asfero's avatar

Oct. 9, 2024

The Fifth Step to Improving my Academic Writing

How I can reference properly? I was a little surprised when I was reading about several referencing systems that require their own rules for compiling an in-text citation or a bibliography and why breaking the rules by the students is unacceptable. Now I think that is an optimal technique for self-development. I want to clarify I never thought about that from the point of view of how the critical thinking is being formed. Using an essay-writing service start to become really popular in student community; however, that kind of cheating is caught anyway. So, if the student is liable for his own future, he has to follow the rules of the university. The first step to do it is look at guidelines or talk to teacher and find out which referencing system is used: Modern Language Association, Modern Humanities Research Association, Oscola, Harvard author-date systems and etc. The second step is that mixing those systems are inappropriate. The third step is that every quotation and an in-text citation have to be match with references. Following those rules will help not to forget about paraphrase, direct quotation and footnotes, what helps better understanding which your own thought is and which is not as well.


The Fifth Step to Improving my Academic Writing

How I can reference properly?

I was a little surprised when I was reading about several referencing systems that requirhave their own rules for compiling an in-text citation or a bibliography and why students breaking the rules by the students is unacceptable.

“Rules” kind of implies that it would be required. You would also say “have rules”.
“Students breaking the rules” feels less confusing.

Now I think that is an optimal technique for self-development.

I want to clarify that I never thought about that from the point of view of how the critical thinking is being formed.

I’m not entirely sure if adding “that” is necessary, but I prefer it with it.

“Critical thinking” doesn’t require an article. I’m not 100% sure why, but it could have something to do with it being a skill, and skills often don’t have articles. However I’d probably search up the reason instead of trusting that.

“Being” is unnecessary, but it isn’t wrong with it.

Using an essay-writing service has started to become really popular inamong student communitys; however, that kind of cheating is caught anyway.

You would say “starts”, but that doesn’t really sound right here.

You would need to use “the” before “community” here. However “student community” doesn’t really feel right. You could either keep “community” and replace “student”, or to keep “student” you could say “among students” as I’ve suggested.

So, if the student is liable for his own future, he has to follow the rules of the university.

Optional: you can replace “his” with “their” and “he has” with “they have”.

The first step to do it isis to look at guidelines or talk to a/the teacher and find out which referencing system is used: Modern Language Association, Modern Humanities Research Association, Oscola, Harvard author-date systems and, etc.

“To do it” isn’t necessary since it’s implied that the steps are to do it, given the context of the previous sentence.

Since it’s singular, you would have to use an article, but you could choose which one depending on the meaning.
You could just use “the teacher” regardless as well, since with common sense you’d know that you would go to the teacher of whatever class the assignment is for, and not to some random teacher that isn’t involved at all.

When you use “etc.”, you don’t need to use “and”. You just have to make sure you have a comma before it.

Since you’re talking about a university, there are a lot of different terms you could use. You could say “professor” or “lecturer”, but there are also a lot more.

The second step is remembering that mixing those systems areis inappropriate.

“Mixing those systems is inappropriate” isn’t really a step. It would be more of a note, but to keep it as a step you could add another word before “mixing” like I’ve done, or you would say “the second step is to never mix those systems”.

The “is” should agree with the “mixing” action here, not “those systems”.

The third step is that every quotation and an in-text citation have to be match withmust have matching references.

You would be talking about however many in-text citations are applicable to the situation, so “every” is the better choice. The “every” before “quotation” also applies to “in-text citation”, so there’s no need to repeat it.

There are a lot of different ways to phrase the “have to be match” part.

“Must” is stronger than “have to”.

You would also have to say “be matched”. You could just say “match” if “be” wasn’t there, but you would need “be” to make it make sense.

Following those rules will help to not to forget about paraphraseing, direct quotation and footnotes, whatich helps better understanding which your own thought is and which is not as wellto distinguish between what are and aren’t your own thoughts.

Switching “not” and “to” around is completely optional.

“Paraphrase” would be the verb form used with I, you, we and they, which isn’t what you want to use here.
However you could say “to not/not to forget to paraphrase or use direct quotation and footnotes”. But I prefer the original phrasing over using a whole bunch of verbs.

You would say “helps to achieve a better understanding of” or “helps to better your understanding of”, but that feels more like something you’d use if you were actually learning something. So if you used that with this sentence, it would be more like if you were learning how to differentiate the two for the first time, or the general ideas behind them, rather than something that changes every time you write something new and need new references.


Good job!

asfero's avatar

Oct. 10, 2024


Thank you for help

How I can reference properly?

I was a little surprised when I was reading about several referencing systems that requirhave their own rules for compiling an in-text citation or a bibliography and why breaking the rules by the students is unacceptable.

Now, I think thatis is an optimal great technique for self-development.

optimal is a little awkward unless you are comparing it to something else

I want to clarify that I never thought about that fromin the point of view of how thecontext of the development of critical thinking is being formed.

Using an essay-writing service is starting to become really popular in studentthe academic community; however, that kind of cheating is caught anyway.

So, if thea student is liable for his own future, he has to follow the rules of the university.

The first step to do it isis to look at guidelines or talk to teacherprofessors and find out which referencing system is used: Modern Language Association, Modern Humanities Research Association, Oscola, Harvard author-date systems and, etc.

university instructors are called "professors" not "teachers" which is more for primary and secondary school
no "and" before etc.

The second step is knowing that mixing those systems areis inappropriate.

"is" is for "mixing" which is singular as the verb is turned into the noun

The third step is that every quotation and an in-text citation haves to be matched with references.

