Scarlett_Father's avatar

Feb. 5, 2023

My Life in SZ (13) - Official Banned Books and Magazines

I phoned my friend in the toy factory telling them that I found a good job, they were happy and promised to see me when they are off, they were also interested in my job.

I soon found one special thing around the nearby street. When the day was getting dark, some children would carry some porn magazines like Playboy from the US and some other porn brands from Hong Kong and Japan. They sold at a low price between 25 and 40 yuan each, the quality of the paper was very good, and the price printed in the magazine was much higher about from 100 to 200. Obviously, they were pirate magazines. Who cared about it, however?

Two or three adults would usually remote-control these children at the same time. When the patrol police passed by, the children would disappear at once at become back again afterward.

They also sold some politically forbidden books which revealed some secret news about political celebrities, politburo leaders and communism. The original books must be printed in Hong Kong or Tai Wan, yet these books were pirated too. Their selling price is usually from 20 to 30 yuan, which is printed from 80 to 100 Hong kong Dollars or some much high price figure in Tai Wan Dollars.

About in 2005, when I went back to SZ for business. I looked for these children here and there, but couldn't find any of them. This kind of illegal business was totally demolished, and I felt sad about it.


My Life in SZ (13) - Official Banned Books and Magazines

I phoned my friend inat the toy factory telling them that I found a good job, t. They were happy and promised to see me when they are off, they were also interested in my job.

I soon found onea special thing around theon a nearby street.

When the day was getting darkevening approaches, some children would carry some porn magazines like Playboy from the US and some other porn brands from Hong Kong and Japan.

They sold at a low price between 25 and 40 yuan each, and the quality of the paper was very good, andbut the price printed in the magazine was much higher, from about from 100 to 200.

Obviously, they were piratecontraband magazines.

Who cared about it, however?No one cared, though.

Two or three adults would usually remote-controlsupervise these children at the same time.

这里用remote control我不庭理解的

When the patrol police would passed by, the children would disappear at once, at bend come back out again afterward.

They also sold some politically forbiddenforbidden political books which revealed some secret news about political celebritieians, politburo leaders and communism.


The original books must behave been printed in Hong Kong or Tai Wwan, yet these books were piratedcontraband, too.

Their selling price isy usually cost from 20 to 30 yuan, which isith the printed price from 80 to 100 Hong kKong Dollars or some much higher price figure in Tai Wwan Dollars.

About in 2005, when I went back to SZ for business.


I looked for these children here and there, but couldn't find any of them.

This kind of illegal business was totally demolished, and I felt sad about it.


Nice work! I didn't realize until the end whether you were talking about something that happened entirely in the past, or if you were reminiscing about the past in the present, so maybe a sentence at the beginning that gives some background could be helpful. Overall good job though!

Scarlett_Father's avatar

Feb. 5, 2023


About in 2005, when I went back to SZ for business.


Scarlett_Father's avatar

Feb. 5, 2023


Two or three adults would usually remote-controlsupervise these children at the same time.

Your Chinese is excellent enough to understand "遥控指挥", however, it's wrong to put it here. Another corrector said "remote-control" seemed to be used in electronics. :-)

Scarlett_Father's avatar

Feb. 5, 2023


They also sold some politically forbiddenforbidden political books which revealed some secret news about political celebritieians, politburo leaders and communism.

I still keep the book "The Private Life of Chairman Mao" which I bought there. In this book, It said Mao never brush his teeth, and many stories about his girlfriends. :-)

Scarlett_Father's avatar

Feb. 5, 2023


Thank you for your corrections! :-)

sivanc's avatar

Feb. 5, 2023


Your Chinese is excellent enough to understand "遥控指挥", however, it's wrong to put it here. Another corrector said "remote-control" seemed to be used in electronics. :-)

Yes, that's right, both as a noun and a verb. A television comes with a remote control, and a child's birthday gift might be a remote-control (RC) car.

sivanc's avatar

Feb. 5, 2023


I still keep the book "The Private Life of Chairman Mao" which I bought there. In this book, It said Mao never brush his teeth, and many stories about his girlfriends. :-)

哈哈哈哈,真的很滑稽。但是我觉得这些信息不是关于共产主义的秘密,而是分类于政治fun facts。我以前听说奥巴吗上大学时,为了跟女生约会就读好多政治书本来impress她们哈哈

My Life in SZ (13) - Officially Banned Books and Magazines

I phoned my friend inat the toy factory telling them that I found a good job, t. They were happy and promised to see me when they awere off, t. They were also interested in my job.

