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Dec. 30, 2022

My Thoughts on the Nether of Minecraft

This is one of the most dangerous dimension in the entire game, so right now I am going to explain my experience in this evil world.

Allow me to say that I really hate going to the Nether in my Minecraft's worlds. Not because it is very complicated and exausted find all the materials you need to build the portal, but because once you are inside, everything just tries to kill you and steal your stuff.

Now allow me again to go over a couple of the most annoying enemies in the overworld.

First, we have pigglins. These are not actually too annoying because when you are wearing golden boots, they do not warm you, but as soon as you take them off, you will have a furious crown behind trying to kill you.

Next, we have got the endermans. For unknowness reassons, they seem more dangerous in the Nether, rather than in the overworld, and I think that is because in this dimension, they tend to teleport more often, and in one of those teleports there is a high chance to run into their faces.

And finally, the most annoying mobs in The Neather are the "wild pigs" (yes, I do not know their name). They will attack you whether you are wearing something golden or not. The worst thing about these animals are their non recoil when you hit them, and their powerful attacks that almost kill the player with a few hits. The good thing is that, once they are dead, they drop a slice of raw meet which is very valuable in the Neather.

Even though this not my favorite dimension, I still need to go there to find new materials, so I can make progess in my Minecraft's worlds.

True experience haha!


My Thoughts on the Nether of Minecraft

This is one of the most dangerous dimensions in the entire game, so right now I am going to explain my experience in this evil world.

Allow me to say that I really hate going to the Nether in my Minecraft's worlds.

Not because it is very complicated and exhausteding to find all the materials you need to build the portal, but because once you are inside, everything just tries to kill you and steal your stuff.

Now allow me again to go over a couple of the most annoying enemies in the overworld.

First, we have pigglins.

These are not actually too annoying because when you are wearing golden boots, they do not warm you, but as soon as you take them off, you will have a furious crown behind you, trying to kill you.

For unknowness reassons, they seem more dangerous in the Nether, rather than in the overworld, and I think that is because in this dimension, they tend to teleport more often, and in one of those teleports there is a high chance tof running into their faces.

They will attack you whether you are wearing something golden or not.

The worst thing about these animals areis their non recoil when you hit them, and their powerful attacks that almost kill thea player with a few hits.

The good thing is that, once they are dead, they drop a slice of raw meeat which is very valuable in the Neather.

Even though this not my favorite dimension, I still need to go there to find new materials, so I can make progess in my Minecraft's worlds.

My Thoughts on the Nether ofin Minecraft

This is one of the most dangerous dimensions in the entire game, so right now I am going to explain my experience in this evil world.

Allow me to say that I really hate going to the Nether in my Minecraft's worlds.

Not because it is very complicated and exhausteding to find all the materials you need to build the portal, but because once you are inside, everything just tries to kill you and steal your stuff.

Now allow me again to go over a couple of the most annoying enemies in the overworldNether.

the overworld is the dimension you spawn into, the nether isn't the overworld! not grammatically wrong though

These are not actually too annoying because when you are wearing golden boots, they do not wharm you, but as soon as you take them off, you will have a furious crown behind trying to kill you.

Next, we have got the endermansen.

For unknowness reassons, they seem more dangerous in the Nether, rather than in the overworld, and I think that is because in this dimension, they tend to teleport more often, and in one of those teleportations there is a high chance to run intolook at their faces.

And finally, the most annoying mobs in Tthe Neather are the "wild pigs" (yes, I do not know their name).

The good thing is that, once they are dead, they drop a slice of raw meetat, which is very valuable in the Neather.

Even though this not my favorite dimension, I still need to go there to find new materials, so I can make progess in my Minecraft's worlds.

My Tthoughts on the Nether of Minecraft

thoughts doesn't need to be capitalised

This is one of the most dangerous dimensions in the entire game, so right now I am going to explain my experience in this evil world.

Allow me to say that I really hate going to the Nether in my Minecraft's worlds.

Not because it is very complicated and exhausteding to find all the materials you need to build the portal, but because once you are inside, everything just tries to kill you and steal your stuff.

Now allow me again to go over a couple of the most annoying enemies in the overworld.

First, we have pigglins.

this seems to be a word specific to Minecraft, but I think it only has one g.

These are not actually not too annoying because when you are wearing golden boots, they do not wharm you, but as soon as you take them off, you will have a furious crownd behind you trying to kill you.

Next, we have got the endermansen.

Again, I checked the Minecraft wiki and endermen is the plural (I am not an expert on this).

