studylemon's avatar

Nov. 3, 2022

My Day

I usually write my journals in french, but today i thought, why not write something in English again? Since i finished school and started going to university, i only wrote English to communicate with the friends i met through the internet. The English I use there is a quite simple English and i have the feeling my English is not progressing any longer.

The problem now is , I don't have the time to study English in my free time. My Lectures and Courses keep me quite busy and the during rest of my free time I usually study french, rest or meet up with friends, which is very important to me, because they keep me from feeling lonely in this new city. My busy schedule annoys me a bit though. I wish the day had more than only 24 hours. Or we wouldn't have to sleep that much. I feel like im a Koala bear nowadays because i'm sleepy all the time!

In today's linguistic class our professor introduced us to the topic of phonetic, which looks into how we produce Louds like vocals and consonants. It is quite hard to understand everything on first try and, even more, to learn all of the new letters you need to transcribe your written words into spoken words. I just hope it will get better with time. Concerning time, i really need to get some sleep or else i'll really turn into a Koala Bear tomorrow.

I hope you had a wonderful day!


I usually write my journals in french, but today iI thought, why not write something in English again?

Since iI finished school and started going to university, iI only wroite in English to communicate with the friends iI met through the internetonline.

The English I use therewith them is a quite simple English, and iI have the feeling my English is not progressing any longermore.

The problem now is ,that I don't have the time to study English in my free time.

My Llectures and Ccourses keep me quite busy, and the during rest of my free time I usually study fFrench, rest or meet up with friends, which is very important to me, because they keep me from feeling lonely in this new city.

My busy schedule annoys me a bit though.

This reads very naturally - good job!

I wish the day had more than onlyjust 24 hours.

Or that we wouldn't have to sleep that much.

Me too :)

I feel like iI'm a Kkoala bear nowadays, because iI'm so sleepy all the time!

Me too here as well! :D

In today's linguistics class, our professor introduced us to the topic of phonetics, which looks into how we produce Lsounds like vocals and consonants.

It i's quite hard to understand everything on first try and, even more, to learn all of the new letters you need to transcribe your written words into spoken words.

Concerning time, iI really need to get some sleep or else iI'll really turn into a Kkoala Bbear tomorrow.

I hope you had a wonderful day!

You too!


Great job - this reads very naturally, I wouldn't guess that you are out of practice at all :)

studylemon's avatar

Nov. 5, 2022


Thank you :) I need to practice my academic english. But I wanted to start with working on my everyday english :3

cats's avatar

Nov. 5, 2022


Thank you :) I need to practice my academic english. But I wanted to start with working on my everyday english :3

Feel free to let me know if you ever want to do a language exchange with German and academic English! I used to teach at a university so I know the more academic terms quite well :)

studylemon's avatar

Nov. 6, 2022


Feel free to let me know if you ever want to do a language exchange with German and academic English! I used to teach at a university so I know the more academic terms quite well :)

Thank you for the offer, i would love that sometime! I’m quite busy with uni atm though? how do you want the exchange to happen? Correct each others journals? :))

My Dday

I usually write my journals in french, but today iI thought, why not write something in English again?

Since iI finished school and started going to university, iI only wroite in English to communicate with the friends ithat I met through the internet.

I is always capitalised

The English I use theren is a quite simple English and iI have the feeling that my English is not progressing any longfurther.

The problem now is , I don't have the time to study English in my free time.

My Llectures and Ccourses keep me quite busy and the during rest of my free time I usually study fFrench, restlax or meet up with friends, wthichs is very important to me, because they keep me from feeling lonely in this new city.

My busy schedule annoys me a bit though.

I wish the day had more than onlyjust 24 hours.

Or we woulthat we didn't have to sleep that much.

I feel like iI am a Koala bear nowadays because i'I am sleepy all the time!

In today's linguistic class our professor introduced us to the topic of phonetics, which looks into how we produce Lsounds like vocals and consonants.

It is quite hard to understand everything on the first try and, even more, to learn all of the new letters you need to transcribe your written words into spoken words.

I just hope it will get betteasier with time.

ConcernTalking of time, iI really need to get some sleep or else I wi'll really turn into a Kkoala Bbear tomorrow.

I hope you had a wonderful day!

My Day

My Dday

I usually write my journals in french, but today i thought, why not write something in English again?

I usually write my journals in french, but today iI thought, why not write something in English again?

I usually write my journals in french, but today iI thought, why not write something in English again?

Since i finished school and started going to university, i only wrote English to communicate with the friends i met through the internet.

Since iI finished school and started going to university, iI only wroite in English to communicate with the friends ithat I met through the internet.

I is always capitalised

Since iI finished school and started going to university, iI only wroite in English to communicate with the friends iI met through the internetonline.

The English I use there is a quite simple English and i have the feeling my English is not progressing any longer.

The English I use theren is a quite simple English and iI have the feeling that my English is not progressing any longfurther.

The English I use therewith them is a quite simple English, and iI have the feeling my English is not progressing any longermore.

The problem now is , I don't have the time to study English in my free time.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

The problem now is ,that I don't have the time to study English in my free time.

My Lectures and Courses keep me quite busy and the during rest of my free time I usually study french, rest or meet up with friends, which is very important to me, because they keep me from feeling lonely in this new city.

My Llectures and Ccourses keep me quite busy and the during rest of my free time I usually study fFrench, restlax or meet up with friends, wthichs is very important to me, because they keep me from feeling lonely in this new city.

My Llectures and Ccourses keep me quite busy, and the during rest of my free time I usually study fFrench, rest or meet up with friends, which is very important to me, because they keep me from feeling lonely in this new city.

My busy schedule annoys me a bit though.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

My busy schedule annoys me a bit though.

This reads very naturally - good job!

I wish the day had more than only 24 hours.

I wish the day had more than onlyjust 24 hours.

I wish the day had more than onlyjust 24 hours.

Or we wouldn't have to sleep that much.

Or we woulthat we didn't have to sleep that much.

Or that we wouldn't have to sleep that much.

Me too :)

I feel like im a Koala bear nowadays because i'm sleepy all the time!

I feel like iI am a Koala bear nowadays because i'I am sleepy all the time!

I feel like iI'm a Kkoala bear nowadays, because iI'm so sleepy all the time!

Me too here as well! :D

In today's linguistic class our professor introduced us to the topic of phonetic, which looks into how we produce Louds like vocals and consonants.

In today's linguistic class our professor introduced us to the topic of phonetics, which looks into how we produce Lsounds like vocals and consonants.

In today's linguistics class, our professor introduced us to the topic of phonetics, which looks into how we produce Lsounds like vocals and consonants.

It is quite hard to understand everything on first try and, even more, to learn all of the new letters you need to transcribe your written words into spoken words.

It is quite hard to understand everything on the first try and, even more, to learn all of the new letters you need to transcribe your written words into spoken words.

It i's quite hard to understand everything on first try and, even more, to learn all of the new letters you need to transcribe your written words into spoken words.

I just hope it will get better with time.

I just hope it will get betteasier with time.

Concerning time, i really need to get some sleep or else i'll really turn into a Koala Bear tomorrow.

ConcernTalking of time, iI really need to get some sleep or else I wi'll really turn into a Kkoala Bbear tomorrow.

Concerning time, iI really need to get some sleep or else iI'll really turn into a Kkoala Bbear tomorrow.

I hope you had a wonderful day!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

I hope you had a wonderful day!

You too!

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