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Oct. 31, 2022

Sto imparando Italiano

Mi piace imparare Italiano. Mentre in Inghilterra scrivo su LangCorrect website, ascolto podcasts e RAI Radio Due, anche lavorando un libro. Il piu divertente e quando visito Italia e praticco parlando ma e molto dificile altre capire

I like to learn Italian. While in England I write on LangCorrect website, listen to podcasts and RAI Radio 2, as well as working through a text book. The most fun is when I visit Italy and practice speaking


Sto imparando Il'italiano

In some cases, you can drop the article (Parlo italiano), but in this case you can't omit it. With time, you'll learn when you can omit it and when you can't.

Also, we don't capitalize the names of languages in Italian.

Mi piace imparare Il'italiano.

MentreQuando sono in Inghilterra, scrivo sul sito LangCorrect website, ascolto podcasts e RAI Radio Due, anche lavorandoo con un libro di testo.

In English, you can say “While…” not followed by a verb. In Italian, you have to specify that verb. Also, we usually use the word “quando” in this context.

Website = Sito (web)/Pagina (web).

We don't add an 's' to form the plural if we use an English word (I have two computers = Ho due computer).

In Italian, if you say “anche” at the beginning of a sentence (main or subordinate), it means “too” and it implies a different subject:

A: Parlo italiano (I speak Italian)
B: Anch'io! (Me too!)

In this context, since I've taken a look at the original text, and you wanted to say “as well as”, you can say “così come”. However, it doesn't really work in this case, because you'd have to change the verb tense, so you can just say “e lavoro...”.

The verb “lavorare” without prepositions means “to work”, just like in English. We don't really have a direct translation of “work through” in this context, so you can just say “Lavorare con un libro di testo”. Speaking of which, textbook = libro di testo. If you just say “libro”, it means “book”, just like in English.

Il piuMi divertente eo tantissimo quando visito l'Italia e praticcomi esercito a parlandore, ma eè molto difficile altre capire gli altri.

We don't really have a direct translation of “The most fun is...”, so my translation means “I have a lot of fun when...”.

Sto imparando l'Italiano

The article is needed

Mentre ero in Inghilterra, scrivo su LangCorrect website, ascolto podcasts e RAI Radio Due, anche lavorandoo su un libro.

The verb has to be expressed always (99% of the times).
In Italian every word borrowed from another language has to be used in its singular form.
"Lavorare un libro" is wrong as lavorare is transitive only for craftmanship or those kind of things. If you mean you are reading a book, just write " ... e leggo un libro in italiano"

IlLa cosa piuù divertente eè quando visito l'Italia e faccio praticcoa parlando, ma eè molto difficile altre capire gli altri.

You try to write a sentence that is not trivial for beginners, so don't worry if you have made some mistakes.
Be careful about accents, genders and numbers.


I suggest you to first reading some books, studying some grammar and then start writing with more knowledge. If you want an advice from someone who is learning foreign languages, books for children are the best for begginers

Sto imparando Italiano

Sto imparando l'Italiano

The article is needed

Sto imparando Il'italiano

In some cases, you can drop the article (Parlo italiano), but in this case you can't omit it. With time, you'll learn when you can omit it and when you can't. Also, we don't capitalize the names of languages in Italian.

Mi piace imparare Italiano.

Mi piace imparare Il'italiano.

Mentre in Inghilterra scrivo su LangCorrect website, ascolto podcasts e RAI Radio Due, anche lavorando un libro.

Mentre ero in Inghilterra, scrivo su LangCorrect website, ascolto podcasts e RAI Radio Due, anche lavorandoo su un libro.

The verb has to be expressed always (99% of the times). In Italian every word borrowed from another language has to be used in its singular form. "Lavorare un libro" is wrong as lavorare is transitive only for craftmanship or those kind of things. If you mean you are reading a book, just write " ... e leggo un libro in italiano"

MentreQuando sono in Inghilterra, scrivo sul sito LangCorrect website, ascolto podcasts e RAI Radio Due, anche lavorandoo con un libro di testo.

In English, you can say “While…” not followed by a verb. In Italian, you have to specify that verb. Also, we usually use the word “quando” in this context. Website = Sito (web)/Pagina (web). We don't add an 's' to form the plural if we use an English word (I have two computers = Ho due computer). In Italian, if you say “anche” at the beginning of a sentence (main or subordinate), it means “too” and it implies a different subject: A: Parlo italiano (I speak Italian) B: Anch'io! (Me too!) In this context, since I've taken a look at the original text, and you wanted to say “as well as”, you can say “così come”. However, it doesn't really work in this case, because you'd have to change the verb tense, so you can just say “e lavoro...”. The verb “lavorare” without prepositions means “to work”, just like in English. We don't really have a direct translation of “work through” in this context, so you can just say “Lavorare con un libro di testo”. Speaking of which, textbook = libro di testo. If you just say “libro”, it means “book”, just like in English.

Il piu divertente e quando visito Italia e praticco parlando ma e molto dificile altre capire

IlLa cosa piuù divertente eè quando visito l'Italia e faccio praticcoa parlando, ma eè molto difficile altre capire gli altri.

You try to write a sentence that is not trivial for beginners, so don't worry if you have made some mistakes. Be careful about accents, genders and numbers.

Il piuMi divertente eo tantissimo quando visito l'Italia e praticcomi esercito a parlandore, ma eè molto difficile altre capire gli altri.

We don't really have a direct translation of “The most fun is...”, so my translation means “I have a lot of fun when...”.

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