asfero's avatar

Oct. 30, 2024

The Anecdote

When I only started to learn English I use to have lessons in a group. Initially other students and I tried to give truly information about who we were, where we studied or worked, what we thought about different points. It was a reason why we all spoke very slowly. Our teacher noticed it and advised us not to talk about ourselves, but spoke using familiar words and grammar that we have gone through. I remember how thought that it would be really useful tactic. On the next lesson we discussed a finance. Using my teacher’s recommendation I gave a speech about a huge amount of money that my family kept in an account in one of the major Swiss bank. Eventually after lesson people from my class wanted that I gave instruction how to open an account in that bank. Guess what! I know nothing about the Swiss banking system that why it was so embarrassing.


The Anecdote

When I had only started to learn English, I used to have lessons in a group.

"Used to" is a set phrase that always has the d.

Initially, other students and I tried to give truthfuly information about who we were, where we studied or worked, or what we thought about different points.

"Truly" is an adverb, but here you are describing "information", so you should use an adjective.

IThat was aone reason why we all spoke very slowly.

Or, "That was part of why we all..."

Our teacher noticed ithis and advised us not to talk about ourselves, but spokeeak [or: focus on speaking] using familiar words and grammar that we have gone through.

I remember how I thought that ithat would be really useful tactic.

I know repeating "that" twice can be a bit awkward, but I think it more natural to refer to the tactic with "that."

On theDuring our next lesson, we discussed a finances.

"Finances" is almost always plural. The only exception that comes to mind is when discussing "finance" as an industry, but even in this case, we don't use an indefinite article. For example, "I'm studying finance" or "I work in finance."

Using my teacher’s recommendation, I gave a speech about a huge amount of money that my family kept in an account inat one of the major Swiss banks.

Or, "a huge sum of money"

Eventually after the lesson, people from my class wanted that Ime to gaive them instructions how to open an account inat that bank.

Guess what!

I know nothing about the Swiss banking system that why i. It was so embarrassing.


Honestly, it is a good strategy. It's good to be able to talk about yourself, but there's nothing wrong with making things up just to practice the language. :)

asfero's avatar

Nov. 6, 2024


thx you )

The Anecdote

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

When I only started to learn English I use to have lessons in a group.

When I had only started to learn English, I used to have lessons in a group.

"Used to" is a set phrase that always has the d.

Initially other students and I tried to give truly information about who we were, where we studied or worked, what we thought about different points.

Initially, other students and I tried to give truthfuly information about who we were, where we studied or worked, or what we thought about different points.

"Truly" is an adverb, but here you are describing "information", so you should use an adjective.

It was a reason why we all spoke very slowly.

IThat was aone reason why we all spoke very slowly.

Or, "That was part of why we all..."

Our teacher noticed it and advised us not to talk about ourselves, but spoke using familiar words and grammar that we have gone through.

Our teacher noticed ithis and advised us not to talk about ourselves, but spokeeak [or: focus on speaking] using familiar words and grammar that we have gone through.

I remember how thought that it would be really useful tactic.

I remember how I thought that ithat would be really useful tactic.

I know repeating "that" twice can be a bit awkward, but I think it more natural to refer to the tactic with "that."

On the next lesson we discussed a finance.

On theDuring our next lesson, we discussed a finances.

"Finances" is almost always plural. The only exception that comes to mind is when discussing "finance" as an industry, but even in this case, we don't use an indefinite article. For example, "I'm studying finance" or "I work in finance."

Using my teacher’s recommendation I gave a speech about a huge amount of money that my family kept in an account in one of the major Swiss bank.

Using my teacher’s recommendation, I gave a speech about a huge amount of money that my family kept in an account inat one of the major Swiss banks.

Or, "a huge sum of money"

Eventually after lesson people from my class wanted that I gave instruction how to open an account in that bank.

Eventually after the lesson, people from my class wanted that Ime to gaive them instructions how to open an account inat that bank.

Guess what!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

I know nothing about the Swiss banking system that why it was so embarrassing.

I know nothing about the Swiss banking system that why i. It was so embarrassing.

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