Scarlett_Father's avatar

Oct. 21, 2024

Policy of Panda Leasing

I have watched a Panda documentary series recently, which reminds me of Pandas Leasing policies. Many people know that pandas are endemic to China and considered as China's national treasure, so all the pandas that display in the zoo are rented from China. A long time ago when I was younger, around the mid-1980s, one of my classmates told me that there was a long-term policy, any pandas that birthed in foreign zoos were belong to China, and any foreign zoos that rented pandas would have to sign this document. As a result, this program makes all the pandas in the world legally belong to China.



I have watched a Ppanda documentary series recently, which reminds me of Ppandas L leasing policies.

Small letters because pandas are a common noun

Many people know that pandas are endemic to China and considered as China's national treasure, so all the pandas thaton display in the zoos are rented from China.

In zoos, because zoos in general
Fixed phrase that something is "on display"
if pandas "display in the zoo" it means the pandas are putting up the display

A long time ago, when I was younger, around the mid-1980s, one of my classmates told me that there was a long-term policy, any pandas that birthedunder which any pandas born in foreign zoos were belonged to China, and any foreign zoos that rented pandas would have to sign this document.

As a result, this program makes all the pandas in the world legally belong to ChinaChinese property under law.

Scarlett_Father's avatar

Oct. 26, 2024


Thank you very much for your corrections!

Policy of Panda Leasing

I have watched a Panda documentary series recently, which reminds me of Pandas Leasing policies.

I have watched a Ppanda documentary series recently, which reminds me of Ppandas L leasing policies.

Small letters because pandas are a common noun

Many people know that pandas are endemic to China and considered as China's national treasure, so all the pandas that display in the zoo are rented from China.

Many people know that pandas are endemic to China and considered as China's national treasure, so all the pandas thaton display in the zoos are rented from China.

In zoos, because zoos in general Fixed phrase that something is "on display" if pandas "display in the zoo" it means the pandas are putting up the display

A long time ago when I was younger, around the mid-1980s, one of my classmates told me that there was a long-term policy, any pandas that birthed in foreign zoos were belong to China, and any foreign zoos that rented pandas would have to sign this document.

A long time ago, when I was younger, around the mid-1980s, one of my classmates told me that there was a long-term policy, any pandas that birthedunder which any pandas born in foreign zoos were belonged to China, and any foreign zoos that rented pandas would have to sign this document.

As a result, this program makes all the pandas in the world legally belong to China.

As a result, this program makes all the pandas in the world legally belong to ChinaChinese property under law.

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