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Oct. 29, 2024

The Fourteenth Step to Improving my Academic Writing

How I can brainstorm ideas and develop an outline?
I have never passed IELTS before; however, I am trying to prepare for it by using self-study course books. First time I knew about how planning your essay is important when I was reading about that exam. That is why I absolutely agree with statement “The outline is ninety five percent of the book.” (Jeffery Deaver) Couple times I met people who is thinking there is no point in planning essays. In result they texts were disorganized and bad developed when most of arguments are similar to stream of consciousness. Those texts sound like conversations than the essays, even now my text is looking like a talk, because I do not have enough time for outlining it. It can be a cause of poor language at all. However, sometimes students recognize that they spend too much time for planning their essays. What can be a reason of it? If students want to outline pretty quick then they have to develop a planning skill. It will be much easier to edit and proofread texts if those texts have a strong first drafts. I have found technique that to involve three steps for an efficient planning. The first stage is a brainstorming; when students just write down all data that they can remember. It works well for them, because students can separate the text for important statements and unnecessary sentences. Students can categorize them as quotations, arguments, ideas, ect. what can be really useful for developing their drafts. When students see all combinations of ideas, it allows them find out a main themes and build their arguments around. The next step is a creating an outline. When students look at their brainstorm ideas and understand that they know enough about subject the first thing that they have to do is a deleting many of them especially if it is not cooperate with the themes. An outline should be written in pretty simple language with useful bullet points. It will be good if texts will be divided in three parts: ten percent for the introduction, eighty percent for the main body and ten percent of the length for the conclusion indeed. The last stage is an expanding your ideas by detailing all bullet points. It can make your text more consistent and structured.


The Fourteenth Step to Improving mMy Academic Writing

You should capitalize pronouns in titles in most cases.

I have never passed IELTS before; however, I am trying to prepare for it by using self-study course books.

Transition words are unneeded when you use a semicolon; Semicolons continue ideas in a unique way that doesn't require transition words.

FThe first time I knew about howthat I found out that planning your essay is important was when I was reading about thate exam.

I added "the" at the beginning because a "first time" can only happen once. The word "the" is used to refer to a singular and specific thing, so you would use it here.

I changed "knew about how" to "found out that" because you cannot 'know' in the past tense(which would be 'knew', so how you used the word) about something you have never discovered or found out before.

I changed the word "that" to "the" because "that" is only used when you have said what "that" was earlier in the sentence.

Thatis is why I absolutely agree with statemenJeffery Deaver's quote that “The outline is ninety five percent of the book.” (Jeffery Deaver) Couple". A few times I have met people who is thinkinghave thought there is no point in planning essays.

Quotation and tense corrections.

InAs a result, theyir texts were disorganized and badly developed when; most of their arguments areseem similar to a stream of consciousness because they didn't plan it.

Reorganized some wording to sound more grammatically correct, yet retained the original ideas of the sentence.

Those texteir essays sound like conversations thanrather thean essays, e. Even now my textwriting is looking like a talk,conversation because I do not have enough time forto outlininge it.

Formatting corrections.

It can be a cause of poor language at all.

Not clear what was being said here. Did you mean "No plan can be a big cause of poor language in a person's writing"?

However, sometimes students recognize that they spend too much time for planning their essays.

Unnecessary word, but otherwise great sentence

What can be athe reason of it?

If students want to outline prettymore quickly, then they have to develop a planning skills.

It will be much easier to edit and proofread texts if those textsheir writing if they have a strong first drafts.

I have found a technique that to involves three steps for an efficient planning.

The first stage is a brainstorming;. This is whenre students just write down all dataconcepts that they can remember.

ItThis method works well for them,students because studentsthey can separate the text for important statements and unnecessary sentenceir useful ideas from their less important ideas.

Students can categorize them as quotations, arguments, ideas, ectc.

wWhat can be really useful for developing their drafts.

When students see all combinations of ideasof their ideas together, it allows them find out a main themes and build their arguments around it.

When students look at their brainstormed ideas and understand that they know enough about the subject, the first thing that they have to do is a deletingscrap many of them especially if it is not cooperate with the themesthat are less relevant to the main theme they chose.

An outline should be written in pretty simpler language with usefulcombined with bullet point ideas.

It will be good if texts will beis best if the text is divided in three parts: ten percent for the introduction, eighty percent for the main body, and ten percent of the length for the conclusion indeed.

The last stagemethod is anto expanding your ideas by detailing all of your bullet points.

It canwill make your text more consistent and structured.

