maymay's avatar

May 20, 2023

Speaking about my journey in english

Hello, I'm Mayara and it's my first post in this site. I'm still learning, so maybe I can make some mistakes in my text. Well, I've been study English for a long time ago, but I always stop in a half of the course and hence I forget what I learned. But now I pretend stay and learn.


Speaking about my journey in eEnglish

Hello, I'm Mayara and it's my first post in this site.

I'm still learning, so I maybe I can make some mistakes in my text.

Well, I've been studying English for a long time ago, but I have always stop in a half ofped halfway through the course and thence I forgetotten what I learned.

But now I preintend to stay and continue learning.


It's great to see you sharing your journey in English.

Speaking about mMy journey in eEnglish

I think this title would make more sense, since it is implied by the situation that you are speaking about English already. Also, make sure to capitalize proper nouns, like English.

Hello, I'm Mayara and it'this is my first post ion this site.

I'm still learning, so maybe I canI might make some mistakes in my textwriting.

I think this way is better, since the previous seemed like you were making mistakes on purpose, whereas this makes it seem that your mistakes are accidental.

Well, I've been studying English for a long time ago, but I always stop in a half ofmidway through the course and hence I forget what I learned.

But now I preintend to stay and finish learning.


Great work for your first time! Just a few mistakes, but excellent!

Speaking about my journey in eEnglish

A better title for this post might be, “About my English Learning Journey”.

Hello, I'm Mayara and it'this is my first post in this site.

I'm still learning, so I maybe I can make some mistakes in my textwriting.

Well, I've been study English for a long time ago, but I always stop in a half of thehalf-way through each course and hence I forget what I learned.

But now I preintend to stay and learn.

“Pretend” doesn’t make sense. Maybe you mean “intend.”


Welcome to LangCorrect.

Speaking about my journey in english

Hello, I'm Mayara and it's my first post in this site.

I'm still learning, so maybe I can still make some mistakes in my textwith my writing.

"in my text" sounds a little unnatural and makes me think that you're referring to a document that you're writing.

Well, I've been studying English for a long time ago, but I always stop in a half of thehalfway through my course and hence Ithus forget what I learned.

You can drop a few of the "I"s towards the end once the subject of the sentence has been clearly established.

But now I pretendHowever, now I will attempt to stay and learn.

I think you're confusing the meaning of the word "pretend" here because it doesn't make much sense in this context. I'm just guessing at your intent with the sentence, so my correction might be slightly off-base.


Overall, the meaning of your sentences (minus the last one) are easy to understand and would make sense to English speakers. I've just added a few minor corrections to make it sound a little more natural.

Speaking about my journey in english

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Speaking about my journey in eEnglish

A better title for this post might be, “About my English Learning Journey”.

Speaking about mMy journey in eEnglish

I think this title would make more sense, since it is implied by the situation that you are speaking about English already. Also, make sure to capitalize proper nouns, like English.

Speaking about my journey in eEnglish

Hello, I'm Mayara and it's my first post in this site.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Hello, I'm Mayara and it'this is my first post in this site.

Hello, I'm Mayara and it'this is my first post ion this site.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

I'm still learning, so maybe I can make some mistakes in my text.

I'm still learning, so maybe I can still make some mistakes in my textwith my writing.

"in my text" sounds a little unnatural and makes me think that you're referring to a document that you're writing.

I'm still learning, so I maybe I can make some mistakes in my textwriting.

I'm still learning, so maybe I canI might make some mistakes in my textwriting.

I think this way is better, since the previous seemed like you were making mistakes on purpose, whereas this makes it seem that your mistakes are accidental.

I'm still learning, so I maybe I can make some mistakes in my text.

Well, I've been study English for a long time ago, but I always stop in a half of the course,

Well, I've been study English for a long time ago, but I always stop in a half of the course and hence I forget what I learned.

Well, I've been studying English for a long time ago, but I always stop in a half of thehalfway through my course and hence Ithus forget what I learned.

You can drop a few of the "I"s towards the end once the subject of the sentence has been clearly established.

Well, I've been study English for a long time ago, but I always stop in a half of thehalf-way through each course and hence I forget what I learned.

Well, I've been studying English for a long time ago, but I always stop in a half ofmidway through the course and hence I forget what I learned.

Well, I've been studying English for a long time ago, but I have always stop in a half ofped halfway through the course and thence I forgetotten what I learned.

But now I pretend stay and learn.

But now I pretendHowever, now I will attempt to stay and learn.

I think you're confusing the meaning of the word "pretend" here because it doesn't make much sense in this context. I'm just guessing at your intent with the sentence, so my correction might be slightly off-base.

But now I preintend to stay and learn.

“Pretend” doesn’t make sense. Maybe you mean “intend.”

But now I preintend to stay and finish learning.

But now I preintend to stay and continue learning.

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