itstefca's avatar

Feb. 24, 2023

Millenials and Z generation, the rebels in the working world

Are really Millenials and Z generation, the rebels in the working world? Surely, they are different to previous generations. Millenials and Z generation prefer to give more attention to their mental health, which means that they quitting their job is not a big problem while they are leaving a toxic enviroment, a burn out, or even just a job that is not longer inspiring them. Currently, companies are struggling to keep them at least five years. In this essay I will explain you why this is happening and I'll give some advices to companies to prevent employees quiting.

First of all, it is necessary to take a look to the historic contex. To think on feelings over work was imaginable some decades ago, even so years ago. After Europeans arrived to America, the only thing worthed was working and finding valued metals in order to exchange it later for money. At that time, it was said that gold and money will give you power and with it, freedom. Nevertheless, the lastest generations, Millenials and Z generation, have no longer this thinking. For them, working just to earn money and no take well-being into account, is not really worthy. These generations don't find freedom in this system. That's why nowadays they prefer quitting before working in an environment that don't fix with their tastes and ethics. Their ethics include to have a balanced life, taking aspects such as physical and mental health, time to work and to amuse themselves, and have a measured working schedule. Whether or not they love what they do, if their colleges are not friendly, or if they cannot stand their boss, they prefer to look for another job, even when they will be less-paid. It means that money is not longer a symbol of freedom for Millenials and Z generations, but a balanced-life.

On the other hand, in order for RH departments to keep Millenials and Z generation working for years at their companies, it is necessary to implement motivational strategies. An proposal would be by carrying-out social activities, which promote a positive working environment. Another trick, could be to encourage learning at work, thanks to this strategy, workers realize they are improving their skills and knowledge and thus, will obtain a promotion or a better paid. A well-known company that implement this methodology is McDonalds France, which is always learning new concepts to their employees, specially in the marketing and management field, in order to give them the possibility to become even Director of McDonalds in the future. Hence, a company should be creative and execute different motivational strategies to keep its employees.

To finish, Millenials and Z generations are people who prefer their well-being against work, some evidences are that they don't tolerate a burn out or a depression because of their work. That is the reason why the companies should carry out motivational strategies such as social events or professional trainings. It is crucial to keep Millenials and Z generation on board during a long time, to hold on motivation at work.


Millennials and Z gGeneration, the Z, rebels in the working world

Are really Millennials and Z gGeneration, the Z really rebels in the working world?

Millennials and Z gGeneration prefer to give more attention toZ prioritize their mental health, which means that twhey quitting their job is not a big problem while they are leaving a toxic environment, asuffering from burn out, or even are just a job that is not longer inspiring thed by their work, quitting their job is not a big problem.

Currently, companies are struggling to keep them for at least five years.

In this essay I will explain you why this is happening, and I'll give some advices to companies on how to prevent their employees from quitting.

You explain something TO someone. "Advice" is never plural--it is not countable. You can count "pieces of advice" though. You prevent someone/something FROM doing something

First of all, it is necessary to take a look ato the historic context.

To think on feelings over work was imaginable some decades ago, even so years ago.

I'm sorry, I don't really understand what this sentence means. If you would like, you could write down what you meant to say in Spanish

After Europeans arrived to America, the only thing worthed doing was working and finding valuedprecious metals in order to exchange it later for money.

At that time, it was said that gold and money will give you power, and with it, freedom.

Nevertheless, the lastesmost recent generations, Millennials and Z gGeneration, have Z, no longer this thinking.nk like this.

For them, working just toit is not worth it to work and earn money and nowithout takeing well-being into account, is not really worthy.

That's why nowadays they prefer quitting before working in an environment that don't fixclashes with their tastpreferences and ethicvalues.

Their ethics include toy value haveing a balanced life, taking aspects such ascare of their physical and mental health, time tobalancing work and to amuse themselves, and have a measured working schedule.leisure time, and working reasonable hours.

Whether or not they love what they do, if their collegagues are not friendly, or if they cannot stand their boss, they prefer towill look for another job, even whenif they will be less-paidpaid less.

It means that money is not longer athe symbol of freedom for Millennials and Z gGenerations Z is no longer money, but a balanced-life.

On the other hand, in order for RHR departments to keepretain Millennials and Z gGeneration working for yearsZ at their companies, it is necessary to implement motivational strategies.

AnOne proposal would be by carrying-outorganizing social activities, which promote a positive working environment.

Another trick, could be to encourage learning at work, thanks to this strateg. As a result of this policy, workers will realize that they are improving their skills and knowledge and thus, will obtain a promotion or a better paid, leading to a raise or a promotion.

