jiawei0726's avatar

Nov. 2, 2024

my job

I am a teacher, I teach Chinese lessons in a primary school. Chinese is interesting and hard to learn, but it is easy for a native speaker. My students are seven years old, there are cute and smart, we have learned how to write a simple dialogue recently. it is difficult for a primary school student.



mMy job

I am a teacher, and I teach Chinese lessons in a primary school.

Chinese is interesting and hard to learn, but it is easy for a native speaker.

My students are seven years old, therey are cute and smart, we hav and we learned how to write a simple dialogue recently.

iIt is difficult for a primary school student.

mMy jJob

I am a teacher,. I teach Chinese lessons in a primary school.

Chinese is interesting and hard to learn, but it is easy for a native speaker.

My students are seven years old, and therey are cute and smart, we have learned how to write a simple dialogue recently.

I don't think the order really matters but

it is difficultWe just learned how to write a simple dialogue recently, which can be challenging for a primary school students.

I split the phrases up like this so it flows better

shorter's avatar

Nov. 3, 2024


Oops, ignore that first yellow line

mMy jJob

I am a teacher,. I teach Chinese lessons in a primary school.

Chinese is interesting and hard to learn for non-native speakers, but it is easy for a native speaker.

My students are seven years old, there. They are cute and smart, w. We have learned how to write a simple dialogue recently.

iIt is difficult for a primary school student.

mMy jJob

Capitalize the “important” words in titles

I am a teacher, I who teaches Chinese lessons in a primary school.

Comma splice. Full sentences need to be separated by a period or semicolon.
However, this results in choppy / repetitive phrasing. This edit avoids the religion and feels more fluid.

My students are seven years old, there. They are cute and smart, w. We (have) recently learned how to write a(a) simple dialogue recently(s).

Comma splices.
“Recently” modifies “learned” so it’s preferred to keep them together. What you wrote was clear and understandable.

itThis skill is difficult for a primary school student.

“It” is unclear what it refers back to.
“Difficult” here implies the students struggled with completing the task successfully, which may be correct. Alternatively, you could say “challenging” which implies the task is difficult, but they managed it successfully.

I am a teacher,. I teach Chinese lessons in a primary school.

Chinese is interesting and hard to learn, but it is easy for a native speaker.

My students are seven years old, there. They are cute and smart, w. We have learned how to write a simple dialogue recently.

iIt is difficult for a primary school student.


Well done.

my job

mMy jJob

Capitalize the “important” words in titles

mMy jJob

mMy jJob

mMy job

I am a teacher, I teach Chinese lessons in a primary school.

I am a teacher,. I teach Chinese lessons in a primary school.

I am a teacher, I who teaches Chinese lessons in a primary school.

Comma splice. Full sentences need to be separated by a period or semicolon. However, this results in choppy / repetitive phrasing. This edit avoids the religion and feels more fluid.

I am a teacher,. I teach Chinese lessons in a primary school.

I am a teacher,. I teach Chinese lessons in a primary school.

I am a teacher, and I teach Chinese lessons in a primary school.

Chinese is interesting and hard to learn, but it is easy for a native speaker.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Chinese is interesting and hard to learn for non-native speakers, but it is easy for a native speaker.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

My students are seven years old, there are cute and smart, we have learned how to write a simple dialogue recently.

My students are seven years old, there. They are cute and smart, w. We have learned how to write a simple dialogue recently.

My students are seven years old, there. They are cute and smart, w. We (have) recently learned how to write a(a) simple dialogue recently(s).

Comma splices. “Recently” modifies “learned” so it’s preferred to keep them together. What you wrote was clear and understandable.

My students are seven years old, there. They are cute and smart, w. We have learned how to write a simple dialogue recently.

My students are seven years old, and therey are cute and smart, we have learned how to write a simple dialogue recently.

I don't think the order really matters but

My students are seven years old, therey are cute and smart, we hav and we learned how to write a simple dialogue recently.

it is difficult for a primary school student.

iIt is difficult for a primary school student.

itThis skill is difficult for a primary school student.

“It” is unclear what it refers back to. “Difficult” here implies the students struggled with completing the task successfully, which may be correct. Alternatively, you could say “challenging” which implies the task is difficult, but they managed it successfully.

iIt is difficult for a primary school student.

it is difficultWe just learned how to write a simple dialogue recently, which can be challenging for a primary school students.

I split the phrases up like this so it flows better

iIt is difficult for a primary school student.

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