cristinaaquafina101's avatar

Jan. 8, 2023

My biggest motivation is: shame

I don't know how to write the tittle better in order to express my feeling. I hope trough the text you can figure out what I am trying to say.

Since high-school I became aware of shame. As I experienced many failures, regarding to love, subjects, etc. I realized how strong it was, how would cause a pain as big as if your skin was burning.
Since then I started working so hard in order to avoid shame, the shame of failing, mistaking, loosing. High school was for me one of the best years of my life, even though I was constantly working so hard just for not feeling ashamed. But by that time I did not realize that.

In order to avoid shame, I've been working so hard, which has lead me to certain positive things such as: get in a good University and get a job.
The problem is that no matter how much I love what I do, I am not fulfilled.
So, I was thinking. "Why after I succeed my emotions are not so strong as when I fail?" and that's because I work so hard not for praising but for avoiding the shame of "you are supposed to know that", "that was really not difficult to do", "you're clever then why did you fail".
The same goes in love. I cannot take a relationship in which I do not feel like I am winning. I'm sure this is not healthy at all. Feeling ashamed is natural every now and then but I do not think is something to find motivation in.

I feel happy where I am, but at the same time I feel like "is the minimum you could do".

I hope is well explained. These thoughts are very complicated to me.


My biggest motivation is: shame

I don't know how to write the tittle better in order to express my feeling.

I hope through the text you can figure out what I am trying to say.

Since high-school I became aware of (the feeling of / my) shame.

Shame as a concept can be very broad, from shame that you feel internally to the shame from other people. It is good to specify.

As I experienced many failures, (regarding / relating to) love, subjects (school subjects?) , etc.

'regarding to' is not really used, you just need 'regarding (thing).' Otherwise you can use 'relating to'
I think you meant "other subjects" aka other things aside from just love

I realized how strong it was, how wit could cause a pain as big(deep / potent ) as if your skin was burning.

'big' is usually used for physical sizes

'could' = potential to hurt this bad. 'would' implies it hurts this much every time

Since then I started working so hard in order to avoid shame, (whether it be/ such as) the shame of failing, mistaking, lo mistakes, or losing.

Must connect "the shame of.." to sentence using conjunction

loosing = not being as tight, losing = failing

Mistaking usually means having the wrong idea (e.g. mistaking a lion for a tiger) . For a more general use, 'making mistakes' work

High school was for me onsome of the best years of my life, even though I was constantly working so hard just forto not feeling ashamed.

High school is multiple years, so 'one' does not work

But by(during that time / back then) I did not realize that.

In order to avoid shame, I've been working so hard, which has lead me to certain positive things such as: getting in a good Uuniversity and getting a job.

The problem is that no matter how much I love what I do, I am not fulfilled.

So, I was thinking.

"Why aAfter I succeeding, why are my emotions are not aso strong as when I failed?"

Don't use 'so strong as', use 'as strong as'

and that's because I work so hard not for praisinge but for avoiding the shame of "you are supposed to know that", "that was really not difficult to do", "you're clever thenso why did you fail".

praise = noun compared to praising = act

The same goes infor love.

I cannot take a relationship in which I do not feel like I am winning.

I'm sure this is not healthy at all.

Feeling ashamed is natural every now and then but I do not think it's something to find motivation infrom.

I feel happy where I am, but at the same time I feel like "it's the minimum you could do".


Good work. I relate to that feeling of doing something not because you want it for yourself, but because of other pressure. Stay strong!

cristinaaquafina101's avatar

Jan. 9, 2023


Thanks for your corrections and piece of advice.
I truly appreciate it.

My bBiggest mMotivation is: s Shame

I don't know how to write the tittle better in order to express my feelings.

That's okay! We're here to help.

In English, when we refer to our own feelings, it's always plural.

I hope through the textwriting you can figure out what I am trying to say.


I hope by writing you can figure out what I am trying to say.

Since high- school I became've been aware of shame.


I've been aware of shame since since high school.

As I experienced many failures, regarding to love, school subjects, etc., I realized how strong it was, how so much pain can feel as if your skin were burning.

This is a very beautiful sentence.

I don't think failing in love is something about which to be ashamed. Sure, it hurts and is frustrating and disappointing but please try to avoid feeling shame because of it.

I realized how strong it was, how would cause a pain as big as if your skin was burning.

This was an incomplete sentence so I deleted it and added it to the previous line.

Since then I started working so hard in order to avoid shame, the shame of failing, making mistakinges, loosing.

I find this heartbreaking.

High school was for me onsome of the best years of my life, even though I was constantly working so hard just for notto avoid feeling ashamed.

