Dec. 7, 2022
For today's journal I want to share with you one of my "treasures": is this summary. It contains all I've learned about languages and I hope this will be useful to you. :)
This summary is divided into sections. Each section is an author of videos or books that influenced me.
Ramón Campayo
Babies learn pronunciation first; they star by hearing sounds and after that (long time later) they star to speak. So, he argues that we should learn languages starting with pronuntiation too.
Also, he mentions that kids learn faster because they need it to survive. For example, to express they're hungry and so.
He focus on memorising words, using weird and funny associations.
SuperHolly's approach is pretty similar: pay attention about how babies learn and try to repeat the same method.
To pronunciate, she says, just close your eyes and hear a word in your target language. After that, try to pronounce it.
She also mentions the importante of IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) to help us to pronounce different sounds with our mouth.
Lýdia Machová
She argues that the most important thing when learning a language is to enjoy the process. For example, do the things you love using your target language.
Be patient and have discipline. Do at least something small in your target language.
Matt vs Japan
He is a man who learn Japanese by only watching anime.
His most important advices are:
-Consume contents in your target language ONLY made by natives to natives.
-Use an app with spaced repetition system to practice and remember vocabulary.
The more immersed you are in your target language, the better.
-Record yourself to improve your pronuntiation.
-Stop translating in your mind
Each language has different rules and ways to express. If you translate in your mind from your native language to your target language, it may sound weird and unnatural.
-He also mentions the abilities that we need to be fluent in our native languages. (see the attached images at the end of this journal)
Stephen Krashen
His most important breakthrough was to make input comprehensible, which means to use an input that allows you to understand the message.
Also, he remarks the importance of:
People who are more motivated, are more likely to study more and in consequence, obtain more results.
-Low anxiety
Gabriel Wyner
I highly recommend his Ted-Talk, is so funny 😂
He recognise that we're not babies so we should learn languages differently.
He mentionts the importance of creating stories to create more memorable conections.
He also clarifies how to create flashcards with Spaced Repetition System (SRS) that is using 4 kinds of associations (see the attached images at the end).
1 Structure
How many capital letter are in the word BEAR?
2 Sound
Does APPLE rhyme with Snapple?
This is one of the most important kind of association to memorise something.
3 Concept
Is TOOL another word for "instrument"?
A translation, image, either can be conceptual connections.
4 Personal Connection
Do you like JAPAN?
This is one of the strongest connections because we need to access to more previous memories to determinate if we like pizza or not.
Be sure of using all of them!
Pablo Lomelí
Complete Immersion
It implies to change your environment in order to develop the four abilities in your target language.
The four abilities include:
Example: listening to podcast, music.
Talk to natives, record yourself, use language learning apps.
Play videogames in your target language, read books, read a blog, change subtitles to your target language, change your device's language to your target language (see the attached images at the end).
Take notes of something of your interest, use LangCorrect, keep a diary, search in social media for natives who want to learn your target language.
Moreover, you should find your own level, in other words, reach a possition that seems appropiate to your current abilities.
So, if you're a beginner, give yourself easy contents in your target language
A language is acquired, not studied, he says.
He remarks the importance of immersion, not to just study with grammar books. Of course, this can be helpful but he says that you should learn it at the right moment: after you've developed the four abilities.
Practice in two different ways: focused and passive, and combine them together.
Focused practice: schedule a few hours (or less) to study focusing on the four skills.
Passive practice: In this practice, you get immersed in your target language, it becomes something natural.
Furthermore, search for making the language secondary, by this he means that the language becomes a tool to complete a priority. Examples: playing videogames, talking to a native friend, learning a skill in your target language.
Stoping the fear of making mistakes
Children learn faster because they don't have fear of making mistakes. It's important to understant that we are humans, not machines so we cannot avoid making mistakes.
My personal experience
By experience, I learned the significance of asking to proffesionals for feedback.
I also like to ask others how they learn their target languages, so that I get different perspectives and good ideas!
I would love to hear how you learn your target language, if you have a specific learning method or something please tell me!
Thanks for reading.
