Dec. 9, 2022
Let's back to the year around 1985 when I was a kid in elementary school student. I have a strong memory of the charged escalator in a local department store till now.
The escalator is omnipresent nowadays, but around the year 1985 in Chongqing, most of us including me had no idea of it until I paid 0.1 Yuan to step onto it. At that time, my father who was a common engineer in a local institution, his salary was 100 Yuan (US$ 15) a month.
One weekend, my parents took me went shopping in downtown of Chongqing, in the Chongqing Dept. Store, a steel-made escalator connects the ground floor to the 5th floor. When people stepped onto it, then it would auto-transfer them up to a higher floor. Many local citizens were amazed, what an advanced technology it was! One saleswoman standed by, speaking loudly: "Anyone who wants to go to the higher floor must pay 0.1 Yuan each time! Or it's free to go by the walk stairs on foot over there like before."
My father quickly paid 0.5 Yuan for 5 of us and was in the queue.
The picture which was attached below was I found on the net. Actually, my experience was more crowded than it.
The City in wWhich I Live (6)
Let's go back to the year around 1985, when I was a kid in elementary school student.
I have a strongvivid memory of the chargrowded escalator in a local department store till now.
"charged escalator" --- not sure what charged means? think you may mean "crowded" but not sure.
"vivid" is good to describe a colorful memory that lasts with you
The escalator is omnipresenteverywhere nowadays, but around the year 1985 in Chongqing, most of us including me had no idea of itwhat it was, until I paid 0.1 Yyuan to step onto it.
"omnipresent" 多用于书面,不太适合这种句子
At thate time, my father who was a common engineer in a local institution, and his salary was 100 Yyuan (US$ $15) a month.
One weekend, my parents took me went shopping in downtown of Chongqing, in the Chongqing Dept.
Store, a. A steel-made escalator connects the ground floor to the 5th floor.
I think this was supposed to connect to the last sentence. Together, you could phrase:
"One weekend, my parents took me shopping in downtown Chongqing. We went to the Chongqing Dept Store, where a steel escalator connects the ground floor to the 5th floor.
When people stepped onto it, then it would auto-transferport them up to a higher floor.
"auto-transfer" sounds like you're transferring files from a computer to a phone, or something digital. "Transport" or "move" is more appropriate for moving physical things or people.
Many local citizens were amazed, what an advanced technology it was!
One saleswoman standeood by, speakhouting loudly: "Anyone who wants to go to thea higher floor must pay 0.1 Yuan each time!per trip!"
"each time" is fine, "per trip" just sounds a little more formal and something that a retail employee would say.
Or it's free to go by the walkIt was still free to take the stairs on foot over thereto go up like before.
If the last two sentence were supposed to be what the employee was shouting, you can combine them like this:
"Anyone who wants to go to a higher floor must pay 0.1 Yuan per trip! It is still free to take the stairs up like before."
My father quickly paid 0.5 Yuan for the 5 of us and wase lined up in the queue.
TI found the picture which was attached below was I found on the net.
Actually, mMy experience was actually more crowded than it looks in the photograph though.
Great job! It's nice to hear memories from someone who grew up in the 80s :)
The City in which I Live (6)
Let's go back to the year around 1985 when I was a kid in elementary school student.
Even now, I have a strong memory of the chargedelectric escalator in a local department store till now.
The escalator is omnipresent nowadays, but around the year 1985 in Chongqing, most of us including me, had no idea of it until I paid 0.1 Yuan to step onto it.
At that time, my father who was a common engineer in a local institution, hiscompany had a salary wasof 100 Yuan (US$ 15) a month.
One weekend, my parents took me went shopping in downtown of Chongqing, in at the Chongqing Department.
Store, where a steel-made escalator connectsed the ground floor to the 5th floor.
I see. LangCorrect split the sentence at the period (.) after Dept.
When people stepped onto it, then it would auto-transfercarry them up to a higher floor.
Many local citizens were amazed, what an advanced technology it was!
One saleswoman standeood by, speaking loudly:, "Anyone who wants to go to thea higher floor must pay 0.1 Yuan each time!
Or it's free to go by the walkuse the stairs on foot over there just like before.
My father quickly paid 0.5 Yuan for the 5 of us and was injoined the queue.
TI found the picture which wais attached below was I found on the net.
Actually, my experiencememory is that it was more crowded than ithat.
Actually, I remember that it was more crowded than that.
The City in which I Live (6) This sentence has been marked as perfect! The City in |
Let's back to the year around 1985 when I was a kid in elementary school student. Let's go back to Let's go back to the year |
I have a strong memory of the charged escalator in a local department store till now. Even now, I have a strong memory of the I have a "charged escalator" --- not sure what charged means? think you may mean "crowded" but not sure. "vivid" is good to describe a colorful memory that lasts with you |
The escalator is omnipresent nowadays, but around the year 1985 in Chongqing, most of us including me had no idea of it until I paid 0.1 Yuan to step onto it. The escalator is omnipresent nowadays, but around the year 1985 in Chongqing, most of us including me, had no idea of it until I paid 0.1 Yuan to step onto it. The escalator is "omnipresent" 多用于书面,不太适合这种句子 |
At that time, my father who was a common engineer in a local institution, his salary was 100 Yuan (US$ 15) a month. At that time, my father who was a common engineer in a local At th |
One weekend, my parents took me went shopping in downtown of Chongqing, in the Chongqing Dept. One weekend, my parents took me One weekend, my parents took me |
Store, a steel-made escalator connects the ground floor to the 5th floor. Store, where a steel I see. LangCorrect split the sentence at the period (.) after Dept. Store I think this was supposed to connect to the last sentence. Together, you could phrase: "One weekend, my parents took me shopping in downtown Chongqing. We went to the Chongqing Dept Store, where a steel escalator connects the ground floor to the 5th floor. |
When people stepped onto it, then it would auto-transfer them up to a higher floor. When people stepped onto it, When people stepped onto it, "auto-transfer" sounds like you're transferring files from a computer to a phone, or something digital. "Transport" or "move" is more appropriate for moving physical things or people. |
Many local citizens were amazed, what an advanced technology it was! This sentence has been marked as perfect! This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
One saleswoman standed by, speaking loudly: "Anyone who wants to go to the higher floor must pay 0.1 Yuan each time! One saleswoman st One saleswoman st "each time" is fine, "per trip" just sounds a little more formal and something that a retail employee would say. |
Or it's free to go by the walk stairs on foot over there like before. Or it's free to
" This sentence has been marked as perfect! " If the last two sentence were supposed to be what the employee was shouting, you can combine them like this: "Anyone who wants to go to a higher floor must pay 0.1 Yuan per trip! It is still free to take the stairs up like before." |
My father quickly paid 0.5 Yuan for 5 of us and was in the queue. My father quickly paid 0.5 Yuan for the 5 of us and 優しい! My father quickly paid 0.5 Yuan for the 5 of us and w |
The picture which was attached below was I found on the net.
Actually, my experience was more crowded than it. Actually, my or Actually, I remember that it was more crowded than that.
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