of ancient Japan and a place of great sophistication and wealth, so much that they comunicated almost only using poems, as so a bad poem was meet with social shame.

Heian Kyo was the capital of ancient Japan and a place of great sophistication and wealth, so much that they communicated almost only using poems, as so a bad poem was meet with social shame.

or "...and a bad poem was met with social shame."

Heian Kyo was the capital of ancient Japan and a place of great sophistication and wealth, so much that they communicated almost always only using poems, as s. So a bad poem was meet with social shame.

They were also obssesed with rank and style, so much that they had dictated by law which colors, tone and lenght on clothes could be used based on each person rank.

They were also obssessed with rank and style, so much that they had dictated by law which colors, tone and lenghth on clothes could be used based on each person's rank.

They were also obssesed with rank and style, so much so that they had dictated by lawson which colors, tone and lenghth onf clothes could be usedworn based on each person’s rank.

This went so far that a woman, whose sleeves were the wrong tone (they used multi-layered ones), would have being subject to the court scorn, not directly of course, but through gossip and backhanded comments.

This went so far that a woman, whose sleeves were the wrong tone (they used multi-layered ones), would have being subject to the court's scorn, not directly of course, but through gossip and backhanded comments.

This went so far that a woman, whose sleeves were the wrong tone (they used multi-layered ones), would have being subject to the courten scorned, not directly of course, but through gossip and backhanded comments.

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