If you're more interested, you can watch their videos or read their books:
Pablo Lomelí's video (English)
Gabriel Wyner
He also has pronuntiation guides for your target language in his channel.
Lýdia Machová
Ramón Campayo - Aprende un idioma en 7 días
Gabriel Wyner - Fluent forever
The Ultimate Language Learning Summary
For today's journal I want to share with you one of my "treasures": is this summary.
It contains all I've learned about languages and I hope this will be useful to you.
Or: I hope that it will be useful to you.
This summary is divided into several different sections.
Each section is an author of videos or books that has influenced me.
Ramón Campayo
Babies learn pronunciation first; they start by hearing sounds and after that (long timquite a while later) they star tot speaking.
So, heThe author argues that we should learn languages starting with pronuntciation too.
You’ve introduced the author’s name as a heading, but haven’t referred to them more specifically within the actual text itself, therefore I would say this to just clarify who ‘he’ is !
Also, he mentions that kidschildren learn faster because they need it to survive.
Children is more formal
For example, tolanguage is necessary to properly express twhey'ren one is hungry, and so. on.
Very cohesive and formal !
He focus on memorising words, through/by using weird and funny associations.
SuperHolly's approach is pretty similar: payshe recommends to pay/she posits that paying/she purports that paying/ attention abouto how babies learn and try to repeatcopy the same method.
To learn pronunciateion, she says, justis as easy as closeing your eyes and hearing a word in your target language.
I need a bit more context to fully make sense of this sentence !
After that, try to pronounce it out loud.
Just need clarification !
She also mentions the importante of IPA (the International Phonetic Alphabet) to help us to pronounce different sounds with our mouth.
Lýdia Machová
She argues that the most important thing when learning a language is to enjoy the process.
This is a model introductory sentence (try to copy this style in the future); notice how you have said ‘she argues’ that is very good, well done!!
For example, do the things you love using your target language.
Be patient and have discipline.
Do at least something small in your target language once every day.
Just need to define when to do the instruction.
Matt vs Japan
He is a man who learmanaged to leRn Japanese by onsimply watching anime.
His most important piece of advices are is:
-Consume contents in your target language ONLY made by natives to natives.
-Use an app with a spaced repetition system to practice and remember vocabulary.
The more immersed you are in your target language, the better.
-Record yourself to improve your pronuntiation.
-Stop translating in your mind
Each language has different rules and ways to express. something.
If you translate in your mind from your native language to your target language, it may sound weird and unnatural.
-He also mentions the abilities that we need to be fluent in our native languages.
(see the attached images at the end of this journal)
Stephen Krashen
His most important breakthrough was to make input comprehensible, which means to use an input that allows you to understand the message.
Also, he remarks the importance of:
People who are more motivated, are more likely to study more and in consequence, obtain more results.
-Low anxiety
Gabriel Wyner
I highly recommend his Ted-Talk, it is so funny /I found it so funny. 😂
He recognises that we're not babies so we should thus learn languages differently.
He mentionts the importance of creating stories to, in turn, create more memorable connections.
He also clarifies how to create flashcards with Spaced Repetition System (SRS) that is using 4 kinds of associations (see the attached images at the end).
1 Structure
How many capital letter are in the word BEAR?
2 Sound
Does APPLE rhyme with Snapple?
This is one of the most important kind of association to memorise something.
3 Concept
Is TOOL another word for "instrument"?
A translation, or image, either can be can help you form conceptual connections.
4 Personal Connection
Do you like JAPAN?
This is one of the strongest connections because we need to access to more previous memories to determinate if we like pizza or not.
Be sure tof usinge all of them!
Pablo Lomelí
Complete Immersion
It implies to change your environment in order to develop the four abilities in your target language.
The four abilities include:
Example: listening to podcast, music.
Talk to natives, record yourself, use language learning apps.
Play videogames in your target language, read books, read a blog, change subtitles to your target language, change your device's language to your target language (see the attached images at the end).
Take notes of something of your interest, use LangCorrect, keep a diary, search in social media for natives who want to learn your target language.
Moreover, you should find your own level, in other words, reach a possitionfind media that seems appropriate to your current abilities.
SoFor example, if you're a beginner, give yourself easy contents in your target language.