"Years" is plural so I replaced "one" with "some."

But by that time I did not realize that.

This is an incomplete sentence so I deleted it and added it to the next line.

IBut at that time I did not realize that in order to avoid shame, I'ved been working so hard, which hasthen lead me to certain positive things such as: getting into a good University and getting a job.


This is past tense so I changed it to "I'd been working so hard ..."

The problem is that no matter how much I love what I do, I am not fulfilled.

So, I was thinking.

"Why after I succeed my emotions re my emotions after I succeed not as strong as when I fail?," and that's because I work so hared not so strong as when Ifor receiving praise but for avoiding the shame of "you are supposed to know that," "that was really not difficult to do," "you're clever so then why did you fail?"

This is a normal part of the human condition. Practicing gratitude really helps to counter this.

and that's because I work so hard not for praising but for avoiding the shame of "you are supposed to know that", "that was really not difficult to do", "you're clever then why did you fail".

This is another sentence fragment.

The same goes infor love.

I cannot takebe in a relationship in which I do not feel likeas if I am winning.


"Be in a relationship" is the phrase we use in the US.

I'm sure this is not healthy at all.

Feeling ashamed is natural every now and then but I do not think it is something in which to find motivation in.

I agree.

I feel happy where I am, but at the same time I feel like, "Is this the minimum that you couldan do?".


You wrote about your feelings very well so I hope you feel proud about that. I also hope you find an alternative to your motivation because, you're absolutely correct, shame is a terrible motivator. I wish you the very best on your journey.

cristinaaquafina101's avatar

Jan. 9, 2023


Thank youso much for your corrections and wishes. I wish you too the very best :)

mari's avatar

Jan. 9, 2023


Thank youso much for your corrections and wishes. I wish you too the very best :)

Thank you! :)

My biggest motivation is: shame

I don't know how to write the tittle better in order to express my feelings.

I hope through the text you can figure out what I am trying to say.

Since high-school I became aware've been aware of the feeling of shame.

If you use "since", you have to use present tense.

As I experienced many failures, regarding to love, subjects, etc.

I realized how strong it was, how would cause a pain as big as if your skin was were burning alive.

Since then I started working sovery hard in order to avoid shame, the shame of failing, mistaking a mistake, loosing.

High school was for me one of the best years of my life, even though I was constantly working so hard just forto not feeling ashamed.

But byat thate time I did not realize that.

In order to avoid shame, I've been working so hard, which has lead me to certain positive things such as: get in a good University and get a job.

The problem is that no matter how much I love what I do, I am not fulfilled.

So, I was thinking.

"Why after I succeed my emotions are not so strong as when I fail?"

aAnd that's because I work so hard not for praisinge but for avoiding the shame of sentences like "you are supposed to know that", "that was really not difficult to do", "you're clever then why did you fail".

The same goes in love.

I cannot take a relationship in which I do not feel like I am winning.

I'm sure this is not healthy at all.

Feeling ashamed is natural every now and then but I do not think it is something to find motivation in.


Great work! I could understand everything all the way through, with some slight adjustments to make the sentences better. It's great that you realised shame isn't really a great motivator. I wish you the best!

cristinaaquafina101's avatar

Jan. 8, 2023


Thank you so much. I wish you too the best :)

My bBiggest mMotivation is: s Shame

You don't need the semicolon there since you have 'is.' If you do want it, rephrase the title to: "My Biggest Motivation: Shame."

I don't know how to write/phrase the tittle to better in order to express my feelings.

I hope trough the text you can figure out what I am trying to say.

Since high- school, I became (more) aware of shame...

I feel like adding 'more' would be accurate unless you really did not feel shame at all until high school. Connect this sentence to the next one I experienced many failures, regarding to love, school (subjects), etc.

I realized how strong it was, how would cause a pain as big; it was as if myour skin was burning in pain.

You don't need to use 'as if' if you want a stronger metaphorical effect. See here: "I realized how strong it was, how my skin would burn in pain."

Since then, I started working so hard in order to avoid shame,: the shame of failing, mistaking, loosing(and) losing (etc).

Choose 'and' or 'etc' depending on your intentions.

High school was, for me, one of the best years of my life, even though I was constantly working so hard just forto not feeling ashamed.

But byat that time I did not realize that...

Connect this sentence to the next one. order to avoid shame, I've been working sovery hard, which has leading me to certain positive thingoutcomes such as: getting into a good University and getting a job.

The problem is that no matter how much I love what I do, I am not fulfilled.

