ronpei's avatar

Nov. 21, 2024

My account was blocked

The other day, my account on Nyan-8 was blocked by a Chinese user, which made me very annoyed. In fact, I just posted in opposition of her opinion and didn’t attack her at all. A few months ago, my fellow learner of Chinse, named “A”, was involved in a kind of quarrel on the site. He has been posting many negative news about the Chinese government, which caused a criticism from a Chinese user as follows.

“You often posted one-sided and even false content about China on Lang-8. Many of your comments even had the idea of splitting China. I think this is wrong. If I say that the four northern islands should belong to Russia, would you be happy? If it is a language learning website, please stop posting these comments. I have no intention of changing a person, and you will not think that what you see is one-sided or even false news, but at least Nyan-8 still has a chance to survive and truly replace the previous Lang-8, so let it exist as a language learning website, instead of becoming a place full of mutual attacks and dissatisfaction.”

In response to this, A wrote as follows.
“If you say that the four northern islands should belong to Russia, I disagree but I respect your opinion. If you say that Taiwan is part of China, I disagree but I respect your opinion. It is important to respect each other's opinions. All I post is true. There is no false content about China. This is a Japanese website where you can express your personal opinions at will. It is different from Chinese websites.”

I totally agreed with A and commented as follows.
“Nyan-8 is a community where freedom of speech is guaranteed, and it should remain that way. In such a place, different opinions are naturally welcomed, and no one needs to feel uncomfortable, because we would never personally attack anyone, but only debate by argument. No offence, just opinions. If you feel discomfort with an article posted by A, you should calmly accept that there should be different opinions from your own. That's the ideal free world. Even if you claim some of his posts are one-sided or false, please cite evidence to support your opinion. True understanding and communication begin with a positive attitude, not with a negative one at all. You must not block him nor avoid reading his posts, much less to try to exclude him.

Then, X and I were abruptly blocked by her. It is quite appalling that she ignored our opinions without citing any evidence to support her opinion. She had no intention to communicate further with us. She just wanted to speak out her feelings. I think she is very childish.




「Nyan-8は言論の自由が保証されているコミュニティであり、そうあり続けるべきです。そのような場所では、異なる意見は当然歓迎され、誰も不快に感じる必要はありません。なぜなら、私たちは誰かを個人的に攻撃することはなく、議論によって議論するだけだからです。攻撃的ではなく、意見だけです。A が投稿した記事に不快感を覚えた場合は、自分とは異なる意見があるべきだと冷静に受け入れるべきです。それが理想的な自由な世界です。彼の投稿の一部が一方的または虚偽であると主張する場合でも、意見を裏付ける証拠を挙げてください。真の理解とコミュニケーションは、否定的な態度ではなく、肯定的な態度から始まります。彼をブロックしたり、彼の投稿を読むのを避けたり、ましてや彼を排除しようとしたりしてはいけません」

その後、X と私は突然彼女にブロックされました。彼女が自分の意見を裏付ける証拠を挙げることなく私たちの意見を無視したことは、非常にひどいことです。彼女は私たちとそれ以上コミュニケーションを取るつもりはありませんでした。彼女はただ自分の気持ちを話したかっただけです。彼女はとても子供っぽいと思います


In fact, I just posted in opposition of her opinion and didn’t even attack her at all.

He hasd been posting many negative news about the Chinese government, which caused a criticism from a Chinese user as follows.. Their criticism was,

Past tense since it was a few months ago.
Splitting up a sentence makes the idea more clear.

“You often posted one-sided and even false content about China on Lang-8.

Many of your comments even had the idea of splitting China.

If it is a language learning website, please stop posting these comments.

I have no intention of changing a person, and. I know you will not think that what you see is one-sided or even false news, but at least Nyan-8 still has a chance to survive and truly replace the previous Lang-8, so l. Let it exist as a language learning website, instead of becoming a place full of mutual attacks and dissatisfaction.”

In response to this, A wrote as follows.

