March 6, 2025
Hi! My name is Camila, i am a 29 years old. I married, my husband have a 34 years, You’re name is Henrique. Have a sun, he’s name is Klaus and he’s a 2 years old. I life In São Paulo, Brasil.
Oi! Meu nome é Camila, eu tenho 29 anos, sou casada e meu marido se chama Henrique e tem 34 anos. Tenho um filho e seu nome é Klaus e ele tem 2 anos. Moro em São Paulo
My name is Camila, iI am a 29 years old.
I am married, and my husband have ais 34 years, You’re old, His name is Henrique.
"You're" is the person reading it.
HWe have a suon, he’is name is Klaus and he’s a is 2 years old.
"Sun" is "sol". Son is a child who is a boy.
I lifve Iin São Paulo, Brasil.
My life
My name is Camila, i and I am a 29 years old.
"I" is always capital letter. I have used "and" to join the 2 sentences.
I am married, m. My husband have ais 34 years, You’re of age. His name is Henrique.
I am married. My husband is 34 years of age. His name is Henrique.
HI have a sun, he’on. His name is Klaus and he’s a is 2 years old.
sun = solar ; son = your male child
I lifve Iin São Paulo, Brasil.
My name is Camila, i am a 29 years old.
I’m married, my husband and i have a 34 years, You’re being together, his name is Henrique.
it’s very important to use “His” and not “You’re” here, since if you don’t, that could cause a lot of confusion.
HWe have a suon, he’is name is Klaus and he’s a 2 years old.
I life In São Paulo, Brasil.
My life
My name is Camila, iI am a 29 years old.
I is capitalised when used as a pronoun.
I married, my husband have a 34 years, You’re ago, His name is Henrique.
Have is for possession, time isn't possessed in English, it passes; '34 years ago, 34 minutes ago..' etc.
HWe have a suon, he’is name is Klaus and he’s a 2 years old.
(Who?) has a son; Must include 'We, you, I.. or similar.'
Sun --> The sun in the sky which shines.
Son --> Your male child.
I lifve In São Paulo, Braszil.
Life = noun
Live = verb (you are currently living there)
Brazil is spelled with a 'z' in English (even if this isn't correct, sorry!)
Keep practising and you'll improve quickly! Well done.
My lLife
My name is Camila, i. I am a 29 years old.
I married, my husband have, who is a 34 years, You’re old. His name is Henrique.
Have a sun, he’I also have a son. His name is Klaus, and he’s a 2 is two years old.
For numbers 1 to 10, we write them out.
I lifve Iin São Paulo, Braszil.
Nice to meet you! I can't wait to see more entries from you soon!
My name is Camila, i am a 29 years old.
I married, my husband have ais 34 years, You’reHis name is Henrique.
HI have a suon, he’is name is Klaus and he’s a 2 years old.
I lifve In São Paulo, Brasil.
My name is Camila, iI am a 29 years old.
I am married, m. My husband haveis a 34 years, You’re old. His name is Henrique.
HWe have a sun, he’on. His name is Klaus and he’s a 2 years old.
I lifve In São Paulo, Brasil.
My life My This sentence has been marked as perfect! This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
Hi! This sentence has been marked as perfect! This sentence has been marked as perfect! This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
My name is Camila, i am a 29 years old. My name is Camila My name is Camila, My name is Camila, i am My name is Camila, I is capitalised when used as a pronoun. My name is Camila, i am My name is Camila "I" is always capital letter. I have used "and" to join the 2 sentences. My name is Camila, |
I married, my husband have a 34 years, You’re name is Henrique. I married I am married I married, my husband I married Have is for possession, time isn't possessed in English, it passes; '34 years ago, 34 minutes ago..' etc. I’m married, my husband and i have it’s very important to use “His” and not “You’re” here, since if you don’t, that could cause a lot of confusion. I am married I am married. My husband is 34 years of age. His name is Henrique. I am married, and my husband "You're" is the person reading it. |
Have a sun, he’s name is Klaus and he’s a 2 years old.
For numbers 1 to 10, we write them out.
(Who?) has a son; Must include 'We, you, I.. or similar.' Sun --> The sun in the sky which shines. Son --> Your male child.
sun = solar ; son = your male child
"Sun" is "sol". Son is a child who is a boy. |
I life In São Paulo, Brasil. I li I li I li I li Life = noun Live = verb (you are currently living there) Brazil is spelled with a 'z' in English (even if this isn't correct, sorry!) This sentence has been marked as perfect! I li I li |
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