noor1717's avatar

Feb. 19, 2023

Streak 1; Introduction (lol)

Hello, everyone. I just come up with the idea of practicing my English writing every day. I've had some English speaking friends but I no longer talk to them frequently, that's why I want to write something down every day in English to not lose my improvement. I have never taken any offical test but I guess my English comprehension level is around B2 right now, I can understand C1 level texts and youtube audios meant for that level as well but vocabulary-wise there is a long way to go to reach a C1 level. Hense, I want to practice more advanced vocabulary that I encounter in my writings every day to keep them in mind and activate my passive vocabulary. Also unfortunately my speaking level is near close to B2/C1, it is more likely a B1.
Alright, it was just an introduction, next time I'm not gonna be as boring as this lol.


Streak 1;Day 1: Introduction (lol)

Hello, everyone.

I just coame up with the idea tof practice writing myin English writing every day.

I've had some English speaking friends but I no longer talk to them as frequently, so that's why I want to write something down every day in English so as to not lose my improvementgress.

Good for you!

I have never taken any official test but I guess my English comprehension level is around B2 right now,. I can understand C1 level texts and youtube audios meant for that level as well but, vocabulary-wise there is, I have a long way to go to reach a C1 level.

Hensce, I want to practice more advanced vocabulary that I will encounter in my writings every day to keep them in mind and activate my passive vocabulary.


Also uUnfortunately, my speaking level is nearsupposed to be close to B2/C1, but it is more likely at B1.


Unfortunately, my speaking level supposed to be near B2/C1 but it is more likely at B1.

This phenomenon is very common in language learning so you're in good company here at LangCorrect.

Alright, ithis was just an introduction, n. Next time I'm not gonnaing to be as boring as this, lol.


Welcome to LangCorrect! Good work!

noor1717's avatar

Feb. 20, 2023


thank you a ton for all the corrections and notes :) I appreciate it a lot!

I just coame up with the idea of practicing my English writing every day.

I've had some English speaking friends but I no longer talk to them frequently, that's why I want to write something down every day in English as to not lose my improvement.

Hense, why I want to practice more advanced vocabulary that I encounter in my writings every day to keep them in mind and activate my passive vocabulary.

Also unfortunately while my speaking level is near close to B2/C1, it is more likely a B1.

Alright, ithat was just an introduction, next time I'm not gonna be as boring as this lol.

You can use “gonna” as an informal way to say “going to”

noor1717's avatar

Feb. 20, 2023


thank you very much for all the corrections! :)

Hensce, I want to practice more advanced vocabulary that I encounter in my daily writings every day to keep them in mind and activate my passive vocabulary.

"hence" Is solemnly used, but when it is, it's mostly something like this "BOB: why do you have makeup on? ALEX: My daughter wanted to practice and my wife wasn't home; hence, the makeup"

while writing isn't technically incorrect we usually use it in the past tense EX: the writings of a madman were scrawled all over the house.

Also uUnfortunately, my speaking level is near close to B2/C1,; it is more likely a B1.

We typically try to avoid starting a sentence with also with more formal writing.

commas are a little tricky, usually, you only put commas if there are going to be 3 commas in one sentence. If you feel like there should be a comma but there aren't going to be 3; it's most likely an apostrophe ( ; ). The only exception is when you start off a sentence with something like Unfortunately, ........
consequently, ...........
as a matter of fact, ......

noor1717's avatar

Feb. 20, 2023


thanks a lot for the corrections and explanations :)

Streak 1; Introduction (lol)

Streak 1;Day 1: Introduction (lol)

Hello, everyone.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

I just come up with the idea of practicing my English writing every day.

I just coame up with the idea of practicing my English writing every day.

I just coame up with the idea tof practice writing myin English writing every day.

I've had some English speaking friends but I no longer talk to them frequently, that's why I want to write something down every day in English to not lose my improvement.

I've had some English speaking friends but I no longer talk to them frequently, that's why I want to write something down every day in English as to not lose my improvement.

I've had some English speaking friends but I no longer talk to them as frequently, so that's why I want to write something down every day in English so as to not lose my improvementgress.

Good for you!

I have never taken any offical test but I guess my English comprehension level is around B2 right now, I can understand C1 level texts and youtube audios meant for that level as well but vocabulary-wise there is a long way to go to reach a C1 level.

I have never taken any official test but I guess my English comprehension level is around B2 right now,. I can understand C1 level texts and youtube audios meant for that level as well but, vocabulary-wise there is, I have a long way to go to reach a C1 level.

Hense, I want to practice more advanced vocabulary that I encounter in my writings every day to keep them in mind and activate my passive vocabulary.

Hensce, I want to practice more advanced vocabulary that I encounter in my daily writings every day to keep them in mind and activate my passive vocabulary.

"hence" Is solemnly used, but when it is, it's mostly something like this "BOB: why do you have makeup on? ALEX: My daughter wanted to practice and my wife wasn't home; hence, the makeup" while writing isn't technically incorrect we usually use it in the past tense EX: the writings of a madman were scrawled all over the house.

Hense, why I want to practice more advanced vocabulary that I encounter in my writings every day to keep them in mind and activate my passive vocabulary.

Hensce, I want to practice more advanced vocabulary that I will encounter in my writings every day to keep them in mind and activate my passive vocabulary.


Also unfortunately my speaking level is near close to B2/C1, it is more likely a B1.

Also uUnfortunately, my speaking level is near close to B2/C1,; it is more likely a B1.

We typically try to avoid starting a sentence with also with more formal writing. commas are a little tricky, usually, you only put commas if there are going to be 3 commas in one sentence. If you feel like there should be a comma but there aren't going to be 3; it's most likely an apostrophe ( ; ). The only exception is when you start off a sentence with something like Unfortunately, ........ consequently, ........... as a matter of fact, ......

Also unfortunately while my speaking level is near close to B2/C1, it is more likely a B1.

Also uUnfortunately, my speaking level is nearsupposed to be close to B2/C1, but it is more likely at B1.

or, Unfortunately, my speaking level supposed to be near B2/C1 but it is more likely at B1. This phenomenon is very common in language learning so you're in good company here at LangCorrect.

Alright, it was just an introduction, next time I'm not gonna be as boring as this lol.

Alright, ithat was just an introduction, next time I'm not gonna be as boring as this lol.

You can use “gonna” as an informal way to say “going to”

Alright, ithis was just an introduction, n. Next time I'm not gonnaing to be as boring as this, lol.

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