A well-known company that implements this methodolostrategy is McDonald's France, which is always ltearnching new concepts to their employees, especially in the marketing and management fieldconcepts, in order to give them the possibility to become evenof even becoming the future Director of McDonald's in the future.

You teach someone knowledge. They learn knowledge from you.

To finish, Millennials and Z gGenerations Z are people who prefer their well-being against work, some evidences are that they don't tolerate ato work. They will not allow a job to burn them out or a depression because of their work.lead them to depression.

It is crucial to keepretain Millennials and Z gGeneration on board during a long time, to hold onZ in the long term and to keep them motivationed at work.


"Millennial" is spelled with two n's. Don't worry, many native speakers make the same mistake. You can say "Generation Z" or more commonly, Gen Z. But otherwise you have a very good level of English already--good work!

itstefca's avatar

Feb. 25, 2023


Thank you for the corrections, they will be really helpful!

Millennials and Z gGeneration Z, tThe rRebels of/in the wWorking wWorld

All words in a title should be capitalized except for articles in the middle of a clause.

Are really Millennials and Z gGeneration, Z (Gen Z) really the rebels in/of the working world?

We commonly refer to Generation Z as "Gen Z" for short, so you can also use this term if you want the article to sound a bit more colloquial.

Surely, they are different tofrom previous generations.

Millennials and Z gGeneration Z prefer to give more attention to their mental health, which means that they quitting their job is not seen as a big problem whileif they are leaving a toxic environment, are burnt out, or even just working a job that is not longer inspiring them.

Currently, companies are struggling to keep them at leastfor even five years.

"for even" conveys a nuance that it's hard to even get to five years, and some people might be quitting before then, so it pairs well with "struggling."
Conversely, "at least" has a more neutral tone to it.

In this essay I will explain you why this is happening and I'll (give some advices to companies / suggest some improvements that companies can make) to prevent their employees from quitting.

"give some advice to companies" sounds like you're directly telling the companies what they should do. By writing an article, you're conveying that information indirectly (you don't know if a manager is reading this or not), so this tone doesn't feel completely natural. "suggest some improvements" is also a bit softer.

First of all, it is necessary to take a look to the historical context surrounding this issue.

Stopping at "historical context" makes it feel like the sentence is lacking something.

To thReflectinkg on our feelings overregarding/about work was unimaginable some decades ago, or even sojust a few years ago.

After Europeans arrived to America, the only thing worthed doing was working and finding valuabled metals in order to exchange ithem later for money.

At that time, it was said that gold and money will give you power and with it, freedom.

Nevertheless, the lastest generations, Millennials and Z generation, haveGen Z, no longer thisnk thinkings way.

For them, working just to earn money and no takewithout taking their well-being into account, is not really worthy it.

These generations don't find freedom in this system.

That's why nowadays they prefer quitting beforeover working in an environment that doesn't fixt with their tastes and ethics.

Their ethics include to havehaving a balanced life, takvaluing aspects such as their physical and mental health, time to work and to amuse themselvesseparating work and play, and haveing a measured working schedule.

The items listed need to be noun clauses here, which is way "to have" was changed to "having," etc.

Whether or not they love what they do, if their collegagues are not friendly, or if they cannot stand their boss, they prefer to look for another job, even whenif they will be less-paidpaid less.

It means that money is not longer a symbol of freedom for Millennials and Z generationsGen Z, but a balanced- life is.

"but a balanced life" wasn't complete as a clause by itself.

On the other hand, in order for RHR departments to keep Millennials and Z generationGen Z working for years at their companies, it is necessary to implement motivational strategies.

AnOne proposal would be by carrying-outholding social activities, which promote a positive working environment.

"carry out" is okay, but it's more common to "carry out" a plan, and to "hold" an event/activity.

A well-known company that implement this methodology is McDonalds France, which is always ltearnching new concepts to their employees, especially in the marketing and management field, in order to. This even gives them the possibilopportunity to become eventhe Director of McDonalds in the future.

The sentence was getting too long, so I broke it up into two.

Hence, a company should be creative and execute different motivational strategies to keep its employees.

To finishsum it up, Millennials and Z generationsGen Z are people who prefer their well-being againstover work, and some evidences are shows that they don't tolerate a burn out or a depression because ofdue to their work.

"evidence shows" is a set phrase

That is the reason why the companies should carry out motivational strategies such as social events or professional trainings.

It is crucial to keep Millennials and Z generationGen Z on board duringfor a long time, to hold onmaintain their motivation at work.

itstefca's avatar

Feb. 25, 2023


Thank you, your comments really helped me!


