Jack's avatar

Feb. 27, 2023


Before, the land of the village belonged to all villagers. They farmed together. After they harvested crops, they distributed the grains to each family. As they farmed together, no one wanted to work hard, so they only got little production. Therefore, they often suffer starvation. On one day in 1979, eighteen families got together to discuss how to distribute their land to each family and farm separately. At that time, this deed was totally against China's agricultural policies. You know China is a socialist country and the Chinese government saw this deed as capitalist practice. It was totally forbidden. The 18 people knew that their behavior was dangerous, so they did that secretly and reached an agreement that if one of them was arrested because of this, other people should raise his children until the children were 18 years old. Xiaogang village, Fengyang County, is very famous because of this event.

The Chinese saying is: to drink water, one monk uses his shoulder, one shoulder pole and two buckets to get water, two monks use one carrying pole and one bucket to carry water, three monks never have water.



Before, the land of the village belonged to all villagers.

They farmed together.

After they harvested crops, they distributed the grains to each family.

As they farmed together, no one wanted to work hard, so they only got little productionproduced a little.

Therefore, they often suffered from starvation.

On one day in 1979, eighteen families got together to discuss how to distribute their land to each family and farm separately.

At that time, this deed was totally against China's agricultural policies.

You know China is a socialist country and the Chinese government saw this deedact as a capitalist practicone.

It was totally forbidden.

The 18 people knew that their behavior was dangerous, so they did thait secretly and reached an agreement that if one of them was arrested because of this, other people should raise his children until the children were 18 years old.

Xiaogang village, Fengyang County, is very famous because of this event.

The Chinese saying is: to drink water, one monk uses his shoulders, one shoulder pole and two buckets to get water,; two monks use one carrying pole and one bucket to carry water,; three monks never have water.


Very interesting. Nice work!

Jack's avatar

March 1, 2023


Thank you very much!

Before, the land of the village belonged to all villagers.

They farmed together.

After they harvested their crops, they distributed the grains to each family.

“Grains” is possible if you there were many kinds of grain, but “grain” is more natural and works regardless of how many kinds of grain there were.

As they farmed together, no one wanted to work hard, so they (only) got little (production) output.

I would omit “only” because “little” conveys this idea well enough on its own, and “production” because it’s not needed.

Therefore, they often suffered (from) starvation | they often starved.

(On) one day in 1979, eighteen families got together to discuss how to distribute their land to each family and farm separately.

It would sound more natural without “on” since the specific day that it happened “on” isn’t important.

At that time, this deed was totally against China's agricultural policies.

You know China is a socialist country and the Chinese government saw this deed as a capitalist practice.

It was totally forbidden.

The 18 people knew that their behavior was dangerous, so they did thatis secretly and reached an agreement that if one of them was arrested because of this, the other people should raise his children until the children were 18 years old.

Xiaogang village, in Fengyang County, is very famous because of this event.

Your original isn’t wrong, my correction just makes it sound more natural.

The Chinese saying is: to drink water, one monk uses his shoulder, one shoulder pole and two buckets to get water, two monks use one carrying pole and one bucket to carry water, and three monks never have water.

This makes a lot of sense! Could you tell me how this saying is said in Chinese?

Jack's avatar

Feb. 27, 2023


非常感谢您的修改!那句中国谚语是:‘’一个和尚挑水喝,两个和尚抬水喝,三个和尚没水喝‘’。我查了相对应的英语说法,“one boy is a boy, two boys half a boy, three boys no boy.”

JoeTofu's avatar

March 1, 2023



Jack's avatar

March 1, 2023



谢谢你的反馈。我是用中文查了这个谚语的英语说法。看来不能轻信网上的东西,以免以讹传讹。https://m.toutiao.com/is/S2x9TbR/ 50个中国谚语英语版汇总,让人脑洞大开,特别是最后这一句! - 今日头条

After they harvested the crops, they distributed the grains to each family.

AsBecause they farmed together, no one wanted to work hard, so they only got little productionproduced very little.

ThereforeAs a result, they often suffer starvationed.

I think "as a result" is a bit more natural here; "therefore" is used more to mark steps of an argument.

At that time, this deed was totally against China's agricultural policies.

YouAs you might know, China is a socialist country and the Chinese government saw this deedas as capitalist practice.

"Deed" is not very often used in English. You can do a good deed, you can get a deed to your house, but other than that it's not very commonly used. In your sentence, you can simply say "this" to refer to what the villagers did.

The 18 people knew that their behaviorwhat they did was dangerous, so they did thatkept their private farming secretly, and reached an agreement that if one of them was arrested because of this, other people, the others should raise his children until the children were 18 years old.y turned 18.

