Scarlett_Father's avatar

Dec. 8, 2022

The City in which I Live (5)

I suddenly noticed that the Chinese own the best suitable living latitude in the world but are managed by one of the worst systems on Earth. So I said that God was fair to everyone in my last entry.
Chongqing is famous for three things: hotpots, beautiful girls, and night views. I'd like to share some concise reasons separately.
Hotpot: It's humid here. In old days, the dish was for some laborers first, they need some oily, cheap, fast, and easy-to-get food. So they mix anything can eat together in a pot, which was always spicy, and extremely oily. It's popular now in the whole year.
Girls: I know many people visit here for this, they want to find a beautiful girlfriend. No bicycles in the city, people have to walk on foot, so they have a much better figure than in other places; people who live here are mixed from many major cities in China over a long history, so they own better genes than that in other mountain areas. The weather is always humid, and their skins are soft and resilient. And one more attraction is girls in this city do not need their boyfriend to pay any fees to their families, the fees which is now a big burden for males and can not be avoided in most places in China.
Night views: It's a metropolitan who lies in mountains and two main rivers across here, when it shines at night, reflects different layers of lights in the sky.


The City in which I Live (5)

I suddenly noticed that the Chinese own the best suitable living latitude for living in the world but are managed by one of the worst systems on Earth.

So I said that God was fair to everyone in my last entry.

Chongqing is famous for three things: hotpots, beautiful girls, and night views.

I'd like to share some concise reasons separatelwhy.

Hotpot: It's humid here.

In the old days, the dish was for some laborers first, tiginally for laborers. They need somed oily, cheap, fast, and easy-to-get food.

So they mixed anything canthey could eat together in a pot, which was always spicy, and extremely oily.

It's popular now inthroughout the whole year.

Girls: I know many people visit here for this, because they want to find a beautiful girlfriend.

Comment: Sheesh.

No bicycles are allowed in the city, so people have to walk on foot, so they have a much better figure than people in other places; p. People who live here are mixed from many major cities in China over a long history, so they ownhave better genes than thatose in other mountain areas.

The weather is always humid, and so their skins are is soft and resilient.

And oOne more attraction is that girls in this city do not need their boyfriends to pay any fees to their families, the fees which isare now a big burden for males and can not be avoided in most places in China.

Night views: It's a metropolitan whoarea which lies in the mountains andbetween two main rivers across hereso, when it shines at night, the water reflects different layers of lights in the sky.


ホットポットは美味しそうで、夜景はきれいですね。 教えてくれてありがとうございました。上手にかけています!

Scarlett_Father's avatar

Dec. 8, 2022



mari's avatar

Dec. 8, 2022




Chongqing is famous for three things: hotpots, beautiful girls, and night views.

I'd like to give concise reasons separatelyfor each.

Hotpot: It's humid here.

The dish was for some laborers at first, | was originally for laborers, because they need somed oily, cheap, fast, and easy-to-get food.

So they mixed anything can eatedible together in a pot, which is alwaysand always made it spicy, and extremely oily.

It's popular inthroughout the whole year | popular year-round.

Girls: I know many people visit here for this, they want to find a beautiful girlfriend here.

NBecause there are no bicycles in the city, people have to walk on foot, so they have a much better figure than in other places.

The weather is always humid, and their skins are | their skin is soft and resilient.

And one more attraction is girls in this city do not need their boyfriend to pay any fees to their families, the fees which is (dowry fees are now a big burden for males and can not be avoided in most places in China).

Night views: It's a metropolitan whos that lies in mountains and two main rivers across here, so when the city shines at night, the rivers reflects different layers of lights into the sky.

I'm guessing this is what you mean....


I've been to Chengdu, but not to Chongqing. Someday I'll go there....