So, I was thinking,...

continue to next sentence

..."Why after I succeed my emotions are not so strong asdo I not feel as strongly when I succeed compared to when I fail?"

and tThat's because I work so hard not for praisinge but for avoiding the shame of "you are supposed to know that"," "that was really not that difficult to do", "," "if you're clever then why did you fail"."

The same goes in love.

I cannot take a relationship in which I do not feel like I am winning.

I'm sure this is not healthy at all.

Feeling ashamed is natural every now and then, but I do not think is something to find motivation in.

I feel happy where I am, but at the same time I feel like "is the minimumthink to myself, "is this really all you couldan do?".


I can relate to these ideas of discontent, wanting to live up to everyone's expectations. The failure of disappointing someone else is hard to get your mind off of. But I read your last line with a sigh of relief: "I feel happy where I am, but at the same time I think to myself, 'is this really all you can do?'" I think it's great that you can realize that you are happy with how you are. I also think it's okay to think that where you are isn't enough. The latter drives you to become a better person. The former allows you to maintain that drive without burning out. I think both feelings are important in life and keep both close at hand. You probably have a lot more time to grow in the future and may grow out of these ideas, but I think the most important part is to just do whatever makes you happy. Well, this is all just some nonsense from a random college student on the internet who knows nothing about life. I just felt like sharing my thoughts after reading your post.

cristinaaquafina101's avatar

Jan. 9, 2023


Thank you so much. I will work on it, and thanks aswell for sharing your thoughts is less overwhelming knowing that is not only me who struggles with that kind of emotions .

My biggest motivation is: shame

My bBiggest mMotivation is: s Shame

You don't need the semicolon there since you have 'is.' If you do want it, rephrase the title to: "My Biggest Motivation: Shame."

My biggest motivation is: shame

My bBiggest mMotivation is: s Shame

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

I don't know how to write the tittle better in order to express my feeling.

I don't know how to write/phrase the tittle to better in order to express my feelings.

I don't know how to write the tittle better in order to express my feelings.

I don't know how to write the tittle better in order to express my feelings.

That's okay! We're here to help. In English, when we refer to our own feelings, it's always plural.

I don't know how to write the tittle better in order to express my feeling.

I hope trough the text you can figure out what I am trying to say.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

I hope through the text you can figure out what I am trying to say.

I hope through the textwriting you can figure out what I am trying to say.

or, I hope by writing you can figure out what I am trying to say.

I hope through the text you can figure out what I am trying to say.

Since high-school I became aware of shame.

Since high- school, I became (more) aware of shame...

I feel like adding 'more' would be accurate unless you really did not feel shame at all until high school. Connect this sentence to the next one

Since high-school I became aware've been aware of the feeling of shame.

If you use "since", you have to use present tense.

Since high- school I became've been aware of shame.

or I've been aware of shame since since high school.

Since high-school I became aware of (the feeling of / my) shame.

Shame as a concept can be very broad, from shame that you feel internally to the shame from other people. It is good to specify.

As I experienced many failures, regarding to love, subjects, etc. I experienced many failures, regarding to love, school (subjects), etc.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

As I experienced many failures, regarding to love, school subjects, etc., I realized how strong it was, how so much pain can feel as if your skin were burning.

This is a very beautiful sentence. I don't think failing in love is something about which to be ashamed. Sure, it hurts and is frustrating and disappointing but please try to avoid feeling shame because of it.

As I experienced many failures, (regarding / relating to) love, subjects (school subjects?) , etc.

'regarding to' is not really used, you just need 'regarding (thing).' Otherwise you can use 'relating to' I think you meant "other subjects" aka other things aside from just love

I realized how strong it was, how would cause a pain as big as if your skin was burning.

I realized how strong it was, how would cause a pain as big; it was as if myour skin was burning in pain.

You don't need to use 'as if' if you want a stronger metaphorical effect. See here: "I realized how strong it was, how my skin would burn in pain."

I realized how strong it was, how would cause a pain as big as if your skin was were burning alive.

I realized how strong it was, how would cause a pain as big as if your skin was burning.

This was an incomplete sentence so I deleted it and added it to the previous line.

I realized how strong it was, how wit could cause a pain as big(deep / potent ) as if your skin was burning.

'big' is usually used for physical sizes 'could' = potential to hurt this bad. 'would' implies it hurts this much every time

Since then I started working so hard in order to avoid shame, the shame of failing, mistaking, loosing.

Since then, I started working so hard in order to avoid shame,: the shame of failing, mistaking, loosing(and) losing (etc).

Choose 'and' or 'etc' depending on your intentions.

Since then I started working sovery hard in order to avoid shame, the shame of failing, mistaking a mistake, loosing.

