roy's avatar

Nov. 10, 2022

The car of muy dreans

I am saving money because I would buy a red car. I like this colour. The car has watched in TV and I love It. I do not understand its engine.


I am saving money because I would like to buy a red car.

Adding "like to" to this sentence makes your intentions more clear.

I like this colour.

I do not understand its engine.

The car of muy dreanms

Note that “my” doesn’t have a “u”.
Right: my
Wrong: muy

roy's avatar

Nov. 10, 2022


Ok thanks

JoeTofu's avatar

Nov. 10, 2022


You’re welcome

The car of muy dreanms

The car has watched iI saw the car on TV and I love It.

roy's avatar

Nov. 10, 2022


Thank you

The cCar of muMy dDreanms

I am saving money because I wouldant to buy a red car.

I like this colour.

The car has watched iI saw the car on TV and I fell in love It.

I do not understand its engine.

roy's avatar

Nov. 14, 2022


Thank you

The car of muy dreans

The cCar of muMy dDreanms

The car of muy dreanms

The car of muy dreanms

Note that “my” doesn’t have a “u”. Right: my Wrong: muy

I am saving money because I would buy a red car.

I am saving money because I wouldant to buy a red car.

I am saving money because I would like to buy a red car.

Adding "like to" to this sentence makes your intentions more clear.

I like this colour.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

The car has watched in TV and I love It.

The car has watched iI saw the car on TV and I fell in love It.

The car has watched iI saw the car on TV and I love It.

I do not understand its engine.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

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