Jack's avatar

Aug. 2, 2023


Today is the second of August, and there are only six days before autumn.

The hottest days in my area are usually between the middle of July and the middle of August, so the hottest days will end in about two weeks.

Summer is the hottest season where I live, and it rains a lot, so it’s also the moist season. During summer, people need to take their clothes outside to dry a few times, otherwise, the clothes will be moldy.

Before autumn comes, the sky becomes clear and looks higher. The air becomes drier and the temperature drops in the morning and at night.

However, autumn is coming. The hottest and damp summer will be gone soon.



Today is the second of August, and there are only six days before autumn.

The hottest days in my area are usually between the middle of July and the middle of August, so the hottest days will end in about two weeks.

Summer is the hottest season where I live, and it rains a lot, so it’s also the moist seasonhumid.

During the summer, people need to take their clothes outside to dry a few times, otherwise, their clothes will be mouldy.

Before autumn comes, the sky becomes clearer and looks higher.

The air becomes drier and the temperature drops in the morning and at night.

However, autumn is coming.

The hottest and damphumid summer will be gone soon.

"humid" means the weather is rainy but also still hot.


Great writing- well done!

Jack's avatar

Aug. 3, 2023


Thank you very much.

The hottest days in my area are usually between the middle of July and the middle of mid-July to mid-August, so the hottest days will end in about two weeks. 

Summer is the hottest season where I live, and it rains a lot, so it's also the moiswet season. 

During.In the summer, people need to take their clothes outside to dry a fewhave to dry clothes outdoors many times, otherwise, the clothes will beget moldy. 

Before autumn comes, tThe sky becomelooks clear and looks higherhigh before autumn arrives.

The air becomes drier and the temperature drops in the morning and at night.

However, autumn is coming.

The hottest and damp summer will be gone soonsweltering, soggy summer will soon be over.

Jack's avatar

Aug. 2, 2023


Thank you very much.


This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Today is the second of August, and there are only six days before autumn.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

The hottest days in my area are usually between the middle of July and the middle of August, so the hottest days will end in about two weeks.

The hottest days in my area are usually between the middle of July and the middle of mid-July to mid-August, so the hottest days will end in about two weeks. 

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Summer is the hottest season where I live, and it rains a lot, so it’s also the moist season.

Summer is the hottest season where I live, and it rains a lot, so it's also the moiswet season. 

Summer is the hottest season where I live, and it rains a lot, so it’s also the moist seasonhumid.

During summer, people need to take their clothes outside to dry a few times, otherwise, the clothes will be moldy.

During.In the summer, people need to take their clothes outside to dry a fewhave to dry clothes outdoors many times, otherwise, the clothes will beget moldy. 

During the summer, people need to take their clothes outside to dry a few times, otherwise, their clothes will be mouldy.

Before autumn comes, the sky becomes clear and looks higher.

Before autumn comes, tThe sky becomelooks clear and looks higherhigh before autumn arrives.

Before autumn comes, the sky becomes clearer and looks higher.

The air becomes drier and the temperature drops in the morning and at night.

The air becomes drier and the temperature drops in the morning and at night.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

However, autumn is coming.

However, autumn is coming.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

The hottest and damp summer will be gone soon.

The hottest and damp summer will be gone soonsweltering, soggy summer will soon be over.

The hottest and damphumid summer will be gone soon.

"humid" means the weather is rainy but also still hot.

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