July 23, 2023
The way I study has drastically changed compared to two or more years ago. Now, whenever I study, I set a pomodoro timer by using a shortcut. After that, I take notes using Notion with a template created by Pablo Lomelí. I write questions related to the topic that I'm studying, and then I hide the answer using the toggle list tool. This not only allows me to review the material, but also to create flashcards on Anki by using a website called 2anki.
Sistema de notas ninja: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbFVUeWpPc0w2U3h2R2l2RU1zS1FyRG95RUVSd3xBQ3Jtc0tuSUZJcFpfc3VaVzdoT2diV2JzdXBscjZhakotLU1qc3JGVmt0Y2hQM3B5c3ZoZlRLN3BwOGFMc3V5NVgwVVQ0SVQ2bVBTb3YxN29jWjVLNTNUTWozUFdVOEtldmpMUlFETUZza0cyTDdWNTR4ZGY5MA&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.notion.so%2FSistema-de-Notas-Ninja-f83f2a6b201044d2b340d2f2574b88f3&v=XdPQuarhCmw
Pomodoro Timer (shortcut): https://routinehub.co/shortcut/944/
2anki.net: https://2anki.net/
Study System
The way I study has drastically changed compared to two or more years ago.
Now, whenever I study, I set a pomodoro timer by using a shortcut.
After that, I take notes using Notion with a template created by Pablo Lomelí.
I write questions related to the topic that I'm studying, and then I hide the answer using the toggle list tool.
This not only allows me to review the material, but also to create flashcards on Anki by using a website called 2anki.
Suena muy natural, como si fuera escrito por un nativo. Muy impresionante, sigue así! :-)
Study System
The way I study has drastically changed compared to two or more years ago.
Now, whenever I study, I set a pomodoro timer by using a shortcut.
After that, I take notes using Notion with a template created by Pablo Lomelí.
I write questions related to the topic that I'm studying, and then I hide the answers using the toggle list tool.
This not only allows me to review the material, but also allows me to create flashcards on Anki by using a website called 2anki.
Good job! If you're looking for another study tool, I enjoy Studyverse quite a bit. It lets you study with a group of people online and work with a timer. It's very fun!
Study System This sentence has been marked as perfect! This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
It took me a while to find the digital note taking system ideal that helps me to memorize and off-load information. |
The way I study has drastically changed compared to two or more years ago. This sentence has been marked as perfect! This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
Now, whenever I study, I set a pomodoro timer using a shortcut. |
After that, I take notes using Notion with a template created by Pablo Lomeli. |
I write questions related to the topic that I'm studying, and then I hide the answer using the toggle list tool. I write questions related to the topic that I'm studying, and then I hide the answers using the toggle list tool. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
This not only allows me to review the material, but also to create flashcards on Anki by using a website called 2anki. This not only allows me to review the material, but also allows me to create flashcards on Anki by using a website called 2anki. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
After that, I take notes using Notion with a template created by Pablo Lomelí. This sentence has been marked as perfect! This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
Now, whenever I study, I set a pomodoro timer by using a shortcut. This sentence has been marked as perfect! This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
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