Since then I started working so hard in order to avoid shame, the shame of failing, making mistakinges, loosing.

I find this heartbreaking.

Since then I started working so hard in order to avoid shame, (whether it be/ such as) the shame of failing, mistaking, lo mistakes, or losing.

Must connect "the shame of.." to sentence using conjunction loosing = not being as tight, losing = failing Mistaking usually means having the wrong idea (e.g. mistaking a lion for a tiger) . For a more general use, 'making mistakes' work

High school was for me one of the best years of my life, even though I was constantly working so hard just for not feeling ashamed.

High school was, for me, one of the best years of my life, even though I was constantly working so hard just forto not feeling ashamed.

High school was for me one of the best years of my life, even though I was constantly working so hard just forto not feeling ashamed.

High school was for me onsome of the best years of my life, even though I was constantly working so hard just for notto avoid feeling ashamed.

"Years" is plural so I replaced "one" with "some."

High school was for me onsome of the best years of my life, even though I was constantly working so hard just forto not feeling ashamed.

High school is multiple years, so 'one' does not work

But by that time I did not realize that.

But byat that time I did not realize that...

Connect this sentence to the next one.

But byat thate time I did not realize that.

But by that time I did not realize that.

This is an incomplete sentence so I deleted it and added it to the next line.

But by(during that time / back then) I did not realize that.

In order to avoid shame, I've been working so hard, which has lead me to certain positive things such as: get in a good University and get a job. order to avoid shame, I've been working sovery hard, which has leading me to certain positive thingoutcomes such as: getting into a good University and getting a job.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

IBut at that time I did not realize that in order to avoid shame, I'ved been working so hard, which hasthen lead me to certain positive things such as: getting into a good University and getting a job.

Congratulations!" This is past tense so I changed it to "I'd been working so hard ..."

In order to avoid shame, I've been working so hard, which has lead me to certain positive things such as: getting in a good Uuniversity and getting a job.

The problem is that no matter how much I love what I do, I am not fulfilled.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

So, I was thinking.

So, I was thinking,...

continue to next sentence

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

"Why after I succeed my emotions are not so strong as when I fail?"

..."Why after I succeed my emotions are not so strong asdo I not feel as strongly when I succeed compared to when I fail?"

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

"Why after I succeed my emotions re my emotions after I succeed not as strong as when I fail?," and that's because I work so hared not so strong as when Ifor receiving praise but for avoiding the shame of "you are supposed to know that," "that was really not difficult to do," "you're clever so then why did you fail?"

This is a normal part of the human condition. Practicing gratitude really helps to counter this.

"Why aAfter I succeeding, why are my emotions are not aso strong as when I failed?"

Don't use 'so strong as', use 'as strong as'

and that's because I work so hard not for praising but for avoiding the shame of "you are supposed to know that", "that was really not difficult to do", "you're clever then why did you fail".

and tThat's because I work so hard not for praisinge but for avoiding the shame of "you are supposed to know that"," "that was really not that difficult to do", "," "if you're clever then why did you fail"."

aAnd that's because I work so hard not for praisinge but for avoiding the shame of sentences like "you are supposed to know that", "that was really not difficult to do", "you're clever then why did you fail".

and that's because I work so hard not for praising but for avoiding the shame of "you are supposed to know that", "that was really not difficult to do", "you're clever then why did you fail".

This is another sentence fragment.

and that's because I work so hard not for praisinge but for avoiding the shame of "you are supposed to know that", "that was really not difficult to do", "you're clever thenso why did you fail".

praise = noun compared to praising = act

The same goes in love.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

The same goes infor love.

The same goes infor love.

I cannot take a relationship in which I do not feel like I am winning.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

I cannot takebe in a relationship in which I do not feel likeas if I am winning.

Whoa! "Be in a relationship" is the phrase we use in the US.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

I'm sure this is not healthy at all.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Feeling ashamed is natural every now and then but I do not think is something to find motivation in.

Feeling ashamed is natural every now and then, but I do not think is something to find motivation in.

Feeling ashamed is natural every now and then but I do not think it is something to find motivation in.

Feeling ashamed is natural every now and then but I do not think it is something in which to find motivation in.

I agree.

Feeling ashamed is natural every now and then but I do not think it's something to find motivation infrom.

I feel happy where I am, but at the same time I feel like "is the minimum you could do".

I feel happy where I am, but at the same time I feel like "is the minimumthink to myself, "is this really all you couldan do?".

I feel happy where I am, but at the same time I feel like, "Is this the minimum that you couldan do?".

I feel happy where I am, but at the same time I feel like "it's the minimum you could do".

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