cthylla's avatar

Jan. 4, 2023

Russian post-punk. 1

Lately, I've been listening to a lot of Russian post-punk. My boyfriend (who doesn't speak Russian) listened to it a year ago, but since it's sad, and had another mindset, I told him to stop the music because I didn't like it. He didn't play it again until two months ago. I'm guessing he forgot about it.

He re-played a game that he didn't touch for 2 years, and it's an online game that is quite popular in Russia and Ukraine, so people communicate in Russian quite a lot, sometimes even more than in English. I think this is the reason why he remember about this type of music.


Russian pPost-pPunk. 1

We capitalize the first letter of important words in titles.

Lately, I've been listening to a lot of Russian post-punk.

My boyfriend (who doesn't speak Russian) listened to it a year ago, but since it' was sad, and had anotherI was in a different mindset, I told him to stop playing the music because I didn't like it.

He didn't play it again until two months ago.

I'm guessing he forgot about it.

He re-played a game that he dihadn't touch for 2 years, and ied in two years. It's an online game that is quite popular in Russia and the Ukraine, so people communicate in Russian quite a lot, sometimes even more so than in English.

We usually spell out the numbers 1-10 when writing.

I think this is the reason why he remember abouted this type of music.

This sentence is past tense.


Good work!

Lately, I've been listening to a lot of Russian post-punk.

He didn't play it again until two months ago.

I'm guessing he forgot about it.

He re-played a game that he didn't touch for 2 years, and it's an online game that is quite popular in Russia and Ukraine, so people communicate in Russian quite a lot, sometimes even more than in English.

I think this is the reason why he remember abouts this type/kind of music.


¡Buen trabajo!

cthylla's avatar

Jan. 8, 2023


Thank you!!

cthylla's avatar

Jan. 8, 2023


I think this is the reason why he remember abouts this type/kind of music.

Nooo, I just realized I typed 'remember' but it was meant to say 'remembered' 😭

My boyfriend, (who doesn't speak Russian), listened to it a year ago, b. But since it's sad, and he had another mindset different opinion, I told him to stop the music because I didn't like it.

I think this is the reason why he remember abouts this type of music.

cthylla's avatar

Jan. 4, 2023


Damn, that was quick! Thanks!

cthylla's avatar

Jan. 4, 2023


My boyfriend, (who doesn't speak Russian), listened to it a year ago, b. But since it's sad, and he had another mindset different opinion, I told him to stop the music because I didn't like it.

sorry, this is typo, I meant to say 'I had a different mindset (back then)', but I missed the 'I'.

Russian post-punk. 1

Russian pPost-pPunk. 1

We capitalize the first letter of important words in titles.

Lately, I've been listening to a lot of Russian post-punk.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

My boyfriend (who doesn't speak Russian) listened to it a year ago, but since it's sad, and had another mindset, I told him to stop the music because I didn't like it.

My boyfriend, (who doesn't speak Russian), listened to it a year ago, b. But since it's sad, and he had another mindset different opinion, I told him to stop the music because I didn't like it.

My boyfriend (who doesn't speak Russian) listened to it a year ago, but since it' was sad, and had anotherI was in a different mindset, I told him to stop playing the music because I didn't like it.

He didn't play it again until two months ago.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

I'm guessing he forgot about it.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

He re-played a game that he didn't touch for 2 years, and it's an online game that is quite popular in Russia and Ukraine, so people communicate in Russian quite a lot, sometimes even more than in English.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

He re-played a game that he dihadn't touch for 2 years, and ied in two years. It's an online game that is quite popular in Russia and the Ukraine, so people communicate in Russian quite a lot, sometimes even more so than in English.

We usually spell out the numbers 1-10 when writing.

I think this is the reason why he remember about this type of music.

I think this is the reason why he remember abouts this type of music.

I think this is the reason why he remember abouts this type/kind of music.

I think this is the reason why he remember abouted this type of music.

This sentence is past tense.

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