A language is acquired, not studied, he says.
He remarks the importance of immersion, not to just study with grammar books.
Of course, this can be helpful but he says that you should learn it at the right moment: after you've developed the four abilities.
Practice in two different ways: focused and passive, and combine them together.
Focused practice: schedule a few hours (or less) to study focusing on the four skills.
Passive practice: Inwith this practicemethod, you get immersed in your target language, it becomes something natural.
Furthermore, search for making the language secondary, by this he means that the language becomes a tool to complete a priority.
Examples: playing videogames, talking to a native friend, learning a skill in your target language.
Stoping the fear of making mistakes
Children learn faster because they don't haveof a lack of fear ofwith making mistakes.
It's important to understantd that we are humans, not machines so we cannot avoid making mistakes.
My personal experience
By experience, I learned the significance of asking to proffessionals for feedback.
I also like to ask others how they learn their target languages, so that I get different perspectives and good ideas!
I would love to hear how you learn your target language, if you have a specific learning method or something please tell me!
Thanks for reading.
Great work Li, I learnt some new things from your post, very informative, well done!!!
Each section is an authorsummary of videos or books that influenced me.
'author' is not a good choice of a noun, summary would be a better choice.
Babies learn pronunciation first; they start by hearing sounds and after that (long time later) they start to speak.
start has a 't' at the end of the word
So, he argues that we should learning languages by starting with pronuntiation too.
For example, to express they're hungry and so on.
He focuses on memorising words, using weird and funny associations.
SuperHolly's approach is pretty similar: she pays attention abouto how babies learn and try to repeat the same method.
To pronunciate a word, she says, just close your eyes and hear a word in your target language.
After that, just try to pronounce it.
She also mentions the importantce of IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) to help us to pronounce different sounds with our mouth.
He is a man who learned Japanese by only watching animeation.
use 'ed' at the end of a word to indicate it was done in the past
His most important advices are is:
You can use 'is' here if you are indicating now or you can use 'was' if you are indicating in the past.
-Consume contents in your target language ONLY made by native speakers to native speakers.
No need to pluralize content because it is already in a plural form. 'natives' are a race of people and really doesn't define as target language speakers.
-Use an app with a spaced repetition system to practice and remember vocabulary.
Each language has different rules and ways to express things.
This is an incomplete sentence, add things at the end to complete the sentence.
People who are more motivated, are more likely to study more and in consequencetly, obtain morebetter results.
I highly recommend this Ted-Talk, it is so funny 😂
He mentionts the importance of creating stories to create more memorable conections.
He also clarifies how to create flashcards with the Spaced Repetition System (SRS) that is usinguses 4 kinds of associations (see the attached images at the end).
How many capital letters are in the word BEAR?
Does APPLE rhyme with Snapple?
If your going to compare two items, you should either capitalize only the first letter of each word or capitalize all letters in both words, don't do one this way and the other that way.
This is one of the most important kind of associations to memorise something.
This is one of the strongest connections because we need to access to more previous memories to determinate if we like pizza or not.
'to more' is not necessary here
'Be sure of using all of them!to use them all' or 'Be sure to use all of them' is more appropriate here
Take notes ofn something of your interested in, use LangCorrect, keep a diary, search in social media for your target language natives who want to learn your targetnative language.
Moreover, you should find your own level, in other words, reach a possition that seems appropiate to your current abilities.
So, if you're a beginner, give yourself easy contents in your target language
No need to pluralize here, it is already a plural noun
Stop being the fearafraid of making mistakes
Children learn faster because they don't have a fear of making mistakes.
It's important to understantd that we are humans, not machines so we cannot avoid making mistakes.
By experience, I learned the significance of asking to proffesionals for feedback.
No need for the word to
I also like to ask others how they learned their target languages, so that I get different perspectives and good ideas!
because it is a past tense, you need 'ed' on the end of learn(ed).
I would love to hear how you learned your target language, if you have a specific learning method or something please tell me!
You could also say 'I would love to hear how you are learning your target language', depending on whether you are speaking in the present tense or the past tense.
Very well written. I easily understood what you were trying to say. Any errors that were made I think most English readers would ignore because it was so easily understood.