I soon found one special thing around theon a nearby street.

When the day was getting dark, some children would carry some porn magazines like Playboy from the US and some other porn brands from Hong Kong and Japan.


They sold them at a low price between 25 and 40 yuan each, t. The quality of the paper was very good, and the price printed ion the magazine was much higher at about from 100 to 200 yuan each.

Obviously, they were pirated magazines.

Who cared about ithat, however?

Two or three adults would usually remote-controsignal these children at the same time.

When the patrol policeolice patrol passed by, the children would disappear at once at bend come back again afterward.

They also sold some politically forbidden books which revealed some secret news about political celebrities, politburo leaders and communism.

The original books must behave been printed in Hong Kong or Tai Wwan, yet these books were pirated, too.

Their selling price iwas usually from 20 to 30 yuan, which is printed frombut 80 to 100 Hong kKong Ddollars or some much high price figure in Tai Wwan Ddollars was printed on them.

Abrout ind 2005, when I went back to SZ for business, I looked for these children here and there, but couldn't find any of them.

This was a sentence fragment so I added the next line to it.

I looked for these children here and there, but couldn't find any of them.

This kind of illegal business was totally demolished, and I felt sad about it.



Scarlett_Father's avatar

Feb. 5, 2023



My Life in SZ (13) - Official Banned Books and Magazines

I phoncalled my friend in the toy factory telling them that I found a good job, t. They were happy and promised to see me when they are off, as they were also interested in my job.

"Phoned" works, but sounds a bit old-fashioned.

I soon found one special thing around theon a nearby street.

Your sentence is correct, but doesn't sound very natural.

When the day was getting dark, some children would carry some porn magazines like Playboy from the US and some other porn brands from Hong Kong and Japan.

They sold at a low price between 25 and 40 yuan each, t. The quality of the paper was very good, and the price printed in the magazine was much higher from about from 100 to 200.

Obviously, they were pirated magazines.

Who cared about it, however, anyway?

"Who cared..." is a pretty casual phrase, so saying "Who cared, anyway?" rather than "Who cared about it, however?" Sounds more natural.

Two or three adults would usually remote-controlwatch over these children at the same time.

I'm not entirely sure what you mean by "remote-control", this phrase is often used for electronics.

When the patrol police passed by, the children would disappear at once at bend come back again afterward.

They also sold some politically forbidden books which revealed some secret news about political celebrities, politburo leaders and communism.

The original books must be printed in Hong Kong or Tai Wan, yet these books were pirated too.

Their selling price is usually from 20 to 30 yuan, which is printed from 80 to 100 Hong kong Dollars or some much higher price figure in Tai Wan Dollars.

Abrout ind 2005, when I went back to SZ for businessmy work.

"When I went back..." implies that there was an action (going back to SZ) and then a consequence (for example: "When I went back to SZ, I saw the children"). The action and consequence must be stated within the same sentence.
I changed "About" to "Around" as it usually sounds better to say "around" when talking about dates/times.

I looked for these children here and there, but couldn't find any of them.

This kind of illegal business was totally demolished, and I felt sad about it.


Pretty good!

Scarlett_Father's avatar

Feb. 5, 2023


Two or three adults would usually remote-controlwatch over these children at the same time.

The adults stood on the opposite street or sat in a nearby restaurant watching them through a transparent window.

Scarlett_Father's avatar

Feb. 5, 2023


Thank you for helping me! :-)

chiencanadien's avatar

Feb. 5, 2023


The adults stood on the opposite street or sat in a nearby restaurant watching them through a transparent window.

Got it. Then "watch over" makes sense here!

My Life in SZ (13) - Official Banned Books and Magazines

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

My Life in SZ (13) - Officially Banned Books and Magazines

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

I phoned my friend in the toy factory telling them that I found a good job, they were happy and promised to see me when they are off, they were also interested in my job.

I phoncalled my friend in the toy factory telling them that I found a good job, t. They were happy and promised to see me when they are off, as they were also interested in my job.

"Phoned" works, but sounds a bit old-fashioned.

I phoned my friend inat the toy factory telling them that I found a good job, t. They were happy and promised to see me when they awere off, t. They were also interested in my job.