Split up your ideas into several sentences.
I don't know what you mean when you say "I have no intention of changing a person"

AllEverything I post is true.

This is a Japanese website where you can express your personal opinions at will.

In such a place, different opinions are naturally welcomed, and no one needs to feel uncomfortable, because we would never personally attack anyone, but only debate by argument.

No offenceattacking comments, just opinions.

Sounds more clear to the reader.

If you feel disuncomfortable with an article posted by A, you should calmly accept that there should by are different opinions fromthan your own.

Even if you claim some of his posts are one-sided or false, please cite evidence to support your opinionviews.

You must not block him nor avoid reading his posts, much less to try to exclude him."

ThenAfter I responded, XA and I were abruptly blocked by her.

It is quite appalling that she ignored our opinioncomments without citing any evidence to support her opinionwn words.

I think she iswas being very childish.

ronpei's avatar

Nov. 24, 2024


Thank you for your corrections.

My account was blocked

The other day, my account on Nyan-8 was blocked by a Chinese user, which made me vergreatly annoyed me.

In fact, I just posted ian opposition of her opinion andinion, contrary to hers, but didn’t attack her at all.

A few months ago, my fellow learner of Chinese, named “A”, was involved in a kind of quarrel on the site.

He has been posting many negative news items about the Chinese government, which caused a criticism from a Chinese user as follows.:

“You often posted one-sided and even false content about China on Lang-8.

Many of your comments even had the idea of splitting China.

I think this is wrong.

If I say that the four northern islands should belong to Russia, would you be happy?

If itThis is a language learning website, please stop posting these types of comments.

I have no intention of trying to changinge a person, and you will notdon’t seem to think that what you see is one-sided or even falske news, but at least Nyan-8 still has a chance to survive and truly replace the previous Lang-8, so let it exist as a language learning website, instead of becoming a place full of mutual attacks and dissatisfaction.”

In response to this, A wrote as follows

“If you say that the four northern islands should belong to Russia, I disagree but I respect your opinion.

If you say that Taiwan is part of China, I disagree but I respect your opinion.

It is important to respect each other's opinions.

AllEverything I post is true.

There is no false content about China.

This is a Japanese website where you can express your personal opinions at will.

It is different from Chinese websites.” I totally agreed with A and commented as follows.

“Nyan-8 is a community where freedom of speech is guaranteed, and it should remain that way.

In such a place, different opinions are naturally welcomed, and no one needs to feel uncomfortable, because we would never personally attack anyone, but only debate by argument.

No offence, just opinions.

If you feel discomfort with an article posted by A, you should calmly accept that there should be different opinions from your own.

That's the ideal free world.

Even if you claim some of his posts are one-sided or false, please cite evidence to support your opinion.

True understanding and communication begin with a positive attitude, not with a negative one at all.

You must not block him nor avoid reading his posts, much less to try to exclude him.

Then, X and I were abruptly blocked by her.

It is quite appalling that she ignored our opinions without citing any evidence to support her opinion.

She had no intention tof communicateing further with us.

She just wanted to speak outexpress her feelings.

I think she is very childish.

ronpei's avatar

Nov. 24, 2024


Thank you for your corrections.

The other day, my account on Nyan-8 was blocked by a Chinese user, which made me very annoyed.

The other day, my account on Nyan-8 was blocked by a Chinese user, which made me vergreatly annoyed me.

In fact, I just posted in opposition of her opinion and didn’t attack her at all.

In fact, I just posted ian opposition of her opinion andinion, contrary to hers, but didn’t attack her at all.

In fact, I just posted in opposition of her opinion and didn’t even attack her at all.

A few months ago, my fellow learner of Chinse, named “A”, was involved in a kind of quarrel on the site.

A few months ago, my fellow learner of Chinese, named “A”, was involved in a kind of quarrel on the site.

He has been posting many negative news about the Chinese government, which caused a criticism from a Chinese user as follows.