The Chinese saying is: to drink water, one monk uses his shoulder, one shoulder pole and two buckets to get water, two monks use one carrying pole and one bucket to carry water, three monks never have water.

I'm not entirely clear on the meaning of this saying...perhaps you can add a few lines explaining it to your text.


Very good! You have an excellent level of English, keep up the good work!

Jack's avatar

Feb. 27, 2023


The Chinese saying is: to drink water, one monk uses his shoulder, one shoulder pole and two buckets to get water, two monks use one carrying pole and one bucket to carry water, three monks never have water.

One boy is a boy, two boys half a boy, three boys no boy.

Jack's avatar

Feb. 27, 2023


Thank you very much!


This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Before, the land of the village belonged to all villagers.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

They farmed together.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

After they harvested crops, they distributed the grains to each family.

After they harvested the crops, they distributed the grains to each family.

After they harvested their crops, they distributed the grains to each family.

“Grains” is possible if you there were many kinds of grain, but “grain” is more natural and works regardless of how many kinds of grain there were.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

As they farmed together, no one wanted to work hard, so they only got little production.

AsBecause they farmed together, no one wanted to work hard, so they only got little productionproduced very little.

As they farmed together, no one wanted to work hard, so they (only) got little (production) output.

I would omit “only” because “little” conveys this idea well enough on its own, and “production” because it’s not needed.

As they farmed together, no one wanted to work hard, so they only got little productionproduced a little.

Therefore, they often suffer starvation.

ThereforeAs a result, they often suffer starvationed.

I think "as a result" is a bit more natural here; "therefore" is used more to mark steps of an argument.

Therefore, they often suffered (from) starvation | they often starved.

Therefore, they often suffered from starvation.

On one day in 1979, eighteen families got together to discuss how to distribute their land to each family and farm separately.

(On) one day in 1979, eighteen families got together to discuss how to distribute their land to each family and farm separately.

It would sound more natural without “on” since the specific day that it happened “on” isn’t important.

On one day in 1979, eighteen families got together to discuss how to distribute their land to each family and farm separately.

At that time, this deed was totally against China's agricultural policies.

At that time, this deed was totally against China's agricultural policies.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

You know China is a socialist country and the Chinese government saw this deed as capitalist practice.

YouAs you might know, China is a socialist country and the Chinese government saw this deedas as capitalist practice.

"Deed" is not very often used in English. You can do a good deed, you can get a deed to your house, but other than that it's not very commonly used. In your sentence, you can simply say "this" to refer to what the villagers did.

You know China is a socialist country and the Chinese government saw this deed as a capitalist practice.

You know China is a socialist country and the Chinese government saw this deedact as a capitalist practicone.

It was totally forbidden.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

The 18 people knew that their behavior was dangerous, so they did that secretly and reached an agreement that if one of them was arrested because of this, other people should raise his children until the children were 18 years old.

The 18 people knew that their behaviorwhat they did was dangerous, so they did thatkept their private farming secretly, and reached an agreement that if one of them was arrested because of this, other people, the others should raise his children until the children were 18 years old.y turned 18.

The 18 people knew that their behavior was dangerous, so they did thatis secretly and reached an agreement that if one of them was arrested because of this, the other people should raise his children until the children were 18 years old.

The 18 people knew that their behavior was dangerous, so they did thait secretly and reached an agreement that if one of them was arrested because of this, other people should raise his children until the children were 18 years old.

Xiaogang village, Fengyang County, is very famous because of this event.

Xiaogang village, in Fengyang County, is very famous because of this event.

Your original isn’t wrong, my correction just makes it sound more natural.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

The Chinese saying is: to drink water, one monk uses his shoulder, one shoulder pole and two buckets to get water, two monks use one carrying pole and one bucket to carry water, three monks never have water.

The Chinese saying is: to drink water, one monk uses his shoulder, one shoulder pole and two buckets to get water, two monks use one carrying pole and one bucket to carry water, three monks never have water.

I'm not entirely clear on the meaning of this saying...perhaps you can add a few lines explaining it to your text.

The Chinese saying is: to drink water, one monk uses his shoulder, one shoulder pole and two buckets to get water, two monks use one carrying pole and one bucket to carry water, and three monks never have water.

This makes a lot of sense! Could you tell me how this saying is said in Chinese?

The Chinese saying is: to drink water, one monk uses his shoulders, one shoulder pole and two buckets to get water,; two monks use one carrying pole and one bucket to carry water,; three monks never have water.

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