Fernanhaiku's avatar

Dec. 31, 2022

New Year, New Goals

Well, the year is ending and that means new resolutions for the next year. This year my english has imporved so much because I overcame my fears and shyness by deciding to have weekly voice chats in English with a native speaker. But I still have a lot to improve to reach the level C1. My first goal is to put more focus on my writing, by writing a diary entry once per week, and focus on my speaking, by having weekly voice chats in english on a discord server. My second goal is to put more effort in learning Japanese, so I'm going to study one hour per day with grammar books and take Minato free classes for learning Japanese. I would like to reach at least the level N5 for next year, I have to put more effort because my Japanese learning was so bad this year.
My third goal is to become a fit person, since I was a child I always wanted to be a fit person with great muscles, so the next year I'm going to follow my routine and every one or two weeks I'm going to increse weight, reps and sets. I'm also going to eat healthier breakfasts. My kind of body needs from one to three years of training to build muscle so I don't want to give up this time and never again. My fourth goal is to study math, chemestry, physic and take classes to get into the university the next year, I failed this year and I don't want to fail the next time. I still don't have a clear goal about studying architecture, but I think that I would like to build parks and green areas to help solve the excess of polution on the streets and solve deforestation.
So, have you already set your goals for the next year? I suggest you to use _Smart goals_ method. S: specific, M: measurable, A: attainable, R: relevant, T: time bounded. Sometimes some goals doesn't realize and it's ok, it's not the end of the world and you can do it better the next time.

The year is ending
And the next year I would like
To see spring again.

See you the next year.


New Year, New Goals

Well, the year is ending and that means new resolutions for the next year.

This year my eEnglish has imporoved so much because I overcame my fears and shyness by deciding to have weekly voice chats in English with a native speaker.

But I still have a lot to improve to reach the level C1.

My first goal is to put more focus on my writing, by writing a diary entry once per week/once a week, and focus on my speaking, by having weekly voice chats in eEnglish on a discord server.

I would like to reach at least the level N5 forby next year,. I have to put more effort because my Japanese learning was so badinto this because I didn't learn Japanese so well this year.

My third goal is to become a fit person, s. Since I was a child I always wanted to be a fit person with greatlarge muscles, so the next year I'm going to follow my routine and every one or two weeks I'm going to increase the amount of weight, reps and sets.

I'm also going to eat healthier breakfasts.

My kind of body needs from one to three years of training to build muscle so I don't want to give up this time and never again.

I still don't have a clear goal about studying architecture, but I think that I would like to build parks and green areas to help solve the excess of polution on the streets and solve deforestation.

So, have you already set your goals for the next year?

I suggest you to use _the 'Smart goals_ method'.

S: specific, M: measurable, A: attainable, R: relevant, T: time bounded.

Sometimes some goals doesaren't realizeched and it's ok, i. It's not the end of the world and you can do it better the next time around.


The year is ending

And the next year I would like

To see spring again.

See you the next year.

New Year, New Goals

Well, the year is ending and that means new resolutions for the next year.

This year my english has imporoved so much because I overcame my fears and shyness by deciding to have weekly voice chats in English with a native speaker.

But I still have a lot to improve to reach thea C1 level C1.

or reach level C1

My first goal is to put more focus on my writing, by writing a diary entry once per week, and focus on my speaking, by having weekly voice chats in english on a discord server.

My second goal is to put more effort into learning Japanese, so I'm going to study one hour per day with grammar books and take Minato free classes for learning Japanese.

I would like to reach at least the level N5 forby next year, I have to put in more effort because my Japanese learning was so bad this year.

´to put in effort´

My third goal is to become a fit person, since I was a child I always wanted to be a fit person with great muscles, so the next year I'm going to follow my routine and every one or two weeks I'm going to increase weight, reps and sets.

I'm also going to eat healthier breakfasts.

My kind of body needs frombetween one toand three years of training to build muscle so I don't want to give up this time and never again.

My fourth goal is to study math, chemeistry, physics and take classes to get into the university the next year, I failed this year and I don't want to fail the next time.

I still don't have a clear goal aboutin studying architecture, but I think that I would like to build parks and green areas to help solve the problem of excess of pollution on the streets and solve deforestation.

So, have you already set your goals for the next year?

I suggest you to use _Sthe ´smart´ goals_ method.

