Oct. 15, 2024
How can I read more efficiently?
Today I have discovered about reading academic texts and that is challenging for students, especially if we are talking overseas students, if even their reading skills are pretty strong. It means that confident readers have to transform their reading skills as well. Four key areas for developing are understanding, flexibility, speed and comprehension. Focusing on the text could be difficult task that may be cause of wasting lots of time rereading paragraphs. For better understanding texts students should predict what it will be about just looking on the titles, abstracts, [Is Oxford comma ok here?] and key-words. Next step is asking yourself questions as what I want to know about subject and try to find out answers though text. When I’m talking about flexibility I mean people who really love reading chronologically. However, academic texts could be a very extended and reading them is taken huge amount hours. The main strategy here will be reading the most important parts as introduction and conclusion and then skim all text. Achieving a good speed is a complicated task. For efficiently reading students have to increase the speed. A key approach here is not reading all words; it could be a reason why comprehension is made more difficult. Focus on content phrases as noun and phrases; ignore structure words as prepositions and conjunctions. Finally I want to add that spending lots of time looking up the words is a process which can take all the strength; try to guess the meaning and take attention to cohesion instead.
Ninth Step to Improving my Academic Writing
How can I read more efficiently?
Today I have discovered abouthat reading academic texts and that is challenging for students, especially if we are talking overseas students, if even if their reading skills are pretty strong.
I don't entirely know what this sentence is trying to say, so I might be correcting it wrong.
It means that even confident readers have to transform their reading skills as well.
Four key areas for developing are understanding, flexibility, speed and comprehension.
"Understanding" and "comprehension" mean the same thing, so I'm not sure what the difference is.
Focusing on the text could be a difficult task that may be cause of, and readers might wastinge lots of time rereading paragraphs.
For better understanding of these texts, students should predict what ithey will be about just by looking onat the titles, abstracts, [Is Oxford comma ok here?]
Oxford comma is OK
and key-words.
Next step is asking yourself questions asbout what Iyou want to know about the subject, and trying to find out answers though text.
The subject needs to be consistent. If it's "yourself," it needs to be "you" later too. This goes for the whole paragraph.
When I’m talking about flexibility, I mean people who really love reading chronologically.
However, academic texts couldan be a very extended, and reading them is takens a huge amount of hours.
The main strategy here will be reading the most important parts as, the introduction and the conclusion, and then skim allming all other text.
For efficiently reading, students have to increase the speed.
A key approach here is not reading all of the words; ithis could be a reason why comprehension is made more difficult.
Focus on content phrases as-heavy words like nouns and phraseverbs; ignore structure words aslike prepositions and conjunctions.
Finally, I want to add that spending lots of time looking up the words is a process which can take all theof your strength; try to guess the meaning and takepay attention to cohesion instead.
This is good advice!
Ninth Step to Improving my Academic Writing This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
How can I read more efficiently? This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
Today I have discovered about reading academic texts and that is challenging for students, especially if we are talking overseas students, if even their reading skills are pretty strong. Today I I don't entirely know what this sentence is trying to say, so I might be correcting it wrong. |
It means that confident readers have to transform their reading skills as well. It means that even confident readers have to transform their reading skills |
Four key areas for developing are understanding, flexibility, speed and comprehension. Four key areas for developing are understanding, flexibility, speed and comprehension. "Understanding" and "comprehension" mean the same thing, so I'm not sure what the difference is. |
Focusing on the text could be difficult task that may be cause of wasting lots of time rereading paragraphs. Focusing on the text could be a difficult task |
For better understanding texts students should predict what it will be about just looking on the titles, abstracts, [Is Oxford comma ok here?] For better understanding of these texts, students should predict what Oxford comma is OK |
and key-words. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
Next step is asking yourself questions as what I want to know about subject and try to find out answers though text. Next step is asking yourself questions a The subject needs to be consistent. If it's "yourself," it needs to be "you" later too. This goes for the whole paragraph. |
When I’m talking about flexibility I mean people who really love reading chronologically. When I’m talking about flexibility, I mean people who really love reading chronologically. |
However, academic texts could be a very extended and reading them is taken huge amount hours. However, academic texts c |
The main strategy here will be reading the most important parts as introduction and conclusion and then skim all text. The main strategy here will be reading the most important parts |
Achieving a good speed is a complicated task. |
For efficiently reading students have to increase the speed. For efficiently reading, students have to increase the speed. |
A key approach here is not reading all words; it could be a reason why comprehension is made more difficult. A key approach here is not reading all of the words; |
Focus on content phrases as noun and phrases; ignore structure words as prepositions and conjunctions. Focus on content |
Finally I want to add that spending lots of time looking up the words is a process which can take all the strength; try to guess the meaning and take attention to cohesion instead. Finally, I want to add that spending lots of time looking up the words is a process which can take all |
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