Following those rules will help not to forget aboutus remember paraphraseing, direct quotations, and footnotes, whatich help us better understanding which ydistinguish between our own thought is and which is not as wellthose of others.

asfero's avatar

Oct. 10, 2024


Thank you for help

The Fifth Step to Improving my Academic Writing

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

How I can reference properly?

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

The first step to do it is look at guidelines or talk to teacher and find out which referencing system is used: Modern Language Association, Modern Humanities Research Association, Oscola, Harvard author-date systems and etc.

The first step to do it isis to look at guidelines or talk to teacherprofessors and find out which referencing system is used: Modern Language Association, Modern Humanities Research Association, Oscola, Harvard author-date systems and, etc.

university instructors are called "professors" not "teachers" which is more for primary and secondary school no "and" before etc.

The first step to do it isis to look at guidelines or talk to a/the teacher and find out which referencing system is used: Modern Language Association, Modern Humanities Research Association, Oscola, Harvard author-date systems and, etc.

“To do it” isn’t necessary since it’s implied that the steps are to do it, given the context of the previous sentence. Since it’s singular, you would have to use an article, but you could choose which one depending on the meaning. You could just use “the teacher” regardless as well, since with common sense you’d know that you would go to the teacher of whatever class the assignment is for, and not to some random teacher that isn’t involved at all. When you use “etc.”, you don’t need to use “and”. You just have to make sure you have a comma before it. Since you’re talking about a university, there are a lot of different terms you could use. You could say “professor” or “lecturer”, but there are also a lot more.

I was a little surprised when I was reading about several referencing systems that require their own rules for compiling an in-text citation or a bibliography and why breaking the rules by the students is unacceptable.

I was a little surprised when I was reading about several referencing systems that requirhave their own rules for compiling an in-text citation or a bibliography and why breaking the rules by the students is unacceptable.

I was a little surprised when I was reading about several referencing systems that requirhave their own rules for compiling an in-text citation or a bibliography and why students breaking the rules by the students is unacceptable.

“Rules” kind of implies that it would be required. You would also say “have rules”. “Students breaking the rules” feels less confusing.

Now I think that is an optimal technique for self-development.

Now, I think thatis is an optimal great technique for self-development.

optimal is a little awkward unless you are comparing it to something else

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

I want to clarify I never thought about that from the point of view of how the critical thinking is being formed.

I want to clarify that I never thought about that fromin the point of view of how thecontext of the development of critical thinking is being formed.

I want to clarify that I never thought about that from the point of view of how the critical thinking is being formed.

I’m not entirely sure if adding “that” is necessary, but I prefer it with it. “Critical thinking” doesn’t require an article. I’m not 100% sure why, but it could have something to do with it being a skill, and skills often don’t have articles. However I’d probably search up the reason instead of trusting that. “Being” is unnecessary, but it isn’t wrong with it.

Using an essay-writing service start to become really popular in student community; however, that kind of cheating is caught anyway.

Using an essay-writing service is starting to become really popular in studentthe academic community; however, that kind of cheating is caught anyway.

Using an essay-writing service has started to become really popular inamong student communitys; however, that kind of cheating is caught anyway.

You would say “starts”, but that doesn’t really sound right here. You would need to use “the” before “community” here. However “student community” doesn’t really feel right. You could either keep “community” and replace “student”, or to keep “student” you could say “among students” as I’ve suggested.

So, if the student is liable for his own future, he has to follow the rules of the university.

So, if thea student is liable for his own future, he has to follow the rules of the university.

So, if the student is liable for his own future, he has to follow the rules of the university.

Optional: you can replace “his” with “their” and “he has” with “they have”.

The second step is that mixing those systems are inappropriate.

The second step is knowing that mixing those systems areis inappropriate.

"is" is for "mixing" which is singular as the verb is turned into the noun

The second step is remembering that mixing those systems areis inappropriate.

“Mixing those systems is inappropriate” isn’t really a step. It would be more of a note, but to keep it as a step you could add another word before “mixing” like I’ve done, or you would say “the second step is to never mix those systems”. The “is” should agree with the “mixing” action here, not “those systems”.

The third step is that every quotation and an in-text citation have to be match with references.

The third step is that every quotation and an in-text citation haves to be matched with references.

The third step is that every quotation and an in-text citation have to be match withmust have matching references.

You would be talking about however many in-text citations are applicable to the situation, so “every” is the better choice. The “every” before “quotation” also applies to “in-text citation”, so there’s no need to repeat it. There are a lot of different ways to phrase the “have to be match” part. “Must” is stronger than “have to”. You would also have to say “be matched”. You could just say “match” if “be” wasn’t there, but you would need “be” to make it make sense.

Following those rules will help not to forget about paraphrase, direct quotation and footnotes, what helps better understanding which your own thought is and which is not as well.

Following those rules will help not to forget aboutus remember paraphraseing, direct quotations, and footnotes, whatich help us better understanding which ydistinguish between our own thought is and which is not as wellthose of others.

Following those rules will help to not to forget about paraphraseing, direct quotation and footnotes, whatich helps better understanding which your own thought is and which is not as wellto distinguish between what are and aren’t your own thoughts.

Switching “not” and “to” around is completely optional. “Paraphrase” would be the verb form used with I, you, we and they, which isn’t what you want to use here. However you could say “to not/not to forget to paraphrase or use direct quotation and footnotes”. But I prefer the original phrasing over using a whole bunch of verbs. You would say “helps to achieve a better understanding of” or “helps to better your understanding of”, but that feels more like something you’d use if you were actually learning something. So if you used that with this sentence, it would be more like if you were learning how to differentiate the two for the first time, or the general ideas behind them, rather than something that changes every time you write something new and need new references.

Following those rules will help not to forget about paraphrase, direct quotation and footnotes.

That helps better understanding which your own thought is and which is not as well.

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