I phoned my friend inat the toy factory telling them that I found a good job, t. They were happy and promised to see me when they are off, they were also interested in my job.

I soon found one special thing around the nearby street.

I soon found one special thing around theon a nearby street.

Your sentence is correct, but doesn't sound very natural.

I soon found one special thing around theon a nearby street.

I soon found onea special thing around theon a nearby street.

When the day was getting dark, some children would carry some porn magazines like Playboy from the US and some other porn brands from Hong Kong and Japan.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

When the day was getting dark, some children would carry some porn magazines like Playboy from the US and some other porn brands from Hong Kong and Japan.


When the day was getting darkevening approaches, some children would carry some porn magazines like Playboy from the US and some other porn brands from Hong Kong and Japan.

They sold at a low price between 25 and 40 yuan each, the quality of the paper was very good, and the price printed in the magazine was much higher about from 100 to 200.

They sold at a low price between 25 and 40 yuan each, t. The quality of the paper was very good, and the price printed in the magazine was much higher from about from 100 to 200.

They sold them at a low price between 25 and 40 yuan each, t. The quality of the paper was very good, and the price printed ion the magazine was much higher at about from 100 to 200 yuan each.

They sold at a low price between 25 and 40 yuan each, and the quality of the paper was very good, andbut the price printed in the magazine was much higher, from about from 100 to 200.

Obviously, they were pirate magazines.

Obviously, they were pirated magazines.

Obviously, they were pirated magazines.

Obviously, they were piratecontraband magazines.

Who cared about it, however?

Who cared about it, however, anyway?

"Who cared..." is a pretty casual phrase, so saying "Who cared, anyway?" rather than "Who cared about it, however?" Sounds more natural.

Who cared about ithat, however?

Who cared about it, however?No one cared, though.

Two or three adults would usually remote-control these children at the same time.

Two or three adults would usually remote-controlwatch over these children at the same time.

I'm not entirely sure what you mean by "remote-control", this phrase is often used for electronics.

Two or three adults would usually remote-controsignal these children at the same time.

Two or three adults would usually remote-controlsupervise these children at the same time.

这里用remote control我不庭理解的

When the patrol police passed by, the children would disappear at once at become back again afterward.

When the patrol police passed by, the children would disappear at once at bend come back again afterward.

When the patrol policeolice patrol passed by, the children would disappear at once at bend come back again afterward.

When the patrol police would passed by, the children would disappear at once, at bend come back out again afterward.

They also sold some politically forbidden books which revealed some secret news about political celebrities, politburo leaders and communism.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

They also sold some politically forbiddenforbidden political books which revealed some secret news about political celebritieians, politburo leaders and communism.


The original books must be printed in Hong Kong or Tai Wan, yet these books were pirated too.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

The original books must behave been printed in Hong Kong or Tai Wwan, yet these books were pirated, too.

The original books must behave been printed in Hong Kong or Tai Wwan, yet these books were piratedcontraband, too.

Their selling price is usually from 20 to 30 yuan, which is printed from 80 to 100 Hong kong Dollars or some much high price figure in Tai Wan Dollars.

Their selling price is usually from 20 to 30 yuan, which is printed from 80 to 100 Hong kong Dollars or some much higher price figure in Tai Wan Dollars.

Their selling price iwas usually from 20 to 30 yuan, which is printed frombut 80 to 100 Hong kKong Ddollars or some much high price figure in Tai Wwan Ddollars was printed on them.

Their selling price isy usually cost from 20 to 30 yuan, which isith the printed price from 80 to 100 Hong kKong Dollars or some much higher price figure in Tai Wwan Dollars.

About in 2005, when I went back to SZ for business.

Abrout ind 2005, when I went back to SZ for businessmy work.

"When I went back..." implies that there was an action (going back to SZ) and then a consequence (for example: "When I went back to SZ, I saw the children"). The action and consequence must be stated within the same sentence. I changed "About" to "Around" as it usually sounds better to say "around" when talking about dates/times.

Abrout ind 2005, when I went back to SZ for business, I looked for these children here and there, but couldn't find any of them.

This was a sentence fragment so I added the next line to it.

About in 2005, when I went back to SZ for business.


I looked for these children here and there, but couldn't find any of them.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

I looked for these children here and there, but couldn't find any of them.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This kind of illegal business was totally demolished, and I felt sad about it.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This kind of illegal business was totally demolished, and I felt sad about it.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

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