He has been posting many negative news items about the Chinese government, which caused a criticism from a Chinese user as follows.:

He hasd been posting many negative news about the Chinese government, which caused a criticism from a Chinese user as follows.. Their criticism was,

Past tense since it was a few months ago. Splitting up a sentence makes the idea more clear.

“You often posted one-sided and even false content about China on Lang-8.

“You often posted one-sided and even false content about China on Lang-8.

“You often posted one-sided and even false content about China on Lang-8.

Many of your comments even had the idea of splitting China.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Many of your comments even had the idea of splitting China.

I think this is wrong.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

If I say that the four northern islands should belong to Russia, would you be happy?

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

If it is a language learning website, please stop posting these comments.

If itThis is a language learning website, please stop posting these types of comments.

If it is a language learning website, please stop posting these comments.

I have no intention of changing a person, and you will not think that what you see is one-sided or even false news, but at least Nyan-8 still has a chance to survive and truly replace the previous Lang-8, so let it exist as a language learning website, instead of becoming a place full of mutual attacks and dissatisfaction.” In response to this, A wrote as follows.

I have no intention of trying to changinge a person, and you will notdon’t seem to think that what you see is one-sided or even falske news, but at least Nyan-8 still has a chance to survive and truly replace the previous Lang-8, so let it exist as a language learning website, instead of becoming a place full of mutual attacks and dissatisfaction.”

In response to this, A wrote as follows

I have no intention of changing a person, and. I know you will not think that what you see is one-sided or even false news, but at least Nyan-8 still has a chance to survive and truly replace the previous Lang-8, so l. Let it exist as a language learning website, instead of becoming a place full of mutual attacks and dissatisfaction.”

In response to this, A wrote as follows.

Split up your ideas into several sentences. I don't know what you mean when you say "I have no intention of changing a person"

“If you say that the four northern islands should belong to Russia, I disagree but I respect your opinion.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

If you say that Taiwan is part of China, I disagree but I respect your opinion.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

It is important to respect each other's opinions.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

All I post is true.

AllEverything I post is true.

AllEverything I post is true.

There is no false content about China.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This is a Japanese website where you can express your personal opinions at will.

This is a Japanese website where you can express your personal opinions at will.

This is a Japanese website where you can express your personal opinions at will.

It is different from Chinese websites.” I totally agreed with A and commented as follows.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

“Nyan-8 is a community where freedom of speech is guaranteed, and it should remain that way.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

My account was blocked

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

In such a place, different opinions are naturally welcomed, and no one needs to feel uncomfortable, because we would never personally attack anyone, but only debate by argument.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

In such a place, different opinions are naturally welcomed, and no one needs to feel uncomfortable, because we would never personally attack anyone, but only debate by argument.

No offence, just opinions.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

No offenceattacking comments, just opinions.

Sounds more clear to the reader.

If you feel discomfort with an article posted by A, you should calmly accept that there should be different opinions from your own.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

If you feel disuncomfortable with an article posted by A, you should calmly accept that there should by are different opinions fromthan your own.

That's the ideal free world.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Even if you claim some of his posts are one-sided or false, please cite evidence to support your opinion.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Even if you claim some of his posts are one-sided or false, please cite evidence to support your opinionviews.

True understanding and communication begin with a positive attitude, not with a negative one at all.

True understanding and communication begin with a positive attitude, not with a negative one at all.

You must not block him nor avoid reading his posts, much less to try to exclude him.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

You must not block him nor avoid reading his posts, much less to try to exclude him."

Then, X and I were abruptly blocked by her.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

ThenAfter I responded, XA and I were abruptly blocked by her.

It is quite appalling that she ignored our opinions without citing any evidence to support her opinion.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

It is quite appalling that she ignored our opinioncomments without citing any evidence to support her opinionwn words.

She had no intention to communicate further with us.

She had no intention tof communicateing further with us.

She just wanted to speak out her feelings.

She just wanted to speak outexpress her feelings.

I think she is very childish.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

I think she iswas being very childish.

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