For unknowness reassons, they seem more dangerous in the Nether, rather than incompared to the overworld, and. I think that is because in this dimension, they tend to teleport more often, and in one of those teleports, there is a highgreater chance tof running into their faces.

This sentence was confusing as it was too long, and I think works better as two shorter sentences.

And finally, the most annoying mobs in The Neather are the "wild pigs" (yesno, I do not know their actual name).

They will attack you whether you are wearing something golden or not.

The worst thing about these animals areis their non -recoil when you hit them, and their powerful attacks that almost kill the player with a few hits.

The good thing is that, once they are dead, they drop a slice of raw meeat which is very valuable in the Neather.

Even though this is not my favorite dimension, I still need to go there to find new materials, so that I can make progress in my Minecraft's worlds.


Nice piece of writing! It all made sense to me, even as someone who doesn't play Minecraft, so well done. I hope the minor corrections are useful for you.

This is one of the most dangerous dimensions in the entire game, so right now I am going to explain my experience in this evil world.

Allow me to say that I really hate going to the Nether in my Minecraft's worlds.

Not because it is very complicated and exhausteding to find all the materials you need to build the portal, but because once you are inside, everything just tries to kill you and steal your stuff.

Now allow me again to go over a couple of the mostThere are also many annoying enemies in the oOverworld.

You don't need to "ask for permission" to go into detail by saying "allow me to say" in written words - it sounds a bit more natural when spoken but not so in writing :) This may just be a local thing however.

First, we have pPigglins.

These are noty actually aren't too annoying, because wthen you ay don't harm you when you're wearing golden boots, they do not warm you, but as soon as you take them off, you will have a furious crownd behind you trying to kill you.

Next, we ha've got the eEndermans.

Not sure if it's supposed to be Endermen - I don't play Minecraft! :)

For unknowness reassons, they seem more dangerous in the Nether, rather than in the oOverworld, and I think that i's because in this dimension, they tend to teleport more often, and in one of those teleports there is a high chance to run into their facesdirectly into them.

And finally, the most annoying mobs in The Neather are the "wild pigs" (yes, I do non't know their name).

They will attack you, whether you are wearing something golden or not.

The worst thing about these animals are their non recoil when you hit them, and their powerful attacks that can almost kill the player with just a few hits.

The good thing is that, once they are dead, they drop a slice of raw meeat which is very valuable in the Neather.

Even though this not my favorite dimension, I still need to go there to find new materials, so I can make progress in my Minecraft's worlds.


I've contracted some words (e.g. he is = he's) as this seems to be a more casual text :) Otherwise it reads well! I understood everything, just edited to read more naturally.

Great job!

My Thoughts on the Nether of Minecraft

My Tthoughts on the Nether of Minecraft

thoughts doesn't need to be capitalised

My Thoughts on the Nether ofin Minecraft

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This is one of the most dangerous dimension in the entire game, so right now I am going to explain my experience in this evil world.

This is one of the most dangerous dimensions in the entire game, so right now I am going to explain my experience in this evil world.

This is one of the most dangerous dimensions in the entire game, so right now I am going to explain my experience in this evil world.

This is one of the most dangerous dimensions in the entire game, so right now I am going to explain my experience in this evil world.

This is one of the most dangerous dimensions in the entire game, so right now I am going to explain my experience in this evil world.

Allow me to say that I really hate going to the Nether in my Minecraft's worlds.

Allow me to say that I really hate going to the Nether in my Minecraft's worlds.

Allow me to say that I really hate going to the Nether in my Minecraft's worlds.

Allow me to say that I really hate going to the Nether in my Minecraft's worlds.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Not because it is very complicated and exausted find all the materials you need to build the portal, but because once you are inside, everything just tries to kill you and steal your stuff.

Not because it is very complicated and exhausteding to find all the materials you need to build the portal, but because once you are inside, everything just tries to kill you and steal your stuff.

Not because it is very complicated and exhausteding to find all the materials you need to build the portal, but because once you are inside, everything just tries to kill you and steal your stuff.

Not because it is very complicated and exhausteding to find all the materials you need to build the portal, but because once you are inside, everything just tries to kill you and steal your stuff.

Not because it is very complicated and exhausteding to find all the materials you need to build the portal, but because once you are inside, everything just tries to kill you and steal your stuff.

Now allow me again to go over a couple of the most annoying enemies in the overworld.

Now allow me again to go over a couple of the mostThere are also many annoying enemies in the oOverworld.