Millennials and Z generation, the rebels in the working world

Are really Millennials and Z gGeneration, the Z rebels in the working world?

Surely, they are different to previous generations.

Millennials and Z gGeneration Z prefer to give more attention to their mental health, which means that they quitting their job is not a big problem whilsince they are leaving a toxic environment, a burn out, or even just a job that is not longer inspiring them.

Currently, companies are struggling to keep them for at least five years.

In this essay, I will explain to you why this is happening, and I'll give some advices to companies to prevent employees from quitting.

First of all, it is necessary to take a look ato the historical context.

To think onabout feelings over work was imaginable some decades ago, even so, years ago.

After Europeans arrived toin America, the only thing worththat mattered was working and finding valued metals in order to exchange ithem later for money.

At that time, it was said that gold and money will give you the power and with it, freedom.

Nevertheless, the lastest generations, Millennials and Z gGeneration, have Z, no longer thisnk thinkings way.

For them, working just to earn money and no takelonger taking well-being into account, is not really worthy it.

These generations don't find freedom in this system.

That's why, nowadays, they prefer quitting before working in an environment that doesn't fixcomply with their tastes and ethics.

Their ethics include to havehaving a balanced life, taking into account aspects such as physical and mental health, time to work and to amuse themselves, and haveing a measured working schedule.

Whether or not they love what they do, if their collegagues are not friendly, or if they cannot stand their boss, they prefer to look for another job, even when they will be less- paid.

It means that money is not longer a symbol of freedom for Millennials and Z gGenerations Z, but a balanced- life.

On the other hand, in order for RHR departments to keep Millennials and Z gGeneration Z working for years at their companies, it is necessary to implement motivational strategies.

An proposal would be by carrying- out social activities, which promote a positive working environment.

Another trick, could be to encourage learning at work, t. Thanks to this strategy, workers realize they are improving their skills and knowledge and thus, will obtain a promotion or a better paidy.

A well-known company that implements this methodology is McDonald's France, which is always learning new concepts tofrom their employees, especially in the marketing and management field, in order to give them the possibility to become even Directors of McDdonald's in the future.

Hence, a company should be creative and execute different motivational strategies to keep its employees.

To finish, Millennials and Z gGenerations Z are people who prefer their well-being againstover work, some evidences are is that they don't tolerate a burn out or a depression because of their work.

That is the reason why the companies should carry out motivational strategies such as social events or professional trainings.

It is crucial to keep Millennials and Z gGeneration Z on board duringfor a long time, to hold on to motivation at work.



itstefca's avatar

Feb. 25, 2023


Thank you for your correction!

itstefca's avatar

Feb. 25, 2023


Thank you so much, it will help me a lot!

Are really Millenials and Z generation, the rebels in the working world?

Are really Millennials and Z gGeneration, the Z rebels in the working world?

Are really Millennials and Z gGeneration, Z (Gen Z) really the rebels in/of the working world?

We commonly refer to Generation Z as "Gen Z" for short, so you can also use this term if you want the article to sound a bit more colloquial.

Are really Millennials and Z gGeneration, the Z really rebels in the working world?

Millenials and Z generation, the rebels in the working world

Millennials and Z generation, the rebels in the working world

Millennials and Z gGeneration Z, tThe rRebels of/in the wWorking wWorld

All words in a title should be capitalized except for articles in the middle of a clause.

Millennials and Z gGeneration, the Z, rebels in the working world

Surely, they are different to previous generations.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Surely, they are different tofrom previous generations.

Millenials and Z generation prefer to give more attention to their mental health, which means that they quitting their job is not a big problem while they are leaving a toxic enviroment, a burn out, or even just a job that is not longer inspiring them.

Millennials and Z gGeneration Z prefer to give more attention to their mental health, which means that they quitting their job is not a big problem whilsince they are leaving a toxic environment, a burn out, or even just a job that is not longer inspiring them.

Millennials and Z gGeneration Z prefer to give more attention to their mental health, which means that they quitting their job is not seen as a big problem whileif they are leaving a toxic environment, are burnt out, or even just working a job that is not longer inspiring them.

Millennials and Z gGeneration prefer to give more attention toZ prioritize their mental health, which means that twhey quitting their job is not a big problem while they are leaving a toxic environment, asuffering from burn out, or even are just a job that is not longer inspiring thed by their work, quitting their job is not a big problem.

Currently, companies are struggling to keep them at least five years.

Currently, companies are struggling to keep them for at least five years.

Currently, companies are struggling to keep them at leastfor even five years.

