laoan's avatar

July 23, 2020


A man walks into a branch office of one of Switzerland's biggest banks situated on Paradeplatz in Zurich, which is a synonym for wealth.

He approaches a counter and tells the bank clerk in a very low voice:
- I would like to withdraw three million Euros in cash.
The bank clerk answers:
- Sir, there is no need to whisper. Being poor is not a shame!

If you sometimes don't know what to write in Langcorrect, then tell us a joke from your country. If possible, include its original version!

Ein Mann geht in eine Filiale einer der großen schweizer Banken, die sich am Paradeplatz in Zürich befinden.

Er geht zu einem Schalter uns sagt mit sehr leiser Stimme dem Angestellten:
- Ich möchte drei Millionen Euro in bar abheben.
Der Angestellte antwortet:
- Mein Herr, sie brauchen nicht zu flüstern. Arm sein ist keine Schande!

Wenn Du nicht weißt, was du in Langcorrect schreiben sollst, erzähl uns einen Witz aus deinem Land! (Mit Originalversion wenn möglich!)



A man walks into a branch office of one of Switzerland's biggest banks situated oin Paradeplatz in Zurich, which is a synonym forous with wealth.

He approaches athe counter and tells the bank clerk in a very low voice:

the/a here could be arguable. If it is expected that there are multiple counters then it is a, if there is only one, then the.

- "I would like to withdraw three million Euros in cash."

- "Sir, there is no need to whisper.

Being poor is not a shame!ful!"

A shame is a bit of a strange phrasing. I don't think it is something I would ever say.

If you sometimes don't know what to write ion Langcorrect, then tell us a joke from your country.

If possible, include its original version!


Nice job! Only thing I'll question is the hyphens (-) for quotations. This isn't something I've seen before, but it's possible that it is used on some kind of web forum or the like, which might be where you got it from. It is definitely not used in more standard or formal writing.

A man walks into a branch office of one of Switzerland's biggest banks situated on Paradeplatz in Zurich, which is a synonym forous with wealth.

He approaches a counter and tells the bank clerk in a very low voice:

- I would like to withdraw three million Euros in cash.

The bank clerk answers:

- Sir, there is no need to whisper.

Being poor is not a shame!


Very funny!

gingerbreadwoman's avatar

July 24, 2020


Good joke!

Just a comment on the punctuation. In English the standard way to punctuate the middle section would be as follows:

He approaches a counter and tells the bank clerk in a very low voice, "I would like to withdraw three million Euros in cash."
The bank clerk answers, "Sir, there is no need to whisper. Being poor is not a shame!"

Come to think of it, I would also suggest "nothing to be ashamed of" instead of "not a shame." It just sounds more natural.


This sentence has been marked as perfect!

A man walks into a branch office of one of Switzerland's biggest banks situated on Paradeplatz in Zurich, which is a synonym for wealth.

A man walks into a branch office of one of Switzerland's biggest banks situated on Paradeplatz in Zurich, which is a synonym forous with wealth.

A man walks into a branch office of one of Switzerland's biggest banks situated oin Paradeplatz in Zurich, which is a synonym forous with wealth.

He approaches a counter and tells the bank clerk in a very low voice:

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

He approaches athe counter and tells the bank clerk in a very low voice:

the/a here could be arguable. If it is expected that there are multiple counters then it is a, if there is only one, then the.

- I would like to withdraw three million Euros in cash.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

- "I would like to withdraw three million Euros in cash."

The bank clerk answers:

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

- Sir, there is no need to whisper.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

- "Sir, there is no need to whisper.

Being poor is not a shame!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Being poor is not a shame!ful!"

A shame is a bit of a strange phrasing. I don't think it is something I would ever say.

If you sometimes don't know what to write in Langcorrect, then tell us a joke from your country.

If you sometimes don't know what to write ion Langcorrect, then tell us a joke from your country.

If possible, include its original version!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

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