miyuki's avatar

Oct. 17, 2022

Practice (apply for visa 2)

A: Can I help you?
B: I want to apply for a visa for Japan.
A: OK, please show me your passport. Please fill this form out carefully, including your name, ID card number, gender, nationality, age etc.
B: No problem. (Five minutes later) Here you are. Please check if there are any omissions.
A: Right, nothing omitted. Please leave a copy of your passport and come to pick up your visa in two days.

Chinese version:
A: 有什么可以帮忙的吗?
B: 我想办日本签证。
A: 好的,让我看一下你的护照。你现在要仔细填写这个表格,姓名、身份证号、性别、国籍、年龄等全部要填。
B: 没问题。(5分钟后)给你,请检查一下是否有遗漏。
A: 好的,不需要再加什么了。请留下一张你的护照复印件,两天后再来取签证就可以了。


A: Can I help you?

B: I want to apply for a visa to Japan. or: for a Japan.ese visa

“A visa for Japan” is possible, but not very common.

Please fill this form out carefully, including your name, ID card (passport) number, gender, nationality, age, etc.

We don’t have universal IDs in the US, so we use our passport numbers.

Please leave (a copy of) your passport and come to pick up your visa in two days.

Wouldn’t you have to leave your actual passport, not just a photocopy of it?

miyuki's avatar

Oct. 27, 2022


Please leave (a copy of) your passport and come to pick up your visa in two days.

Thank you, JoeTofu.

I just translate the text into English. It is said 复印件…… ̄□ ̄||

miyuki's avatar

Oct. 27, 2022


Please leave (a copy of) your passport and come to pick up your visa in two days.

Thank you, JoeTofu.

I just translated the text into English. It said 复印件…… ̄□ ̄||

JoeTofu's avatar

Oct. 27, 2022


What does “留下” mean? Does the applicant give a copy of the passport to the visa agency? Or does the applicant keep the copy him/herself? If the latter, the correct translation would be, “Please make a copy of your passport and keep it for your records.”

“Please LEAVE a copy” means “leave it here” (at the agency).

miyuki's avatar

Oct. 28, 2022


“请留下一张你的护照复印件” What does “留下” mean? Does the applicant give a copy of the passport to the visa agency? Or does the applicant keep the copy him/herself? If the latter, the correct translation would be, “Please make a copy of your passport and keep it for your records.” “Please LEAVE a copy” means “leave it here” (at the agency).

Hi JoeTofu, thank you for your comment.

I just checked the original text, it said "请留下一张你的身份证复印件(I made a mistake, I worte 护照复印件 here),两天后再来取签证就可以了。"

I think it means "leave a copy of ID"...

JoeTofu's avatar

Oct. 28, 2022



Practice (apply for visa 2)

A: Can I help you?

B: I want to apply for a visa for Japan.

A: OK, please show me your passport.

Please fill this form out carefully, including your name, ID card number, gender, nationality, age, etc.

B: No problem.

(Five minutes later) Here you are.

Please check if there areis any omissions.

A: Right, nothing is omitted.

Please leave a copy of your passport and come to pick up your visa in two days.

miyuki's avatar

Oct. 18, 2022


Thank you, Angel_Sinner.

Practice (apply for visa 2)

A: Can I help you?

B: I wantould like to apply for a visa for Japan.

Not a mistake, but it would be more polite to say "I would like" rather than "I want."

A: OK, please show me your passport.

Please fill this form out carefully, including your name, ID card number, gender, nationality, age, etc.

Put a comma before etc.

B: No problem.

(Five minutes later) Here you are.

Please check if there are any oanything is missionsng.

Your sentence is not wrong, just not what one would usually say.

A: Right, nothing omitEverything seems fine. / It seems completed.

Your sentence is not wrong, just sounds a bit awkward.

Please leave a copy of your passport and come to pick up your visa in two days.


Good job!

miyuki's avatar

Oct. 18, 2022


Thank you, gingerbreadwoman.

Practice (apply for visa 2)

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

A: Can I help you?

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

B: I want to apply for a visa for Japan.

B: I wantould like to apply for a visa for Japan.

Not a mistake, but it would be more polite to say "I would like" rather than "I want."

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

B: I want to apply for a visa to Japan. or: for a Japan.ese visa

“A visa for Japan” is possible, but not very common.

A: OK, please show me your passport.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Please fill this form out carefully, including your name, ID card number, gender, nationality, age etc.

Please fill this form out carefully, including your name, ID card number, gender, nationality, age, etc.

Put a comma before etc.

Please fill this form out carefully, including your name, ID card number, gender, nationality, age, etc.

Please fill this form out carefully, including your name, ID card (passport) number, gender, nationality, age, etc.

We don’t have universal IDs in the US, so we use our passport numbers.

B: No problem.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

(Five minutes later) Here you are.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Please check if there are any omissions.

Please check if there are any oanything is missionsng.

Your sentence is not wrong, just not what one would usually say.

Please check if there areis any omissions.

A: Right, nothing omitted.

A: Right, nothing omitEverything seems fine. / It seems completed.

Your sentence is not wrong, just sounds a bit awkward.

A: Right, nothing is omitted.

Please leave a copy of your passport and come to pick up your visa in two days.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Please leave (a copy of) your passport and come to pick up your visa in two days.

Wouldn’t you have to leave your actual passport, not just a photocopy of it?

Chinese version:

A: 有什么可以帮忙的吗?

B: 我想办日本签证。

A: 好的,让我看一下你的护照。你现在要仔细填写这个表格,姓名、身份证号、性别、国籍、年龄等全部要填。

B: 没问题。(5分钟后)给你,请检查一下是否有遗漏。

A: 好的,不需要再加什么了。请留下一张你的护照复印件,两天后再来取签证就可以了。

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