The Fourteenth Step to Improving my Academic Writing

The Fourteenth Step to Improving mMy Academic Writing

You should capitalize pronouns in titles in most cases.

How I can brainstorm ideas and develop an outline?

I have never passed IELTS before; however, I am trying to prepare for it by using self-study course books.

I have never passed IELTS before; however, I am trying to prepare for it by using self-study course books.

Transition words are unneeded when you use a semicolon; Semicolons continue ideas in a unique way that doesn't require transition words.

First time I knew about how planning your essay is important when I was reading about that exam.

FThe first time I knew about howthat I found out that planning your essay is important was when I was reading about thate exam.

I added "the" at the beginning because a "first time" can only happen once. The word "the" is used to refer to a singular and specific thing, so you would use it here. I changed "knew about how" to "found out that" because you cannot 'know' in the past tense(which would be 'knew', so how you used the word) about something you have never discovered or found out before. I changed the word "that" to "the" because "that" is only used when you have said what "that" was earlier in the sentence.

That is why I absolutely agree with statement “The outline is ninety five percent of the book.” (Jeffery Deaver) Couple times I met people who is thinking there is no point in planning essays.

Thatis is why I absolutely agree with statemenJeffery Deaver's quote that “The outline is ninety five percent of the book.” (Jeffery Deaver) Couple". A few times I have met people who is thinkinghave thought there is no point in planning essays.

Quotation and tense corrections.

In result they texts were disorganized and bad developed when most of arguments are similar to stream of consciousness.

InAs a result, theyir texts were disorganized and badly developed when; most of their arguments areseem similar to a stream of consciousness because they didn't plan it.

Reorganized some wording to sound more grammatically correct, yet retained the original ideas of the sentence.

Those texts sound like conversations than the essays, even now my text is looking like a talk, because I do not have enough time for outlining it.

Those texteir essays sound like conversations thanrather thean essays, e. Even now my textwriting is looking like a talk,conversation because I do not have enough time forto outlininge it.

Formatting corrections.

It can be a cause of poor language at all.

It can be a cause of poor language at all.

Not clear what was being said here. Did you mean "No plan can be a big cause of poor language in a person's writing"?

However, sometimes students recognize that they spend too much time for planning their essays.

However, sometimes students recognize that they spend too much time for planning their essays.

Unnecessary word, but otherwise great sentence

What can be a reason of it?

What can be athe reason of it?

If students want to outline pretty quick then they have to develop a planning skill.

If students want to outline prettymore quickly, then they have to develop a planning skills.

It will be much easier to edit and proofread texts if those texts have a strong first drafts.

It will be much easier to edit and proofread texts if those textsheir writing if they have a strong first drafts.

I have found technique that to involve three steps for an efficient planning.

I have found a technique that to involves three steps for an efficient planning.

The first stage is a brainstorming; when students just write down all data that they can remember.

The first stage is a brainstorming;. This is whenre students just write down all dataconcepts that they can remember.

It works well for them, because students can separate the text for important statements and unnecessary sentences.

ItThis method works well for them,students because studentsthey can separate the text for important statements and unnecessary sentenceir useful ideas from their less important ideas.

Students can categorize them as quotations, arguments, ideas, ect.

Students can categorize them as quotations, arguments, ideas, ectc.

what can be really useful for developing their drafts.

wWhat can be really useful for developing their drafts.

When students see all combinations of ideas, it allows them find out a main themes and build their arguments around.

When students see all combinations of ideasof their ideas together, it allows them find out a main themes and build their arguments around it.

The next step is a creating an outline.

When students look at their brainstorm ideas and understand that they know enough about subject the first thing that they have to do is a deleting many of them especially if it is not cooperate with the themes.

When students look at their brainstormed ideas and understand that they know enough about the subject, the first thing that they have to do is a deletingscrap many of them especially if it is not cooperate with the themesthat are less relevant to the main theme they chose.

An outline should be written in pretty simple language with useful bullet points.

An outline should be written in pretty simpler language with usefulcombined with bullet point ideas.

It will be good if texts will be divided in three parts: ten percent for the introduction, eighty percent for the main body and ten percent of the length for the conclusion indeed.

It will be good if texts will beis best if the text is divided in three parts: ten percent for the introduction, eighty percent for the main body, and ten percent of the length for the conclusion indeed.

The last stage is an expanding your ideas by detailing all bullet points.

The last stagemethod is anto expanding your ideas by detailing all of your bullet points.

It can make your text more consistent and structured.

It canwill make your text more consistent and structured.

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