S: specific, M: measurable, A: attainable, R: relevant, T: time bounded.

Sometimes some goals doesn't realizeyou don´t achieve your goals and ithat's ok, it's not the end of the world and you can do it better the next time.


The year is ending

And the next year I would like

To see spring again.

See you the next year.


Some nice reflections on goals for the new year. Good luck with your studies and other projects!

Fernanhaiku's avatar

Jan. 6, 2023


thank you so much!

New Year, New Goals

Well, the year is ending and that means new resolutions for the next year.

This year my eEnglish has imporoved so much because I overcame my fears and shyness by deciding to have weekly voice chats in English with a native speaker.

Good for you!

But I still have a lot to improvelearn to reach the level C1C1, however.

Keep doing what you're doing and you'll get there. I have no doubt.

My first goal is to put more focus on my writing, by writing a diary entry once per week, and focus on my speaking, by having weekly voice chats in eEnglish on a discord server.

Yay you!

My second goal is to put more effort into learning Japanese, so I'm going to study one hour per day with grammar books and take free Minato free classes for learning Japanese.


I would like to reach at least the N5 level N5 for next year,. I have to put more effort into it because my Japanese learning was so bad this year.


My third goal is to become a fit person, s. Since I was a child I always wanted to be a fit person with greathuge muscles, so the next year I'm going to follow my routine and every one or two weeks I'm going to increase weight, reps and sets.


I'm also going to eat healthier breakfasts.

My kind of body needs from one to three years of training to build muscle so I don't want to give up this time and never again.

My fourth goal is to study math, chemeistry, and physics and take classes to get into the university the next year,. I failed this year and I don't want to fail the next time.


I still don't have a clear goal about studying architecture, but I think that I would like to build parks and green areas to help solve the excess ofreduce pollution on the streets and solvmitigate deforestation.


So, have you already set your goals for the next year?

I suggest you to usethat you use the _Smart goals_ method.

S: specific, M: measurable, A: attainable, R: relevant, T: time bounded.

Sometimes some goals doesaren't realized and it's ok, iay. It's not the end of the world and you can do it better the next time.


The year is ending

And the next year I would like

To see sSpring again.

See you the next year.



Fernanhaiku's avatar

Jan. 6, 2023


Thank you so much for your corrections! (っ^▿^)

New Year, New Goals

Well, the year is ending and that means new resolutions for the next year.

This would sound more natural as either "for the New Year" or "for next year".

This year my eEnglish has imporoved so much because I overcame my fears and shyness by deciding to have weekly voice chats in English with a native speaker.

"Chats" already is assumed to be verbal or by voice.

But I still have a lot to improve to reach the level C1.

My first goal is to put more focus on my writing, by writing a diary entry once pera week, and focus on my speaking, by having weekly voice chats in eEnglish on a dDiscord server.

I find once a week more natural than once per week, but it isn't technically wrong.

My second goal is to put more effort into learning Japanese, so I'm going to study one hour pera day with grammar books and take Minato free classes for learning Japanese.

I would like to reach at least the level N5 for next year,. I will have to put in more effort because my Japanese learning was so bad this year.

My third goal is to become a fit person,. Ever since I was a child, I have always wanted to be a fit person with great muscles, so[[so in the next year]]/[[so next year]] I'm going to follow my routine and every one or two weeks I'm going to increase weight, reps and sets.

You could also use "every couple of weeks" instead of "every one or two weeks".

I'm also going to eat healthier breakfasts.

My kind of body needs frombody type needs one to three years of training to build muscle so I don't want to give up trying this time and never again.

I don't quite understand what this sentence means? Did you mean "I don't want to give up again"?

My fourth goal is to study maths, chemeistry, and physics, and take classes to get into the university the next year,. I failed this year and I don't want to fail the next time.

I still don't have a clear goal about studying architecture, but I think that I would like to build parks and green areas to help solve the issue of excess ofurban pollution on the streets and solveand deforestation.

"excess pollution on the streets" isn't really something I would say in English? Maybe this is something technical that I don't understand though! I have put an option for what I thought you might mean.

So, have you already set your goals for the next year?

I suggest that you to use _Smartthe _SMART goals_ method.

You could also say "I suggest you use" - this is equally acceptable.

S: specific, M: measurable, A: attainable, R: relevant, T: time bounded.