"for even" conveys a nuance that it's hard to even get to five years, and some people might be quitting before then, so it pairs well with "struggling." Conversely, "at least" has a more neutral tone to it.

Currently, companies are struggling to keep them for at least five years.

In this essay I will explain you why this is happening and I'll give some advices to companies to prevent employees quiting.

In this essay, I will explain to you why this is happening, and I'll give some advices to companies to prevent employees from quitting.

In this essay I will explain you why this is happening and I'll (give some advices to companies / suggest some improvements that companies can make) to prevent their employees from quitting.

"give some advice to companies" sounds like you're directly telling the companies what they should do. By writing an article, you're conveying that information indirectly (you don't know if a manager is reading this or not), so this tone doesn't feel completely natural. "suggest some improvements" is also a bit softer.

In this essay I will explain you why this is happening, and I'll give some advices to companies on how to prevent their employees from quitting.

You explain something TO someone. "Advice" is never plural--it is not countable. You can count "pieces of advice" though. You prevent someone/something FROM doing something

First of all, it is necessary to take a look to the historic contex.

First of all, it is necessary to take a look ato the historical context.

First of all, it is necessary to take a look to the historical context surrounding this issue.

Stopping at "historical context" makes it feel like the sentence is lacking something.

First of all, it is necessary to take a look ato the historic context.

To think on feelings over work was imaginable some decades ago, even so years ago.

To think onabout feelings over work was imaginable some decades ago, even so, years ago.

To thReflectinkg on our feelings overregarding/about work was unimaginable some decades ago, or even sojust a few years ago.

To think on feelings over work was imaginable some decades ago, even so years ago.

I'm sorry, I don't really understand what this sentence means. If you would like, you could write down what you meant to say in Spanish

After Europeans arrived to America, the only thing worthed was working and finding valued metals in order to exchange it later for money.

After Europeans arrived toin America, the only thing worththat mattered was working and finding valued metals in order to exchange ithem later for money.

After Europeans arrived to America, the only thing worthed doing was working and finding valuabled metals in order to exchange ithem later for money.

After Europeans arrived to America, the only thing worthed doing was working and finding valuedprecious metals in order to exchange it later for money.

At that time, it was said that gold and money will give you power and with it, freedom.

At that time, it was said that gold and money will give you the power and with it, freedom.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

At that time, it was said that gold and money will give you power, and with it, freedom.

Nevertheless, the lastest generations, Millenials and Z generation, have no longer this thinking.

Nevertheless, the lastest generations, Millennials and Z gGeneration, have Z, no longer thisnk thinkings way.

Nevertheless, the lastesmost recent generations, Millennials and Z gGeneration, have Z, no longer this thinking.nk like this.

Nevertheless, the lastest generations, Millennials and Z generation, haveGen Z, no longer thisnk thinkings way.

For them, working just to earn money and no take well-being into account, is not really worthy.

For them, working just to earn money and no takelonger taking well-being into account, is not really worthy it.

For them, working just to earn money and no takewithout taking their well-being into account, is not really worthy it.

For them, working just toit is not worth it to work and earn money and nowithout takeing well-being into account, is not really worthy.

These generations don't find freedom in this system.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

That's why nowadays they prefer quitting before working in an environment that don't fix with their tastes and ethics.

That's why, nowadays, they prefer quitting before working in an environment that doesn't fixcomply with their tastes and ethics.

That's why nowadays they prefer quitting beforeover working in an environment that doesn't fixt with their tastes and ethics.

That's why nowadays they prefer quitting before working in an environment that don't fixclashes with their tastpreferences and ethicvalues.

Their ethics include to have a balanced life, taking aspects such as physical and mental health, time to work and to amuse themselves, and have a measured working schedule.

Their ethics include to havehaving a balanced life, taking into account aspects such as physical and mental health, time to work and to amuse themselves, and haveing a measured working schedule.

Their ethics include to havehaving a balanced life, takvaluing aspects such as their physical and mental health, time to work and to amuse themselvesseparating work and play, and haveing a measured working schedule.

The items listed need to be noun clauses here, which is way "to have" was changed to "having," etc.

Their ethics include toy value haveing a balanced life, taking aspects such ascare of their physical and mental health, time tobalancing work and to amuse themselves, and have a measured working schedule.leisure time, and working reasonable hours.

Whether or not they love what they do, if their colleges are not friendly, or if they cannot stand their boss, they prefer to look for another job, even when they will be less-paid.

Whether or not they love what they do, if their collegagues are not friendly, or if they cannot stand their boss, they prefer to look for another job, even when they will be less- paid.