You don't need to "ask for permission" to go into detail by saying "allow me to say" in written words - it sounds a bit more natural when spoken but not so in writing :) This may just be a local thing however.

Now allow me again to go over a couple of the most annoying enemies in the overworld.

Now allow me again to go over a couple of the most annoying enemies in the overworldNether.

the overworld is the dimension you spawn into, the nether isn't the overworld! not grammatically wrong though

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

First, we have pigglins.

First, we have pPigglins.

First, we have pigglins.

this seems to be a word specific to Minecraft, but I think it only has one g.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

These are not actually too annoying because when you are wearing golden boots, they do not warm you, but as soon as you take them off, you will have a furious crown behind trying to kill you.

These are noty actually aren't too annoying, because wthen you ay don't harm you when you're wearing golden boots, they do not warm you, but as soon as you take them off, you will have a furious crownd behind you trying to kill you.

These are not actually not too annoying because when you are wearing golden boots, they do not wharm you, but as soon as you take them off, you will have a furious crownd behind you trying to kill you.

These are not actually too annoying because when you are wearing golden boots, they do not wharm you, but as soon as you take them off, you will have a furious crown behind trying to kill you.

These are not actually too annoying because when you are wearing golden boots, they do not warm you, but as soon as you take them off, you will have a furious crown behind you, trying to kill you.

Next, we have got the endermans.

Next, we ha've got the eEndermans.

Not sure if it's supposed to be Endermen - I don't play Minecraft! :)

Next, we have got the endermansen.

Again, I checked the Minecraft wiki and endermen is the plural (I am not an expert on this).

Next, we have got the endermansen.

For unknowness reassons, they seem more dangerous in the Nether, rather than in the overworld, and I think that is because in this dimension, they tend to teleport more often, and in one of those teleports there is a high chance to run into their faces.

For unknowness reassons, they seem more dangerous in the Nether, rather than in the oOverworld, and I think that i's because in this dimension, they tend to teleport more often, and in one of those teleports there is a high chance to run into their facesdirectly into them.

For unknowness reassons, they seem more dangerous in the Nether, rather than incompared to the overworld, and. I think that is because in this dimension, they tend to teleport more often, and in one of those teleports, there is a highgreater chance tof running into their faces.

This sentence was confusing as it was too long, and I think works better as two shorter sentences.

For unknowness reassons, they seem more dangerous in the Nether, rather than in the overworld, and I think that is because in this dimension, they tend to teleport more often, and in one of those teleportations there is a high chance to run intolook at their faces.

For unknowness reassons, they seem more dangerous in the Nether, rather than in the overworld, and I think that is because in this dimension, they tend to teleport more often, and in one of those teleports there is a high chance tof running into their faces.

And finally, the most annoying mobs in The Neather are the "wild pigs" (yes, I do not know their name).

And finally, the most annoying mobs in The Neather are the "wild pigs" (yes, I do non't know their name).

And finally, the most annoying mobs in The Neather are the "wild pigs" (yesno, I do not know their actual name).

And finally, the most annoying mobs in Tthe Neather are the "wild pigs" (yes, I do not know their name).

They will attack you whether you are wearing something golden or not.

They will attack you, whether you are wearing something golden or not.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

The worst thing about these animals are their non recoil when you hit them, and their powerful attacks that almost kill the player with a few hits.

The worst thing about these animals are their non recoil when you hit them, and their powerful attacks that can almost kill the player with just a few hits.

The worst thing about these animals areis their non -recoil when you hit them, and their powerful attacks that almost kill the player with a few hits.

The worst thing about these animals areis their non recoil when you hit them, and their powerful attacks that almost kill thea player with a few hits.

The good thing is that, once they are dead, they drop a slice of raw meet which is very valuable in the Neather.

The good thing is that, once they are dead, they drop a slice of raw meeat which is very valuable in the Neather.

The good thing is that, once they are dead, they drop a slice of raw meeat which is very valuable in the Neather.

The good thing is that, once they are dead, they drop a slice of raw meetat, which is very valuable in the Neather.

The good thing is that, once they are dead, they drop a slice of raw meeat which is very valuable in the Neather.

Even though this not my favorite dimension, I still need to go there to find new materials, so I can make progess in my Minecraft's worlds.

Even though this not my favorite dimension, I still need to go there to find new materials, so I can make progress in my Minecraft's worlds.

Even though this is not my favorite dimension, I still need to go there to find new materials, so that I can make progress in my Minecraft's worlds.

Even though this not my favorite dimension, I still need to go there to find new materials, so I can make progess in my Minecraft's worlds.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

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