April 19, 2024
The season of the cherry blossoms, which were in full bloom in the first half of April, was already over.
During that time I could obiously recongnize the cherry blossoms here and there on the mountains. Now, they have completely blended into the surrounding greenery.
The cherry blossoms are very fragil and short lived.
The season of the cherry blossoms, which were in full bloom in the first half of April, wais already over.
During that time frame, I could obviously recongnize the cherry blossoms here and there onthat were scattered all over the mountains.
Now, they have completely blended into the surrounding greenery.
The cherry blossoms are very fragil and short lived.
The season of the cherry blossoms, which were in full bloom in the first half of April, wais already over.
During that timeseason I could obviously recongnize the cherry blossoms here and there on the mountains.
More natural might be “I could clearly see the cherry blossoms”
Now, they have completely blended into the surrounding greenery.
The cherry blossoms are very fragile and short lived.
The season of the cCherry blossoms season, which wereas in full bloom in the first half of April, wais already over.
During that time, I could obiously recongnize thclearly see cherry blossoms here and there on the mountains.
"obviously" means something is so clear you can't miss it, which makes it sound a little negative - like "I could obviously see the cherry blossoms, why can't you?"
Now, they have completely blended back into the surrounding greenery.
The cherry blossoms are very fragile and short lived.
I love cherry blossoms. They must have been beautiful this year :)
The season of the cherry blossoms, which were in full bloom in the first half of April, wais already over.
During that time I could obiously recongnize, you could make out the cherry blossoms here and there on the mountains.
ex: make out a ship through the fog
Now, they have completely blended into the surrounding greenery.
The cherry blossoms are very fragile and short lived.
Very pretty imagery!
Sakura This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
The season of the cherry blossoms, which were in full bloom in the first half of April, was already over. The season of the cherry blossoms, which were in full bloom in the first half of April,
The season of the cherry blossoms, which were in full bloom in the first half of April, The season of the cherry blossoms, which were in full bloom in the first half of April, |
During that time I could obiously recongnize the cherry blossoms here and there on the mountains. During that time ex: make out a ship through the fog During that time, I could "obviously" means something is so clear you can't miss it, which makes it sound a little negative - like "I could obviously see the cherry blossoms, why can't you?" During that More natural might be “I could clearly see the cherry blossoms” During that time frame, I could obviously reco |
Now, they have completely blended into the surrounding greenery. This sentence has been marked as perfect! Now, they have completely blended back into the surrounding greenery. This sentence has been marked as perfect! This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
The cherry blossoms are very fragil and short lived. The cherry blossoms are very fragile and short lived. The cherry blossoms are very fragile and short lived. The cherry blossoms are very fragile and short lived. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
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