May 22, 2024
In the past, my daughter and her husband believed in minimalism. By reducing their belongings to the minimum, they tried to find their comfortable lifestyle. She often said: "We only buy what we really need. One or two of each item is enough." In fact, she always wore almost the same clothes when I met up with her. I know that even mops or toilet slippers were not equipped at their house. Besides, every household item was stored in the closet and no miscellaneous things were seen in the room. They seemed to enjoy such a tidy space.
However, after the baby was born, their minimalist lifestyle changed a lot. Not a few pieces of baby furniture were installed in every room, and the baby chests of drawers were filled to the brim. In addition, there were a lot of toys piled on the floor.
I feel like minimalism may be incompatible with childrearing because babies' growth is unpredictable. In other words, parents cannot predict what their children will be interested in. There is a possibility that they realize the toy they bought is not needed at all after buying it . Actually, my grandson doesn’t glance at any of the toys, crawling around in the floor in the small room.
私の娘夫婦は、以前ミニマリズムを信奉していました。つまり、「所有物を最少限にして、寥々とした物の中で自分達の心地よいライフスタイルを手にする」という考え方です。 彼女はよく「本当に必要なものだけを買うんだ。 1 種類のものは 1 、 2 個あれば十分」と言っていました。 娘と会うと、ほとんどいつも同じ服を着ています。生活用品も極端に少なくして、モップやトイレのスリッパすら買いません。家庭用品はみんなクローゼットに収納されていて、細々とした日用雑貨が見られない片付いた空間を楽しんでいました。しかし、このライフスタイルは、赤ちゃんの誕生後に一変し、ミニマリズムとはかけ離れたものになりました。どの部屋にもベビー家具が置かれ、ベビーチェストもぎっしり服が詰まっていて、床にはおもちゃが山積みです。 幼児の成長は予測不可能だから、ミニマリストの生活習慣は子育てとは相容れないのかもしれません。つまり、親は自分の子供が何に興味を持つか予測できないから、往々にして、おもちゃは購入した後に必要ではないことに気づくのです。実際、孫は数あるおもちゃには目もくれず、狭い部屋の中をひたすら這い回っています
By reducing their belongings to thea minimum, they tried to find theira comfortable lifestyle.
She often said: "We only buy what we really need.
One or two of each item is enough."
or "good enough"
In fact, she almost always wore almost the same clothes whenever I met up with her.
I know that even mops or toilet slippers were not equippused at their house.
When I think of equipped, I think of equipment like machines and appliances, not cleaning supplies and slippers.
NotQuite a few pieces of baby furniture were installed in every room, and the baby chests of drawers were filled to the brim.
quite a few = many; or maybe you meant to say "Now, a few pieces..."
I feel like minimalism may be incompatible with childrearing because a babies'y's growth is unpredictable.
There is a possibility that they realize the toy they bought is nowasn't needed at all after buying it .
Actually, my grandson doesn’t glance at any of the toys, when he's crawling around ion the floor in the small room.
In the past, my daughter and her husband believed in minimalism.
By reducing their number of belongings to the minimum, they tried to find theira comfortable lifestyle.
She often said: "We only buy what we really need.
One or two of each item is enough."
In fact, she always wore almost the same clothes when I met up with her.
I know that even mops or toilet slippers were not equippused at their house.
BesidesAdditionally, every household item was stored in the closet, and no miscellaneous things were seen in the rooms.
They seemed to enjoy such a tidy space.
However, after the baby was born, their minimalist lifestyle changed a lot.
NotQuite a few pieces of baby furniture were installed in every room, and the baby chests of drawers were filled to the brim.
You could also say "More than a few"
In addition, there were a lot of toys piled on the floor.
I feel like minimalism may be incompatible with childrearing because babies' growth is unpredictable.
In other words, parents cannot predict what their children will be interested in.
There is a possibility that they realize the toy they bought is not needed at all after buying it .
