June 25, 2024
Carapuce: Aprés sa naissance, son dos enfle et durcit à une coquille. Il puissamment jaillit écume de sa bouche.
Carabaffe: Souvent il se cache dans d'eau pour traquer proie peu méfiant. Pour nager vite, il bouger ses oreilles á maintenir son équilibre.
Tortank: Un Pokémon brutal avec les jets d'eau pressurisé sur sa coquille. Il les utilise pour des plaquages à grande vitesse.
Squirtle: After birth, its back swells and hardens into a shell. Powerfully sprays foam from its mouth.
Wartortle: Often hides in water to stalk unwary prey. For swimming fast, it moves its ears to maintain balance.
Blastoise: A brutal Pokémon with pressurized water jets on its shell. They are used for high-speed tackles.
Pokémon tranduitTraductions de Pokédex, troisième partie
More accurate
Carapuce : Apréès sa naissance, son dos egonfle et durcit à une coquillpour former une carapace.
"enfler" would really sounds like Squirtle has some kind of medical condition, although it does mean "to swell"
"harden to something" is a very English syntax. You could technically say "durcit en carapace", but nobody speaks like that
Snails or mussels have "coquilles"; turtles, tortoises etc have this much harder and sturdier thing which is called "une carapace" in French
Il crache un puissamment jaillit et d'écume de spar la bouche.
"jaillir" isn't transitive, so you can't "jaillir" quelque chose. "Projeter" or "cracher" would be good translations here, and it would allow you to add an adjective to "jet" ("spurt, squirt"), which would be very natural
Carabaffe : Souvent, il se cache dans dl'eau pour traquer les proies peu méfiantes.
Except in sayings and other set expressions with archaic syntax ("pierre qui roule n'amasse pas mousse" would be a typical example), French words always have articles => LES proies
"proie" is feminine => méfiantES
Pour nager vite, il bouger les/ses oreilles ápour maintenir son équilibre.
<á> (accent aigu) doesn't exist in French
You're expressing a definite goal here ("in order to do it") => POUR maintenir
Tortank : Un Pokémon brutal avec ltirant des jets d'eau pressurisé sur sa coquills depuis sa carapace.
"avec des jets d'eau" would suggest he's alway carrying water on his shell, but he's actually carrying the "cannons" able to shoot these pressurized water jets
Il les utilise pour des plaquages à grande vitesse.
Official translations:
Carapuce : Son dos durcit avec l'âge et devient une super carapace. Il peut cracher des jets d'écume.
Carabaffe : Il se cache au fond de l'eau pour guetter sa proie. Ses oreilles sont des gouvernails.
Tortank : Un Pokémon brutal armé de canons hydrauliques. Ses puissants jets d'eau sont dévastateurs.
Pokémon tranduit troisième partie
More accurate |
Carapuce: Aprés sa naissance, son dos enfle et durcit à une coquille. Carapuce : Apr "enfler" would really sounds like Squirtle has some kind of medical condition, although it does mean "to swell" "harden to something" is a very English syntax. You could technically say "durcit en carapace", but nobody speaks like that Snails or mussels have "coquilles"; turtles, tortoises etc have this much harder and sturdier thing which is called "une carapace" in French |
Il puissamment jaillit écume de sa bouche. Il crache un puissa "jaillir" isn't transitive, so you can't "jaillir" quelque chose. "Projeter" or "cracher" would be good translations here, and it would allow you to add an adjective to "jet" ("spurt, squirt"), which would be very natural |
Carabaffe: Souvent il se cache dans d'eau pour traquer proie peu méfiant. Carabaffe : Souvent, il se cache dans Except in sayings and other set expressions with archaic syntax ("pierre qui roule n'amasse pas mousse" would be a typical example), French words always have articles => LES proies "proie" is feminine => méfiantES |
Pour nager vite, il bouger ses oreilles á maintenir son équilibre. Pour nager vite, il bouge <á> (accent aigu) doesn't exist in French You're expressing a definite goal here ("in order to do it") => POUR maintenir |
Tortank: Un Pokémon brutal avec les jets d'eau pressurisé sur sa coquille. Tortank : Un Pokémon brutal "avec des jets d'eau" would suggest he's alway carrying water on his shell, but he's actually carrying the "cannons" able to shoot these pressurized water jets |
Il les utilise pour des plaquages à grande vitesse. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
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