sleang7's avatar

Dec. 15, 2022

My brother buy a car for me

My brother told me, “ buy a car for me better than my dad give me”. It is not more way better I’m poor with my brother picked car my self. Three days I need to pull gas. It’s so expensive gas $55 full the gallon. I should to stay better not going to work.


My brother buyought a car for me.

I changed "buy" to "bought" since it happened in the past.

My brother told me, “ bBuy a car for me better than the one my dad giave me”.

Since you're talking in the past tense, I changed "give" to "gave".

It is not more wayuch better. I’m poor with my brother picked the car my self.

I changed "more way" to "much". Unsure what you were trying to say here.

Three days I need to pull gaI need to stretch the gas I have for three days.

When you try to reserve gas, we call it "stretching" or "making it stretch".

It’s so expensive gas $55 fu. Gas costs $55 to fill the gallontank.

I should to stayTo be safe, I better not going to work.


Good job! I could understand what you were trying to say most of the time. I am a little confused though. I'm not sure who bought a car for who. Pay attention to which tense you use for your verbs.

sleang7's avatar

Dec. 15, 2022


Thank you 🙏 good explanation

My bBrother buyBought a cCar for mMe

We capitalize the first letters of important words in titles.

It's past tense since your brother already bought you the car.

My brother said told me, “ bBuy a car for me better than mythe one dad giave me.

It is not more waythat much better but I’m poor. I went with my brother picked car my selfto choose the car.

Three days I need to pullIt takes me three days to pay for gas.

I'm not sure what you mean when you say that you "pulled gas."

It’Gas is so expensive ga. It costs $55 futo fill the gallontank.

I should to stay better nott's better that I stay home instead of going to work.

I'm not sure what you're trying to say so this is my best guess.


Good work.

My brother buy a car for me

My bBrother buyBought a cCar for mMe

We capitalize the first letters of important words in titles. It's past tense since your brother already bought you the car.

My brother buyought a car for me.

I changed "buy" to "bought" since it happened in the past.

My brother told me, “ buy a car for me better than my dad give me”.

My brother said told me, “ bBuy a car for me better than mythe one dad giave me.

My brother told me, “ bBuy a car for me better than the one my dad giave me”.

Since you're talking in the past tense, I changed "give" to "gave".

It is not more way better I’m poor with my brother picked car my self.

It is not more waythat much better but I’m poor. I went with my brother picked car my selfto choose the car.

It is not more wayuch better. I’m poor with my brother picked the car my self.

I changed "more way" to "much". Unsure what you were trying to say here.

Three days I need to pull gas.

Three days I need to pullIt takes me three days to pay for gas.

I'm not sure what you mean when you say that you "pulled gas."

Three days I need to pull gaI need to stretch the gas I have for three days.

When you try to reserve gas, we call it "stretching" or "making it stretch".

It’s so expensive gas $55 full the gallon.

It’Gas is so expensive ga. It costs $55 futo fill the gallontank.

It’s so expensive gas $55 fu. Gas costs $55 to fill the gallontank.

I should to stay better not going to work.

I should to stay better nott's better that I stay home instead of going to work.

I'm not sure what you're trying to say so this is my best guess.

I should to stayTo be safe, I better not going to work.

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