galoarellano1987's avatar

July 19, 2024

The rest of my day

Yesterday, after the work, I went to the Vallarino Pool. Weather is wet, however I decided to swim. I arrived to pool aorund 6pm and inmediately I got dressed to enter the water. The water was so cold, but I was already inside, so I swam 600 mt easily without hurry.

I enjoyed every meter traveled. It was very pleasent.

At 7 pm I went out the pool and I walked to dressing rooms. I put on my clothes and I went out from the pool.

I took the bus and I arrived at 7:30 pm. After, my childs, my wife and I went out to Ferroviaria Park and we walked around 50 minutes.

We back to home around 9pm and we got to bed inmeddiately.

It was a great afternoon and evening.


The rest of my day

Yesterday, after the work, I went to the Vallarino Pool.

WThe weather iwas wet, however I decided to swim.

I arrived togot to the pool aoround 6pm and inmmediately I got dressed to enter the water.

The water was sovery cold, but I was already inside, so I swam 600 mttook my time easily swithout hurrymming 600m.

I enjoyed every meter traveledinch of it.

It was very pleaseant.

At 7 pm I wengot out of the pool and I walked to the dressing rooms.

I put on my clothes on and I went out from the poolleft.

I took the bus home and I arrived at 7:30 pm.

After,Then my childs, myren, wife and I went out to Ferroviaria Park and we walked around for 50 minutes.

We got back to home around 9pm and we gont to bed inmmeddiately.

It was a great afternoon and evening.

The rest of my day

Yesterday, after the work, I went to the Vallarino Pool.

WThe weather is wetwas rainy, however I decided to swim.

I arrived toat the pool aoround 6 pm and inmmediately I got dresschanged to enter the water.

"6 pm" for consistency with later

The water was so cold, but I was already inside, so I swam 600 mt easily without hurrytook my time swimming 600 meters.

I enjoyed every meter traveled.

It was very pleaseant.

At 7 pm I wengot out of the pool and I walked to dressthe changing rooms.

"dressing room" is used more for like a fitting room

I put on my clothes and I went out fromleft the pool.

I took the bus and I arrivedgot home at 7:30 pm.

AfterThen, my childsren, my wife, and I went out to Ferroviaria Park and we walked for around 50 minutes.

We got back to home around 9 pm and we got to bed inmmeddiately.

It was a great afternoon and evening.

Yesterday, after the work, I went to the Vallarino Pool.

Adding "the" in "the work" makes it sound like a special project. "Work" refers generally to your job, while "the work" is referring to a unique type of work.

WThe weather is wetrainy, however I decided to swim.

In this case, you should add "the" in front of "weather," since you are referring to a specific weather (the weather in your location). "Rainy" is better than "wet" in the context of the weather. But "wet" still works, I understood the meaning.

I arrived to the pool aoround 6pm and inmmediately I got dressed to enter the water.

"The" is added in front of "pool" since you are referring to a specific pool. If you were referring to any pool, you would say "a pool." But you would never say "to pool" since "pool" is a noun that needs an article or possessive noun before it (e.g., "the pool", "my pool").

The water was so cold, but I was already inside the pool, so I swam 600 mtm easily without hurry.

This sentence is a little awkward. I would say "I was already in the pool" instead of "I was already inside" to make it clearer what you mean. In English, meter is shortened to "m"

I enjoyed every meter traveledthe swim.

This is a weird expression in the context of swimming at a pool. I would just say "I enjoyed the swim."

It was very pleaseant.

At 7 pm, I went out of the pool and I walked to the dressing rooms.

I put on my clothes and I went out from the poolleft.

"went out from the pool" and "went out of the pool" (from previous sentence) are too similar and confusing. I would just say "I left" to indicate you left the facility.

I took the bus and I arrived home at 7:30 pm.

After, my childs, myren, wife and I went out to Ferroviaria Park, and we walked around for 50 minutes.

We back toreturned home around 9pm and we gowent to bed inmmeddiately.

"got to bed" is never used, it's a weird expression. In English, the expression is usually "went to bed" when speaking in the past tense.

