evealvarez1's avatar

Dec. 18, 2024

My beginning

Hi, my name is evelyn and I live in Mexico and I like watching movies and series.
Really, I would like to learn english because It useful for my university, so I need to pass the exam. This vacations I am learning more english and
I feel more save with english.


My beginning

Hi, my name is eEvelyn. and I live in Mexico and I like watching movies and series.

Really, I would like to learn eEnglish because Iit useful for my university, studies so I need to pass the exam.

This vacations I am learning more eEnglish and
I feel more
save with english.confident.

My beginningFirst Post

Hi, my name is eEvelyn, and I live in Mexico and. For fun, I like watching movies and TV series.

Really, I would like to learn eEnglish because Iit would useful for my university, . Also, I need to pass the examan exam (that tests my level of English).

TFor this vacations, I am learning more eEnglish and
I feel more
save with englishcomfortable with this language.


Hope to hear more from you. I edited your post to sound more natural and avoid redundancies.

My bBeginning

Hi, my name is eEvelyn and I live in Mexico and. I like watching movies and TV series.

Really, I wouldI'd really like to learn eEnglish because Itit's useful forat my university, so I need to pass the exam.

This vacations, I a'm learning more eEnglish and
I feel more save with englishcomfortable with it.

I think you mean "confident" here, but "comfortable could work too. There's a slight difference in meaning though.


Hi, my name is eEvelyn and. I live in Mexico, and I like watching movies and TV series.

ReActually, I would like to learn eEnglish because Itit's useful for my university, so I need to pass the exam.

perhaps you mean "required for my degree"?

This vacationsDuring the break, I am learning more eEnglish, and
I feel more save with englishconfident with it.

I presume you mean a break from school - if you are taking a trip somewhere you could say "for this vacation".
Also I think you mean to spell "safe", but you cannot be "safe" with knowledge.


Great start overall :)

My beginning

My bBeginning

My beginningFirst Post

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Hi, my name is evelyn and I live in Mexico and I like watching movies and series.

Hi, my name is eEvelyn and. I live in Mexico, and I like watching movies and TV series.

Hi, my name is eEvelyn and I live in Mexico and. I like watching movies and TV series.

Hi, my name is eEvelyn, and I live in Mexico and. For fun, I like watching movies and TV series.

Hi, my name is eEvelyn. and I live in Mexico and I like watching movies and series.

Really, I would like to learn english because It useful for my university, so I need to pass the exam.

ReActually, I would like to learn eEnglish because Itit's useful for my university, so I need to pass the exam.

perhaps you mean "required for my degree"?

Really, I wouldI'd really like to learn eEnglish because Itit's useful forat my university, so I need to pass the exam.

Really, I would like to learn eEnglish because Iit would useful for my university, . Also, I need to pass the examan exam (that tests my level of English).

Really, I would like to learn eEnglish because Iit useful for my university, studies so I need to pass the exam.

This vacations I am learning more english and I feel more save with english.

This vacationsDuring the break, I am learning more eEnglish, and
I feel more save with englishconfident with it.

I presume you mean a break from school - if you are taking a trip somewhere you could say "for this vacation". Also I think you mean to spell "safe", but you cannot be "safe" with knowledge.

This vacations, I a'm learning more eEnglish and
I feel more save with englishcomfortable with it.

I think you mean "confident" here, but "comfortable could work too. There's a slight difference in meaning though.

TFor this vacations, I am learning more eEnglish and
I feel more
save with englishcomfortable with this language.

This vacations I am learning more eEnglish and
I feel more
save with english.confident.

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