Scarlett_Father's avatar

Dec. 16, 2022

Story about Moderna (2)

Why I sold Moderna stock after a month?
The medical experts believed the mRNR is technically beyond all the others, this kind of vaccine was so new that it would have not enough time to test on human beings, that is to say, it would be somewhat dangerous to people. It would probably occur DNA mutations in our body, we would risk being changed into another new species.
Consideration of a simple mathematical probability, it would impossible for a so new product to be produced and sold in the market in very large-scale quantities in a short time.
I sold all my small number of stocks because of the above reasons.
The public focused on Moderna, this small pharmaceutical company was shouldering an important position at the moment.


Story about Moderna (2)

Why I solddid I sell Moderna stock after a month?

The mMedical experts believed the mRNR iA vaccine was technically beyond all the others, t. This kind of vaccine was so new that it would not have not enough time to be tested on human beings, that is to say, it would be somewhat dangerous to people.

It would probably occureffect DNA mutations in our body,ies or we would risk being changed into another new species.


It would probably effect DNA mutations in our bodies or we would risk being changed into a new species.

Consideration of a simple mathematical probabilitStatistically, it would be impossible for a sosuch a new product to be produced and sold ion the market ion a very large- scale quantities in a short amount of time.

I sold all my small number of stocks because of the above reasons.


I sold all my stock, however few, because of the above reasons.

The public focused on Moderna, t. This small pharmaceutical company was shouldering an important posithe burden of fast tracking an important technological innovation at theat moment in time.



Why I solddid I sell my Moderna stock after a month?

The medical experts believed the mRNR iwas [technically beyond all the others, t]. This kind of vaccine was so new that ithere would not have notbeen enough time to test it on human beings, that is to say, it would behave been somewhat dangerous to people.

I don’t fully understand “technically beyond all the others.” Do you mean “more advanced than all other vaccine technologies?”

ISome said that it would probably occurcause DNA mutations in our body,ies and that we would risk being changed into another new species.

Consideration of aing simple mathematical probability, it would have been impossible for a sosuch a new product to be produced and sold in / on the market in very large-scale quantities in a short time.

I sold all (of) my small number of stocks because of the above reasons.

The public focused on Moderna, t. This small pharmaceutical company was shouldering an important position at the moment.

We don’t often use the verb “shoulder” with “position.” “Shouldering a burden” is much more common. What do you mean?

Scarlett_Father's avatar

Dec. 16, 2022


The medical experts believed the mRNR iwas [technically beyond all the others, t]. This kind of vaccine was so new that ithere would not have notbeen enough time to test it on human beings, that is to say, it would behave been somewhat dangerous to people.


Scarlett_Father's avatar

Dec. 16, 2022


The public focused on Moderna, t. This small pharmaceutical company was shouldering an important position at the moment.

It's a Chinese English I think. I mean Modern was doing an important job, all the eyes were on the company.

Scarlett_Father's avatar

Dec. 16, 2022


Thank you!
How difficult it is to write a technical article.

JoeTofu's avatar

Dec. 16, 2022


It’s tough but you’re doing well.

Story about Moderna (2)

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Why I sold Moderna stock after a month?

Why I solddid I sell my Moderna stock after a month?

Why I solddid I sell Moderna stock after a month?

The medical experts believed the mRNR is technically beyond all the others, this kind of vaccine was so new that it would have not enough time to test on human beings, that is to say, it would be somewhat dangerous to people.

The medical experts believed the mRNR iwas [technically beyond all the others, t]. This kind of vaccine was so new that ithere would not have notbeen enough time to test it on human beings, that is to say, it would behave been somewhat dangerous to people.

I don’t fully understand “technically beyond all the others.” Do you mean “more advanced than all other vaccine technologies?”

The mMedical experts believed the mRNR iA vaccine was technically beyond all the others, t. This kind of vaccine was so new that it would not have not enough time to be tested on human beings, that is to say, it would be somewhat dangerous to people.

It would probably occur DNA mutations in our body, we would risk being changed into another new species.

ISome said that it would probably occurcause DNA mutations in our body,ies and that we would risk being changed into another new species.

It would probably occureffect DNA mutations in our body,ies or we would risk being changed into another new species.

or It would probably effect DNA mutations in our bodies or we would risk being changed into a new species.

Consideration of a simple mathematical probability, it would impossible for a so new product to be produced and sold in the market in very large-scale quantities in a short time.

Consideration of aing simple mathematical probability, it would have been impossible for a sosuch a new product to be produced and sold in / on the market in very large-scale quantities in a short time.

Consideration of a simple mathematical probabilitStatistically, it would be impossible for a sosuch a new product to be produced and sold ion the market ion a very large- scale quantities in a short amount of time.

I sold all my small number of stocks because of the above reasons.

I sold all (of) my small number of stocks because of the above reasons.

I sold all my small number of stocks because of the above reasons.

or I sold all my stock, however few, because of the above reasons.

The public focused on Moderna, this small pharmaceutical company was shouldering an important position at the moment.

The public focused on Moderna, t. This small pharmaceutical company was shouldering an important position at the moment.

We don’t often use the verb “shoulder” with “position.” “Shouldering a burden” is much more common. What do you mean?

The public focused on Moderna, t. This small pharmaceutical company was shouldering an important posithe burden of fast tracking an important technological innovation at theat moment in time.

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