Whether or not they love what they do, if their collegagues are not friendly, or if they cannot stand their boss, they prefer to look for another job, even whenif they will be less-paidpaid less.

Whether or not they love what they do, if their collegagues are not friendly, or if they cannot stand their boss, they prefer towill look for another job, even whenif they will be less-paidpaid less.

It means that money is not longer a symbol of freedom for Millenials and Z generations, but a balanced-life.

It means that money is not longer a symbol of freedom for Millennials and Z gGenerations Z, but a balanced- life.

It means that money is not longer a symbol of freedom for Millennials and Z generationsGen Z, but a balanced- life is.

"but a balanced life" wasn't complete as a clause by itself.

It means that money is not longer athe symbol of freedom for Millennials and Z gGenerations Z is no longer money, but a balanced-life.

On the other hand, in order for RH departments to keep Millenials and Z generation working for years at their companies, it is necessary to implement motivational strategies.

On the other hand, in order for RHR departments to keep Millennials and Z gGeneration Z working for years at their companies, it is necessary to implement motivational strategies.

On the other hand, in order for RHR departments to keep Millennials and Z generationGen Z working for years at their companies, it is necessary to implement motivational strategies.

On the other hand, in order for RHR departments to keepretain Millennials and Z gGeneration working for yearsZ at their companies, it is necessary to implement motivational strategies.

An proposal would be by carrying-out social activities, which promote a positive working environment.

An proposal would be by carrying- out social activities, which promote a positive working environment.

AnOne proposal would be by carrying-outholding social activities, which promote a positive working environment.

"carry out" is okay, but it's more common to "carry out" a plan, and to "hold" an event/activity.

AnOne proposal would be by carrying-outorganizing social activities, which promote a positive working environment.

Another trick, could be to encourage learning at work, thanks to this strategy, workers realize they are improving their skills and knowledge and thus, will obtain a promotion or a better paid.

Another trick, could be to encourage learning at work, t. Thanks to this strategy, workers realize they are improving their skills and knowledge and thus, will obtain a promotion or a better paidy.

Another trick, could be to encourage learning at work, thanks to this strateg. As a result of this policy, workers will realize that they are improving their skills and knowledge and thus, will obtain a promotion or a better paid, leading to a raise or a promotion.

A well-known company that implement this methodology is McDonalds France, which is always learning new concepts to their employees, specially in the marketing and management field, in order to give them the possibility to become even Director of McDonalds in the future.

A well-known company that implements this methodology is McDonald's France, which is always learning new concepts tofrom their employees, especially in the marketing and management field, in order to give them the possibility to become even Directors of McDdonald's in the future.

A well-known company that implement this methodology is McDonalds France, which is always ltearnching new concepts to their employees, especially in the marketing and management field, in order to. This even gives them the possibilopportunity to become eventhe Director of McDonalds in the future.

The sentence was getting too long, so I broke it up into two.

A well-known company that implements this methodolostrategy is McDonald's France, which is always ltearnching new concepts to their employees, especially in the marketing and management fieldconcepts, in order to give them the possibility to become evenof even becoming the future Director of McDonald's in the future.

You teach someone knowledge. They learn knowledge from you.

Hence, a company should be creative and execute different motivational strategies to keep its employees.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

To finish, Millenials and Z generations are people who prefer their well-being against work, some evidences are that they don't tolerate a burn out or a depression because of their work.

To finish, Millennials and Z gGenerations Z are people who prefer their well-being againstover work, some evidences are is that they don't tolerate a burn out or a depression because of their work.

To finishsum it up, Millennials and Z generationsGen Z are people who prefer their well-being againstover work, and some evidences are shows that they don't tolerate a burn out or a depression because ofdue to their work.

"evidence shows" is a set phrase

To finish, Millennials and Z gGenerations Z are people who prefer their well-being against work, some evidences are that they don't tolerate ato work. They will not allow a job to burn them out or a depression because of their work.lead them to depression.

That is the reason why the companies should carry out motivational strategies such as social events or professional trainings.

That is the reason why the companies should carry out motivational strategies such as social events or professional trainings.

That is the reason why the companies should carry out motivational strategies such as social events or professional trainings.

It is crucial to keep Millenials and Z generation on board during a long time, to hold on motivation at work.

It is crucial to keep Millennials and Z gGeneration Z on board duringfor a long time, to hold on to motivation at work.

It is crucial to keep Millennials and Z generationGen Z on board duringfor a long time, to hold onmaintain their motivation at work.

It is crucial to keepretain Millennials and Z gGeneration on board during a long time, to hold onZ in the long term and to keep them motivationed at work.

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