Sometimes someyour goals doesn't realizewon't work out and ithat's ok, i. It's not the end of the world and you can do it better the next time.


And the next year I would like

I know this correction ruins the haiku - but I think it is better as either "the New Year" or "next year" not "the next year".

To see spring again.

See you the next year.


Thanks for sharing your goals for the New Year! All the best with your language learning, and I hope these corrections are helpful for you.

Fernanhaiku's avatar

Jan. 4, 2023


My kind of body needs frombody type needs one to three years of training to build muscle so I don't want to give up trying this time and never again.

yes, I tried to say that i don't want to give up again. I think that "never" spoil the sentence.

Fernanhaiku's avatar

Jan. 4, 2023


I still don't have a clear goal about studying architecture, but I think that I would like to build parks and green areas to help solve the issue of excess ofurban pollution on the streets and solveand deforestation.

oh I get it. so, is pollution a technical word?

Fernanhaiku's avatar

Jan. 4, 2023


And the next year I would like

don't worry, I like being corrected 'cause that means that I can improve

Fernanhaiku's avatar

Jan. 4, 2023


thanks for all your corrections

lamusique's avatar

Jan. 11, 2023


oh I get it. so, is pollution a technical word?

Sort of. Pollution isn't something you can see directly - so I wouldn't say pollution on the streets, I would say excess pollution, or the city is very polluted.

New Year, New Goals

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Well, the year is ending and that means new resolutions for the next year.

Well, the year is ending and that means new resolutions for the next year.

This would sound more natural as either "for the New Year" or "for next year".

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This year my english has imporved so much because I overcame my fears and shyness by deciding to have weekly voice chats in English with a native speaker.

This year my eEnglish has imporoved so much because I overcame my fears and shyness by deciding to have weekly voice chats in English with a native speaker.

"Chats" already is assumed to be verbal or by voice.

This year my eEnglish has imporoved so much because I overcame my fears and shyness by deciding to have weekly voice chats in English with a native speaker.

Good for you!

This year my english has imporoved so much because I overcame my fears and shyness by deciding to have weekly voice chats in English with a native speaker.

This year my eEnglish has imporoved so much because I overcame my fears and shyness by deciding to have weekly voice chats in English with a native speaker.

But I still have a lot to improve to reach the level C1.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

But I still have a lot to improvelearn to reach the level C1C1, however.

Keep doing what you're doing and you'll get there. I have no doubt.

But I still have a lot to improve to reach thea C1 level C1.

or reach level C1

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

My first goal is to put more focus on my writing, by writing a diary entry once per week, and focus on my speaking, by having weekly voice chats in english on a discord server.

My first goal is to put more focus on my writing, by writing a diary entry once pera week, and focus on my speaking, by having weekly voice chats in eEnglish on a dDiscord server.

I find once a week more natural than once per week, but it isn't technically wrong.

My first goal is to put more focus on my writing, by writing a diary entry once per week, and focus on my speaking, by having weekly voice chats in eEnglish on a discord server.

Yay you!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

My first goal is to put more focus on my writing, by writing a diary entry once per week/once a week, and focus on my speaking, by having weekly voice chats in eEnglish on a discord server.

My second goal is to put more effort in learning Japanese, so I'm going to study one hour per day with grammar books and take Minato free classes for learning Japanese.

My second goal is to put more effort into learning Japanese, so I'm going to study one hour pera day with grammar books and take Minato free classes for learning Japanese.

My second goal is to put more effort into learning Japanese, so I'm going to study one hour per day with grammar books and take free Minato free classes for learning Japanese.


My second goal is to put more effort into learning Japanese, so I'm going to study one hour per day with grammar books and take Minato free classes for learning Japanese.

I would like to reach at least the level N5 for next year, I have to put more effort because my Japanese learning was so bad this year.

I would like to reach at least the level N5 for next year,. I will have to put in more effort because my Japanese learning was so bad this year.

I would like to reach at least the N5 level N5 for next year,. I have to put more effort into it because my Japanese learning was so bad this year.


I would like to reach at least the level N5 forby next year, I have to put in more effort because my Japanese learning was so bad this year.

´to put in effort´

I would like to reach at least the level N5 forby next year,. I have to put more effort because my Japanese learning was so badinto this because I didn't learn Japanese so well this year.

