Feb. 1, 2023
Hello I’m reading Robin Hood, level 2 for English learning. It’s a nice book I think but I’m in the first pages of the book. I don’t knew that Robin was a rich boy. So I reading too the Greats Exceptions of Dickens, my book is in Portuguese because I don’t have a good level for to read this book in English but I have a Charlotte’s web, a book for kids, and I’ll to read in the year still. Of Dickens I hope to read too Oliver Twist in English one day because the traduction in portuguese is bad but it’s a plane for the next year.
Text 1 - eEnglish
Hello, I’m reading _Robin Hood_, lLevel 2, for English learning English.
I think it’s a nice book I think but I’m ionly on the first few pages of the book.
I doidn’t kneow that Robin was a rich boy.
So II am also reading too the _Greats Exceppectations of_ by Dickens, m. My book is in Portuguese because I don’t have a good enough level for to read ithis book in English but I have a version of _Charlotte’s wWeb, a book_ for kids, and so I’ll to read int later theis year still.
Of Dickens II also hope to read too Dickens' _Oliver Twist_ in English one day because the traducnslation in pPortuguese is bad but it’s a plane for the next year.
Good work!
Text 1 - eEnglish
In a title we capitalize words like "English."
Hello, I’m reading Robin Hood, level 2 for English learning.
It’s a nice book I think, but I’m only in the first pages of the book.
I don’t kneow that Robin was a rich boy.
So I reading too theI am also reading Greats Exceppectations ofby Dickens, m. My book is in Portuguese because I don’t have a good level foram not advanced enough to read this book in English. but I have a Charlotte’s web, a book for kids, and (I’ll to read in the year still?).
Not exactly sure what you were trying to say in the part in parenthesis.
Of Dickens II also hope to read too Oliver Twist in English one day because the traducnslation in pPortuguese is bad, but it’this is a plane for the next year.
Text 1 - english Text 1 - In a title we capitalize words like "English." Text 1 - |
Hello I’m reading Robin Hood, level 2 for English learning. Hello, I’m reading Robin Hood, level 2 for English learning. Hello, I’m reading _Robin Hood_, |
It’s a nice book I think but I’m in the first pages of the book. It’s a nice book I think, but I’m only in the first pages of the book. I think it’s a nice book |
I don’t knew that Robin was a rich boy. I don’t kn I d |
So I reading too the Greats Exceptions of Dickens, my book is in Portuguese because I don’t have a good level for to read this book in English but I have a Charlotte’s web, a book for kids, and I’ll to read in the year still.
Not exactly sure what you were trying to say in the part in parenthesis.
Of Dickens I hope to read too Oliver Twist in English one day because the traduction in portuguese is bad but it’s a plane for the next year.
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