serhan's avatar

July 22, 2024

Resolution of board of directors

According to resolution No.2024/1 dated 05.01.2024 by Hidroan's board of directors, David Peace was paid 32.400,00 USD from the company's private commodity contingency fund. The payment can be seen on the Unicredit Bank receipt dated 05.01.2024. This payment was made under the law No.7440, and all tax liabilities were fulfilled. The payment in question was undoubtedly made to shareholder and is not considered debt granting to the shareholder. Legally, it consists of transferring private commodity contingency fund to the shareholder.


Resolution of bBoard of dDirectors

According to resolution No. 2024/1 dated 05.01.2024 by Hidroan's board of directors, David Peace was paid 32.,400,00 USD from the company's private commodity contingency fund.

The payment can be seen on the Unicredit Bank receipt dated 05.01.2024.

This payment was made under the law No. 7440, and all tax liabilities were fulfilled.

The payment in question was undoubtedly made to a shareholder and is not considered debt granting to the shareholder.

Legally, it consists of transferring (private commodity contingency funds / a private commodity contingency fund) to the shareholder.

Resolution of board of directors

Resolution of bBoard of dDirectors

According to resolution No.2024/1 dated 05.01.2024 by Hidroan's board of directors, David Peace was paid 32.400,00 USD from the company's private commodity contingency fund.

According to resolution No. 2024/1 dated 05.01.2024 by Hidroan's board of directors, David Peace was paid 32.,400,00 USD from the company's private commodity contingency fund.

The payment can be seen on the Unicredit Bank receipt dated 05.01.2024.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This payment was made under the law No.7440, and all tax liabilities were fulfilled.

This payment was made under the law No. 7440, and all tax liabilities were fulfilled.

Legally, it consists of transferring private commodity contingency fund to the shareholder.

Legally, it consists of transferring (private commodity contingency funds / a private commodity contingency fund) to the shareholder.

The payment in question was undoubtedly made to shareholder and is not considered debt granting to the shareholder.

The payment in question was undoubtedly made to a shareholder and is not considered debt granting to the shareholder.

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