CamilaSalatine's avatar

March 6, 2025

My life

Hi! My name is Camila, i am a 29 years old. I married, my husband have a 34 years, You’re name is Henrique. Have a sun, he’s name is Klaus and he’s a 2 years old. I life In São Paulo, Brasil.

Oi! Meu nome é Camila, eu tenho 29 anos, sou casada e meu marido se chama Henrique e tem 34 anos. Tenho um filho e seu nome é Klaus e ele tem 2 anos. Moro em São Paulo


My name is Camila, iI am a 29 years old.

I am married, and my husband have ais 34 years, You’re old, His name is Henrique.

"You're" is the person reading it.

HWe have a suon, he’is name is Klaus and he’s a is 2 years old.

"Sun" is "sol". Son is a child who is a boy.

I lifve Iin São Paulo, Brasil.

My life

My name is Camila, i and I am a 29 years old.

"I" is always capital letter. I have used "and" to join the 2 sentences.

I am married, m. My husband have ais 34 years, You’re of age. His name is Henrique.

I am married. My husband is 34 years of age. His name is Henrique.

HI have a sun, he’on. His name is Klaus and he’s a is 2 years old.

sun = solar ; son = your male child

I lifve Iin São Paulo, Brasil.


My name is Camila, i am a 29 years old.

I’m married, my husband and i have a 34 years, You’re being together, his name is Henrique.

it’s very important to use “His” and not “You’re” here, since if you don’t, that could cause a lot of confusion.

HWe have a suon, he’is name is Klaus and he’s a 2 years old.

I life In São Paulo, Brasil.

My life


My name is Camila, iI am a 29 years old.

I is capitalised when used as a pronoun.

I married, my husband have a 34 years, You’re ago, His name is Henrique.

Have is for possession, time isn't possessed in English, it passes; '34 years ago, 34 minutes ago..' etc.

HWe have a suon, he’is name is Klaus and he’s a 2 years old.

(Who?) has a son; Must include 'We, you, I.. or similar.'

Sun --> The sun in the sky which shines.
Son --> Your male child.

I lifve In São Paulo, Braszil.

Life = noun
Live = verb (you are currently living there)

Brazil is spelled with a 'z' in English (even if this isn't correct, sorry!)


Keep practising and you'll improve quickly! Well done.

My lLife


My name is Camila, i. I am a 29 years old.

I married, my husband have, who is a 34 years, You’re old. His name is Henrique.

Have a sun, he’I also have a son. His name is Klaus, and he’s a 2 is two years old.

For numbers 1 to 10, we write them out.

I lifve Iin São Paulo, Braszil.


Nice to meet you! I can't wait to see more entries from you soon!

My name is Camila, i am a 29 years old.

I married, my husband have ais 34 years, You’reHis name is Henrique.

HI have a suon, he’is name is Klaus and he’s a 2 years old.

I lifve In São Paulo, Brasil.

My name is Camila, iI am a 29 years old.

I am married, m. My husband haveis a 34 years, You’re old. His name is Henrique.

HWe have a sun, he’on. His name is Klaus and he’s a 2 years old.

I lifve In São Paulo, Brasil.

My life

My lLife

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!


This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

My name is Camila, i am a 29 years old.

My name is Camila, i. I am a 29 years old.

My name is Camila, iI am a 29 years old.

My name is Camila, i am a 29 years old.

My name is Camila, iI am a 29 years old.

I is capitalised when used as a pronoun.

My name is Camila, i am a 29 years old.

My name is Camila, i and I am a 29 years old.

"I" is always capital letter. I have used "and" to join the 2 sentences.

My name is Camila, iI am a 29 years old.

I married, my husband have a 34 years, You’re name is Henrique.

I married, my husband have, who is a 34 years, You’re old. His name is Henrique.

I am married, m. My husband haveis a 34 years, You’re old. His name is Henrique.

I married, my husband have ais 34 years, You’reHis name is Henrique.

I married, my husband have a 34 years, You’re ago, His name is Henrique.

Have is for possession, time isn't possessed in English, it passes; '34 years ago, 34 minutes ago..' etc.

I’m married, my husband and i have a 34 years, You’re being together, his name is Henrique.

it’s very important to use “His” and not “You’re” here, since if you don’t, that could cause a lot of confusion.

I am married, m. My husband have ais 34 years, You’re of age. His name is Henrique.

I am married. My husband is 34 years of age. His name is Henrique.

I am married, and my husband have ais 34 years, You’re old, His name is Henrique.

"You're" is the person reading it.

Have a sun, he’s name is Klaus and he’s a 2 years old.

Have a sun, he’I also have a son. His name is Klaus, and he’s a 2 is two years old.

For numbers 1 to 10, we write them out.

HWe have a sun, he’on. His name is Klaus and he’s a 2 years old.

HI have a suon, he’is name is Klaus and he’s a 2 years old.

HWe have a suon, he’is name is Klaus and he’s a 2 years old.

(Who?) has a son; Must include 'We, you, I.. or similar.' Sun --> The sun in the sky which shines. Son --> Your male child.

HWe have a suon, he’is name is Klaus and he’s a 2 years old.

HI have a sun, he’on. His name is Klaus and he’s a is 2 years old.

sun = solar ; son = your male child

HWe have a suon, he’is name is Klaus and he’s a is 2 years old.

"Sun" is "sol". Son is a child who is a boy.

I life In São Paulo, Brasil.

I lifve Iin São Paulo, Braszil.

I lifve In São Paulo, Brasil.

I lifve In São Paulo, Brasil.

I lifve In São Paulo, Braszil.

Life = noun Live = verb (you are currently living there) Brazil is spelled with a 'z' in English (even if this isn't correct, sorry!)

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

I lifve Iin São Paulo, Brasil.

I lifve Iin São Paulo, Brasil.

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