May 25, 2024
Today is Saturday, and I am very exhausted, so I will only write casual notes for today.(For keeping my streaks haha.) I missed buying tea this morning, which is why I am very sleepy now. Caffeine has been a lifesaver in my whole life.
Notes for Today
Today is Saturday, and I am very exhausted, so I will only write casual notes for today.
(ForJust to keeping my streaks, haha.)
I missed buying tea thismy morning tea, which is why I am very sleepy now.
Or: "I forgot to buy tea this morning..."
Caffeine has been a lifesaver in my whole life.
I completely understand xD
Notes for Today
Today is Saturday, and I am very exhausted, so I will only write casual notes for today.
Optional to remove “for” in “notes for today”
(For the sake of keeping my streaks haha.)
I missed buying tea this morning, which is whyso I am very sleepy now.
The original sentence made sense too but a word like “so” makes it more concise
Caffeine has been a lifesaver in my whole life.
Most of it was good!
Today is Saturday, and I am very exhausted, so I will only write casual notes for today.
I missedforgot to buying tea this morning, which is why I am very sleepy now.
Caffeine has been a lifesaver in my wholethroughout my life.
(ForTo keeping my streaks haha.)
I missed buying tea this morning, which is why I am very sleepy now.
Caffeine has been a lifesaver in my whole life.
I missed buying tea this morning, which is why I am very sleepy now. I missed buying tea this morning I I missed buying tea this morning, The original sentence made sense too but a word like “so” makes it more concise I missed Or: "I forgot to buy tea this morning..." |
Notes for Today This sentence has been marked as perfect! This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
Today is Saturday, and I am very exhausted, so I will only write casual notes for today. Today is Saturday Today is Saturday, and I am very exhausted, so I will only write casual notes for today. Optional to remove “for” in “notes for today” Today is Saturday |
(For keeping my streaks haha.) ( (For the sake of keeping my streak ( |
Caffeine has been a lifesaver in my whole life. Caffeine has been a lifesaver Caffeine has been a lifesaver Caffeine has been a lifesaver Caffeine has been a lifesaver |
Note for today |
Notes for today |
Today is Saturday, and I am very exhausted , so I will only write casual notes for today. |
Caffeine has been a lifesaver my whole life. |
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