Scarlett_Father's avatar

Dec. 8, 2022


Thank you!
You're right, I want to say the river reflects the views at night.
It's great to hear you have been to Chengdu. Chengdu is a plain, rich, and leisurely city. We are saying: "Generals are in Chongqing, and military advisers are in Chengdu! "

JoeTofu's avatar

Dec. 8, 2022


Night views: It's a metropolitan whos that lies in mountains and two main rivers across here, so when the city shines at night, the rivers reflects different layers of lights into the sky.

Actually, my correction doesn’t completely make sense because one river cannot “cross” another. Do you mean that two major rivers meet there?

Scarlett_Father's avatar

Dec. 9, 2022


Thank you!
Yes. The city is the confluence of two main rivers. You can check this link for the image.

I'd like to share some concise reasons separately.

I'd like to share some concise reasons separatelwhy.

In old days, the dish was for some laborers first, they need some oily, cheap, fast, and easy-to-get food.

In the old days, the dish was for some laborers first, tiginally for laborers. They need somed oily, cheap, fast, and easy-to-get food.

The City in which I Live (5)

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

I suddenly noticed that the Chinese own the best suitable living latitude in the world but are managed by one of the worst systems on Earth.

I suddenly noticed that the Chinese own the best suitable living latitude for living in the world but are managed by one of the worst systems on Earth.

So I said that God was fair to everyone in my last entry.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Chongqing is famous for three things: hotpots, beautiful girls, and night views.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

I'd like to give concise reasons separately.

I'd like to give concise reasons separatelyfor each.

Hotpot: It's humid here.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

The dish was for some laborers first, they need some oily, cheap, fast, and easy-to-get food.

The dish was for some laborers at first, | was originally for laborers, because they need somed oily, cheap, fast, and easy-to-get food.

So they mix anything can eat together in a pot, which is always spicy, and extremely oily.

So they mixed anything can eatedible together in a pot, which is alwaysand always made it spicy, and extremely oily.

It's popular in the whole year.

It's popular inthroughout the whole year | popular year-round.

Girls: I know many people visit here for this, they want to find a beautiful girlfriend here.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

No bicycles in the city, people have to walk on foot, so they have a much better figure than in other places.

NBecause there are no bicycles in the city, people have to walk on foot, so they have a much better figure than in other places.

The weather is always humid, and their skins are soft and resilient.

The weather is always humid, and their skins are | their skin is soft and resilient.

The weather is always humid, and so their skins are is soft and resilient.

And one more attraction is girls in this city do not need their boyfriend to pay any fees to their families, the fees which is now a big burden for males and can not be avoided in most places in China.

And one more attraction is girls in this city do not need their boyfriend to pay any fees to their families, the fees which is (dowry fees are now a big burden for males and can not be avoided in most places in China).

And oOne more attraction is that girls in this city do not need their boyfriends to pay any fees to their families, the fees which isare now a big burden for males and can not be avoided in most places in China.

Night views: It's a metropolitan who lies in mountains and two main rivers across here, when it shines at night, reflects different layers of lights in the sky.

Night views: It's a metropolitan whos that lies in mountains and two main rivers across here, so when the city shines at night, the rivers reflects different layers of lights into the sky.

I'm guessing this is what you mean....

Night views: It's a metropolitan whoarea which lies in the mountains andbetween two main rivers across hereso, when it shines at night, the water reflects different layers of lights in the sky.

So they mix anything can eat together in a pot, which was always spicy, and extremely oily.

So they mixed anything canthey could eat together in a pot, which was always spicy, and extremely oily.

It's popular now in the whole year.

It's popular now inthroughout the whole year.

Girls: I know many people visit here for this, they want to find a beautiful girlfriend.

Girls: I know many people visit here for this, because they want to find a beautiful girlfriend.

Comment: Sheesh.

No bicycles in the city, people have to walk on foot, so they have a much better figure than in other places; people who live here are mixed from many major cities in China over a long history, so they own better genes than that in other mountain areas.

No bicycles are allowed in the city, so people have to walk on foot, so they have a much better figure than people in other places; p. People who live here are mixed from many major cities in China over a long history, so they ownhave better genes than thatose in other mountain areas.

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