My third goal is to become a fit person, since I was a child I always wanted to be a fit person with great muscles, so the next year I'm going to follow my routine and every one or two weeks I'm going to increse weight, reps and sets.

My third goal is to become a fit person,. Ever since I was a child, I have always wanted to be a fit person with great muscles, so[[so in the next year]]/[[so next year]] I'm going to follow my routine and every one or two weeks I'm going to increase weight, reps and sets.

You could also use "every couple of weeks" instead of "every one or two weeks".

My third goal is to become a fit person, s. Since I was a child I always wanted to be a fit person with greathuge muscles, so the next year I'm going to follow my routine and every one or two weeks I'm going to increase weight, reps and sets.


My third goal is to become a fit person, since I was a child I always wanted to be a fit person with great muscles, so the next year I'm going to follow my routine and every one or two weeks I'm going to increase weight, reps and sets.

My third goal is to become a fit person, s. Since I was a child I always wanted to be a fit person with greatlarge muscles, so the next year I'm going to follow my routine and every one or two weeks I'm going to increase the amount of weight, reps and sets.

I'm also going to eat healthier breakfasts.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

My kind of body needs from one to three years of training to build muscle so I don't want to give up this time and never again.

My kind of body needs frombody type needs one to three years of training to build muscle so I don't want to give up trying this time and never again.

I don't quite understand what this sentence means? Did you mean "I don't want to give up again"?

My kind of body needs from one to three years of training to build muscle so I don't want to give up this time and never again.

My kind of body needs frombetween one toand three years of training to build muscle so I don't want to give up this time and never again.

My kind of body needs from one to three years of training to build muscle so I don't want to give up this time and never again.

My fourth goal is to study math, chemestry, physic and take classes to get into the university the next year, I failed this year and I don't want to fail the next time.

My fourth goal is to study maths, chemeistry, and physics, and take classes to get into the university the next year,. I failed this year and I don't want to fail the next time.

My fourth goal is to study math, chemeistry, and physics and take classes to get into the university the next year,. I failed this year and I don't want to fail the next time.


My fourth goal is to study math, chemeistry, physics and take classes to get into the university the next year, I failed this year and I don't want to fail the next time.

I still don't have a clear goal about studying architecture, but I think that I would like to build parks and green areas to help solve the excess of polution on the streets and solve deforestation.

I still don't have a clear goal about studying architecture, but I think that I would like to build parks and green areas to help solve the issue of excess ofurban pollution on the streets and solveand deforestation.

"excess pollution on the streets" isn't really something I would say in English? Maybe this is something technical that I don't understand though! I have put an option for what I thought you might mean.

I still don't have a clear goal about studying architecture, but I think that I would like to build parks and green areas to help solve the excess ofreduce pollution on the streets and solvmitigate deforestation.


I still don't have a clear goal aboutin studying architecture, but I think that I would like to build parks and green areas to help solve the problem of excess of pollution on the streets and solve deforestation.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

So, have you already set your goals for the next year?

So, have you already set your goals for the next year?

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

I suggest you to use _Smart goals_ method.

I suggest that you to use _Smartthe _SMART goals_ method.

You could also say "I suggest you use" - this is equally acceptable.

I suggest you to usethat you use the _Smart goals_ method.

I suggest you to use _Sthe ´smart´ goals_ method.

I suggest you to use _the 'Smart goals_ method'.

S: specific, M: measurable, A: attainable, R: relevant, T: time bounded.

S: specific, M: measurable, A: attainable, R: relevant, T: time bounded.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Sometimes some goals doesn't realize and it's ok, it's not the end of the world and you can do it better the next time.

Sometimes someyour goals doesn't realizewon't work out and ithat's ok, i. It's not the end of the world and you can do it better the next time.

Sometimes some goals doesaren't realized and it's ok, iay. It's not the end of the world and you can do it better the next time.

Sometimes some goals doesn't realizeyou don´t achieve your goals and ithat's ok, it's not the end of the world and you can do it better the next time.

Sometimes some goals doesaren't realizeched and it's ok, i. It's not the end of the world and you can do it better the next time around.


This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

The year is ending

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

And the next year I would like

And the next year I would like

I know this correction ruins the haiku - but I think it is better as either "the New Year" or "next year" not "the next year".

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

To see spring again.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

To see sSpring again.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

See you the next year.

See you the next year.

See you the next year.

See you the next year.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

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