Each section is an author of videos or books that influenced me. Each section is an 'author' is not a good choice of a noun, summary would be a better choice. Each section is an author of videos or books that has influenced me. Cohesiveness |
The Ultimate Language Learning Summary This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
Hello! This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
Today I want to share with you one of my "treasures": is this summary. |
It contains all I've learned about languages and I hope this will be useful to you :) |
This summary is divided into sections. This summary is divided into several different sections. |
Ramón Campayo This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
Babies learn pronunciation first; they star by hearing sounds and after that (long time later) they star to speak. Babies learn pronunciation first; they start by hearing sounds and start has a 't' at the end of the word Babies learn pronunciation first; they start by hearing sounds and after that ( Formal |
So, he argues that we should learn languages starting with pronuntiation too. So, he argues that we should learning languages by starting with pronuntiation too.
You’ve introduced the author’s name as a heading, but haven’t referred to them more specifically within the actual text itself, therefore I would say this to just clarify who ‘he’ is ! |
Also, he mentions that kids learn faster because they need it to survive. Also, he mentions that Children is more formal |
For example, to express they're hungry and so. For example, to express they're hungry and so on. For example, Very cohesive and formal ! |
He focus on memorising words, using weird and funny associations. He focuses on memorising words, using weird and funny associations. He focus on memorising words |
SuperHolly's approach is pretty similar: pay attention about how babies learn and try to repeat the same method. SuperHolly's approach is pretty similar: she pays attention SuperHolly's approach is pretty similar: |
To pronunciate, she says, just close your eyes and hear a word in your target language. To pronunciate a word, she says To learn pronunciat I need a bit more context to fully make sense of this sentence ! |
After that, try to pronounce it. After that, just try to pronounce it. After that, try to pronounce it out loud. Just need clarification ! |
She also mentions the importante of IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) to help us to pronounce different sounds with our mouth. She also mentions the importan She also mentions the importante of IPA (the International Phonetic Alphabet) to help us to pronounce different sounds with our mouth. |
Lýdia Machová This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
She argues that the most important thing when learning a language is to enjoy the process. She argues that the most important thing when learning a language is to enjoy the process. This is a model introductory sentence (try to copy this style in the future); notice how you have said ‘she argues’ that is very good, well done!! |
For example, do the things you love using your target language. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
Be patient and have discipline. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
Do at least something small in your target language. Do at least something small in your target language once every day. Just need to define when to do the instruction. |
Matt vs Japan This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
He is a man who learn Japanese by only watching anime. He is a man who learned Japanese by only watching anim use 'ed' at the end of a word to indicate it was done in the past He is a man who |
His most important advices are: His most important advice You can use 'is' here if you are indicating now or you can use 'was' if you are indicating in the past. His most important piece of advice |
-Consume contents in your target language ONLY made by natives to natives. -Consume content No need to pluralize content because it is already in a plural form. 'natives' are a race of people and really doesn't define as target language speakers. -Consume content |
-Use an app with spaced repetition system to practice and remember vocabulary. -Use an app with a spaced repetition system to practice and remember vocabulary. -Use an app with a spaced repetition system to practice and remember vocabulary. |
-Immersion This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
The more immersed you are in your target language, the better. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
-Record yourself to improve your pronuntiation. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
-Stop translating in your mind This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
Each language has different rules and ways to express. Each language has different rules and ways to express things. This is an incomplete sentence, add things at the end to complete the sentence. Each language has different rules and ways to express |
If you translate in your mind from your native language to your target language, it may sound weird and unnatural. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
-He also mentions the abilities that we need to be fluent in our native languages. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
(see the attached images at the end of this journal) This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
Stephen Krashen This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
His most important breakthrough was to make input comprehensible, which means to use an input that allows you to understand the message. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
Also, he remarks the importance of: This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
-Motivation This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
People who are more motivated, are more likely to study more and in consequence, obtain more results. This sentence has been marked as perfect! People who are more motivated |
-Low anxiety This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
Gabriel Wyner This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
I highly recommend his Ted-Talk, is so funny 😂 I highly recommend this Ted-Talk, it is so funny 😂 I highly recommend his Ted-Talk, it is so funny /I found it so funny. 😂 |
He recognise that we're not babies so we should learn languages differently. He recognises that we're not babies so we should thus learn languages differently. |
He mentionts the importance of creating stories to create more memorable conections. He mention He mention |