It was a great afternoon and evening.


Overall, great job. Just remember to use articles and possessive nouns ("the", "my", "a", etc.) before some nouns, and make sure the words you choose make sense to the reader given the context.

The rest of my day

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Yesterday, after the work, I went to the Vallarino Pool.

Yesterday, after the work, I went to the Vallarino Pool.

Adding "the" in "the work" makes it sound like a special project. "Work" refers generally to your job, while "the work" is referring to a unique type of work.

Yesterday, after the work, I went to the Vallarino Pool.

Yesterday, after the work, I went to the Vallarino Pool.

Weather is wet, however I decided to swim.

WThe weather is wetrainy, however I decided to swim.

In this case, you should add "the" in front of "weather," since you are referring to a specific weather (the weather in your location). "Rainy" is better than "wet" in the context of the weather. But "wet" still works, I understood the meaning.

WThe weather is wetwas rainy, however I decided to swim.

WThe weather iwas wet, however I decided to swim.

I arrived to pool aorund 6pm and inmediately I got dressed to enter the water.

I arrived to the pool aoround 6pm and inmmediately I got dressed to enter the water.

"The" is added in front of "pool" since you are referring to a specific pool. If you were referring to any pool, you would say "a pool." But you would never say "to pool" since "pool" is a noun that needs an article or possessive noun before it (e.g., "the pool", "my pool").

I arrived toat the pool aoround 6 pm and inmmediately I got dresschanged to enter the water.

"6 pm" for consistency with later

I arrived togot to the pool aoround 6pm and inmmediately I got dressed to enter the water.

The water was so cold, but I was already inside, so I swam 600 mt easily without hurry.

The water was so cold, but I was already inside the pool, so I swam 600 mtm easily without hurry.

This sentence is a little awkward. I would say "I was already in the pool" instead of "I was already inside" to make it clearer what you mean. In English, meter is shortened to "m"

The water was so cold, but I was already inside, so I swam 600 mt easily without hurrytook my time swimming 600 meters.

The water was sovery cold, but I was already inside, so I swam 600 mttook my time easily swithout hurrymming 600m.

I enjoyed every meter traveled.

I enjoyed every meter traveledthe swim.

This is a weird expression in the context of swimming at a pool. I would just say "I enjoyed the swim."

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I enjoyed every meter traveledinch of it.

It was very pleasent.

It was very pleaseant.

It was very pleaseant.

It was very pleaseant.

At 7 pm I went out the pool and I walked to dressing rooms.

At 7 pm, I went out of the pool and I walked to the dressing rooms.

At 7 pm I wengot out of the pool and I walked to dressthe changing rooms.

"dressing room" is used more for like a fitting room

At 7 pm I wengot out of the pool and I walked to the dressing rooms.

I put on my clothes and I went out from the pool.

I put on my clothes and I went out from the poolleft.

"went out from the pool" and "went out of the pool" (from previous sentence) are too similar and confusing. I would just say "I left" to indicate you left the facility.

I put on my clothes and I went out fromleft the pool.

I put on my clothes on and I went out from the poolleft.

I took the bus and I arrived at 7:30 pm.

I took the bus and I arrived home at 7:30 pm.

I took the bus and I arrivedgot home at 7:30 pm.

I took the bus home and I arrived at 7:30 pm.

After, my childs, my wife and I went out to Ferroviaria Park and we walked around 50 minutes.

After, my childs, myren, wife and I went out to Ferroviaria Park, and we walked around for 50 minutes.

AfterThen, my childsren, my wife, and I went out to Ferroviaria Park and we walked for around 50 minutes.

After,Then my childs, myren, wife and I went out to Ferroviaria Park and we walked around for 50 minutes.

We back to home around 9pm and we got to bed inmeddiately.

We back toreturned home around 9pm and we gowent to bed inmmeddiately.

"got to bed" is never used, it's a weird expression. In English, the expression is usually "went to bed" when speaking in the past tense.

We got back to home around 9 pm and we got to bed inmmeddiately.

We got back to home around 9pm and we gont to bed inmmeddiately.

It was a great afternoon and evening.

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