Actually, my grandson doesn’t glance at any of the toys, while crawling around in the floor in the small room.
Great work! Minimalism does sound hard for babies.
In the past, my daughter and her husband believed in minimalism.
By reducing their belongings to the minimum, they tried to find theira comfortable lifestyle for themselves.
She often said: "We only buy what we really need.
One or two of each item is enough."
In fact, she always wore almost the same clothes when I met up with her.
I know that even mops or toilet slippers were not equippused at their house.
"equipped" is not usually used for simple tools like mops, it's more so used for devices or machines
Besides, every household item was stored in the closet and no miscellaneous things were seen in the room.
In this case, I would say something like "Additionally,..." or "What's more..." instead of "Besides,..."
Not a few pieces of baby furniture were installed in every room, and the baby's chests of drawers were filled to the brim.
We don't usually say "not a few" as one expression like this. It's more common to say "a lot of" or "many" or something to that effect
In addition, there were a lot of toys piled on the floor.
I feel like minimalism may be incompatible with childrearing because babies' growth is unpredictable.
In other words, parents cannot predict what their children will be interested in.
There is a possibility that they realize the toy they bought is not needed at all after buying it .
I completely agree with the points you make. Your English is excellent!
Minimalism This sentence has been marked as perfect! This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
In the past, my daughter and her husband believed in minimalism. This sentence has been marked as perfect! This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
By reducing their belongings to the minimum, they tried to find their comfortable lifestyle. By reducing their belongings to the minimum, they tried to find By reducing their number of belongings to the minimum, they tried to find By reducing their belongings to |
She often said: "We only buy what we really need. This sentence has been marked as perfect! This sentence has been marked as perfect! She often said: "We only buy what we really need. |
One or two of each item is enough." This sentence has been marked as perfect! This sentence has been marked as perfect! One or two of each item is enough." or "good enough" |
In fact, she always wore almost the same clothes when I met up with her. This sentence has been marked as perfect! This sentence has been marked as perfect! In fact, she almost always wore |
I know that even mops or toilet slippers were not equipped at their house. I know that even mops or toilet slippers were not "equipped" is not usually used for simple tools like mops, it's more so used for devices or machines I know that even mops or toilet slippers were not I know that even mops or toilet slippers were not When I think of equipped, I think of equipment like machines and appliances, not cleaning supplies and slippers. |
Besides, every household item was stored in the closet and no miscellaneous things were seen in the room. Besides, every household item was stored in the closet and no miscellaneous things were seen in the room. In this case, I would say something like "Additionally,..." or "What's more..." instead of "Besides,..."
They seemed to enjoy such a tidy space. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
In addition, there were a lot of toys piled on the floor. This sentence has been marked as perfect! This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
However, after the baby was born, their minimalist lifestyle changed a lot. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
Not a few pieces of baby furniture were installed in every room, and the baby chests of drawers were filled to the brim. Not a few pieces of baby furniture were installed in every room, and the baby's chests of drawers were filled to the brim. We don't usually say "not a few" as one expression like this. It's more common to say "a lot of" or "many" or something to that effect
You could also say "More than a few"
quite a few = many; or maybe you meant to say "Now, a few pieces..." |
I feel like minimalism may be incompatible with childrearing because babies' growth is unpredictable. This sentence has been marked as perfect! This sentence has been marked as perfect! I feel like minimalism may be incompatible with childrearing because a bab 私もそう思っています。 |
In other words, parents cannot predict what their children will be interested in. This sentence has been marked as perfect! This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
There is a possibility that they realize the toy they bought is not needed at all after buying it . This sentence has been marked as perfect! This sentence has been marked as perfect! There is a possibility that they realize the toy they bought |
Actually, my grandson doesn’t glance at any of the toys, crawling around in the floor in the small room. Actually, my grandson doesn’t glance at any of the toys Actually, my grandson doesn’t glance at any of the toys |
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