He also clarifies how to create flashcards with Spaced Repetition System (SRS) that is using 4 kinds of associations (see the attached images at the end). He also clarifies how to create flashcards with the Spaced Repetition System (SRS) that This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
1 Structure This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
How many capital letter are in the word BEAR? How many capital letters are in the word BEAR? This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
2 Sound This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
Does APPLE rhyme with Snapple? Does APPLE rhyme with Snapple? If your going to compare two items, you should either capitalize only the first letter of each word or capitalize all letters in both words, don't do one this way and the other that way. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
This is one of the most important kind of association to memorise something. This is one of the most important kind of associations to memorise something. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
3 Concept This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
Is TOOL another word for "instrument"? This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
A translation, image, either can be conceptual connections. A translation |
4 Personal Connection This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
Do you like JAPAN? This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
This is one of the strongest connections because we need to access to more previous memories to determinate if we like pizza or not. This is one of the strongest connections because we need to access 'to more' is not necessary here This is one of the strongest connections because we need to access to more previous memories to determin |
Be sure of using all of them! 'Be sure Be sure to |
Pablo Lomelí This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
Complete Immersion This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
It implies to change your environment in order to develop the four abilities in your target language. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
The four abilities include: This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
-Hearing This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
Example: listening to podcast, music. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
-Speaking This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
Talk to natives, record yourself, use language learning apps. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
-Reading This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
Play videogames in your target language, read books, read a blog, change subtitles to your target language, change your device's language to your target language (see the attached images at the end). This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
-Writing This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
Take notes of something of your interest, use LangCorrect, keep a diary, search in social media for natives who want to learn your target language. Take notes o This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
Moreover, you should find your own level, in other words, reach a possition that seems appropiate to your current abilities. Moreover, you should find your own level, in other words, reach a pos Moreover, you should find your own level, in other words, |
So, if you're a beginner, give yourself easy contents in your target language So, if you're a beginner, give yourself easy content No need to pluralize here, it is already a plural noun
A language is acquired, not studied, he says. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
He remarks the importance of immersion, not to just study with grammar books. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
Of course, this can be helpful but he says that you should learn it at the right moment: after you've developed the four abilities. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
Practice in two different ways: focused and passive, and combine them together. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
Focused practice: schedule a few hours (or less) to study focusing on the four skills. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
Passive practice: In this practice, you get immersed in your target language, it becomes something natural. Passive practice: |
Furthermore, search for making the language secondary, by this he means that the language becomes a tool to complete a priority. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
Examples: playing videogames, talking to a native friend, learning a skill in your target language. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
Stoping the fear of making mistakes Stop being This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
Children learn faster because they don't have fear of making mistakes. Children learn faster because they don't have a fear of making mistakes. Children learn faster because |
It's important to understant that we are humans, not machines so we cannot avoid making mistakes. It's important to understan It's important to understan |
My personal experience This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
By experience, I learned the significance of asking to proffesionals for feedback. By experience, I learned the significance of asking No need for the word to By experience, I learned the significance of asking to prof |
I also like to ask others how they learn their target languages, so that I get different perspectives and good ideas! I also like to ask others how they learned their target languages, so that I get different perspectives and good ideas! because it is a past tense, you need 'ed' on the end of learn(ed). This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
I would love to hear how you learn your target language, if you have a specific learning method or something please tell me! I would love to hear how you learned your target language, if you have a specific learning method or something please tell me! You could also say 'I would love to hear how you are learning your target language', depending on whether you are speaking in the present tense or the past tense. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
Thanks for reading. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
For today's journal I want to share with you one of my "treasures": is this summary. For today's journal I want to share with you one of my "treasures": |
It contains all I've learned about languages and I hope this will be useful to you. It contains all I've learned about languages and I hope this will be useful to you. Or: I hope that it will be useful to you. |
:) |
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