Dec. 22, 2022
Minimum wage has been increased by 55% for first half of 2023, reached to 1600 EUR net. It is 100% rise since beginning of January 2022. As far as I remember you would talk Corporate through the pay rise of BV around these days. There is only 500 EUR difference between the minimum wage and my salary & Barbara’s. Inflation is soaring too fast each month and we are losing purchase power alike.
Throughout 2022, we got 35% net rise which means our salaries falls behind 65% of inflation. We would like to keep up with inflation in order to be able to have same purchase power before the inflation started to rise.
mMinimum wWage
Minimum wage has beenwill increased by 55% forin the first half of 2023, reached toing 1600 EUR neteuros.
It is a 100% rise sinccompared to the beginning of January 2022.
As far asFrom what I remember you would talk Ccorporate through the pay rise of BV around these days.
"talk corporate through the pay rise of BV around these days." not sure what this means
There is only a 500 EUReuro difference between the minimum wage and mythe salary &of Barbara’s and I.
Inflation is soaring too fast each month and subsequently we are losing purchase power alike.
ThroughoutDuring 2022, we got a 35% net raise which. This still means our salaries falls behind 65% ofthe inflation of 65%.
We would like to keep up with inflation in order to be able to have same purchaseing power as before the inflation started to rise.
Minimum wage has beenwill increased by 55% for first half of 2023, reached toing an average 1600 EUR net.
this makes it more active sounding and brings it to the proper tense.
It isThat's a 100% rise since beginning of January 2022.
Again, just a tense issue.
As far as I remember you wouldYou used to be able to talk to Corporate through the pay rise of BV around these days.
I'm not sure I fully understand this sentence and what BV means, but I think I'd do the above.
There is only a 500 EUR difference between the minimum wage and my salary & Barbara’s.
Inflation is soaring toso fast each month andthat we are losing purchase power alike.
Throughout 2022, we got a 35% net rise, which means that our salaries falls behind 65% of inflation.
We would like to keep up with inflation in order to be able to have the same purchase power we had before the inflation started to rise.
minimum wage
Minimum wage has been increased by 55% for first half of 2023, reached to 1600 EUR net. Minimum wage this makes it more active sounding and brings it to the proper tense. Minimum wage |
It is 100% rise since beginning of January 2022.
Again, just a tense issue. It is a 100% rise |
As far as I remember you would talk Corporate through the pay rise of BV around these days.
I'm not sure I fully understand this sentence and what BV means, but I think I'd do the above.
"talk corporate through the pay rise of BV around these days." not sure what this means |
There is only 500 EUR difference between the minimum wage and my salary & Barbara’s. There is only a 500 EUR difference between the minimum wage and my salary & Barbara’s. There is only a 500 |
Inflation is soaring too fast each month and we are losing purchase power alike. Inflation is soaring Inflation is soaring |
Throughout 2022, we got 35% net rise which means our salaries falls behind 65% of inflation. Throughout 2022, we got a 35% net rise, which means that our salaries fall
We would like to keep up with inflation in order to be able to have same purchase power before the inflation started to rise. We would like to keep up with inflation in order to be able to have the same purchase power we had before the inflation started to rise. We would like to keep up with inflation |
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