tim315's avatar

Dec. 11, 2022

Mi hijo mayor

Mi hijo mas viejo y te novia ir a nos casa para almuerzo hoy. Para almuerzo hicemos sandwiches biftec jalado con ensalada de col y encurtidos. Terminar esta comida genial, mi esposa hice pastel bajo de fresa con la crema. Despues de la cena fue terminado, mi hijo y yo tuvo unos cerveza durante hablamos. Mi esposa y se novia tuvo café. Ellos ir a casa son last tres.

This is what I'm trying to translate to Spanish

My oldest son
My oldest son and his girlfriend came to our house for lunch today. For lunch we made pulled beef sandwiches with coleslaw and pickles. To finish this great meal, my wife made strawberry short cake with whipping cream. After we finished our lunch, my son and I had some beer while we talked. My wife and son’s girlfriend had coffee. They left to go home at 3:00 PM


Mi hijo mayor

Mi hijoHoy, el mayor de mais viehijos y tesu novia ir a nosvinieron a nuestra casa para almuerzo hoyorzar.

"Viejo" may came off as rude.
Verbs and pronouns (including possessive pronouns) should agree with gender and number.
Her/his= su.
To go= ir.
They came= vinieron.

Para almuerzo hHiceimos saándwiches de bifstec jalado con ensalada de col y encurtidos de almuerzo.

"Bistec jalado" sounds strange and even funny. May I have more context here?

TPara terminar esta gran comida genial, mi esposa hicezo un pastel bajito de fresa con la crema batida.

Despues de la cena fque terminadmos el almuerzo, mi hijo y yo tuvonos tomamos unoas cerveza durante habls mientras platicábamos.

Mi esposa y sela novia tuvode mi hijo se tomaron un café.

To have coffee= tomarse un café.
If you translate directly into Spanish "have coffee" means literally "to own coffee."

Ellos ir Luego de fueron de la casa sona last tres de la tarde.



tim315's avatar

Dec. 12, 2022


Mi hijoHoy, el mayor de mais viehijos y tesu novia ir a nosvinieron a nuestra casa para almuerzo hoyorzar.

I am very unsure when to use le/te/me/la/lo and so on. Can you recommend a good study guide or web site that teaches this subject.

tim315's avatar

Dec. 12, 2022


Para almuerzo hHiceimos saándwiches de bifstec jalado con ensalada de col y encurtidos de almuerzo.

The sentence was suppose to say "For lunch we made pulled beef sandwiches with coleslaw and pickles". When I submit a journal for correction I usually include an english version of the journal in the remarks section. Maybe I'm not doing it properly if you're not able to see it.

tim315's avatar

Dec. 12, 2022


Thanks for your help and corrections. Tim

BlackGlasses's avatar

Dec. 13, 2022


The sentence was suppose to say "For lunch we made pulled beef sandwiches with coleslaw and pickles". When I submit a journal for correction I usually include an english version of the journal in the remarks section. Maybe I'm not doing it properly if you're not able to see it.

Yes, I saw it but I didn't understand what you wanted to say with "bistec jalado."

BlackGlasses's avatar

Dec. 13, 2022


Thanks for your help and corrections. Tim

A pleasure!

BlackGlasses's avatar

Dec. 13, 2022


I am very unsure when to use le/te/me/la/lo and so on. Can you recommend a good study guide or web site that teaches this subject.

Mm you can watch these videos: https://youtu.be/npadDeoB_dY and https://youtu.be/vJD6AeHZ0j4
I hope this helps! If not, let me know.

tim315's avatar

Dec. 13, 2022


Yes, I saw it but I didn't understand what you wanted to say with "bistec jalado."

I didn't know what to use for 'pulled beef' so I cheated and looked it up on Spanishdict and that is what they gave me. I checked it again just now and it translated to 'pulled steak'. All my posting are written on my own except for when I come to a word that I have no idea what to use I look it up. I thought that beef translated to biftec, Verdad?

tim315's avatar

Dec. 13, 2022


The sentence was suppose to say "For lunch we made pulled beef sandwiches with coleslaw and pickles". When I submit a journal for correction I usually include an english version of the journal in the remarks section. Maybe I'm not doing it properly if you're not able to see it.

I never thought that maybe you don't know what this dish is. In case you don't, a beef roast is cooked until the roast literally falls apart. Then you remove the roast from the cooker, take two forks and pull the meat apart. Then you put this shreded meat back into you cooker, add your favorite sauce and reheat it. Between two slices of bread you put this shreded meat and eat it as you would a sandwich. Muy rico. This is also done to pork roasts, turkeys.

BlackGlasses's avatar

Dec. 13, 2022


I never thought that maybe you don't know what this dish is. In case you don't, a beef roast is cooked until the roast literally falls apart. Then you remove the roast from the cooker, take two forks and pull the meat apart. Then you put this shreded meat back into you cooker, add your favorite sauce and reheat it. Between two slices of bread you put this shreded meat and eat it as you would a sandwich. Muy rico. This is also done to pork roasts, turkeys.

Ooh I didn't know that dish. This could be better translation: "hamburguesa de bistec" or "sándwich de bistec."

BlackGlasses's avatar

Dec. 13, 2022


I didn't know what to use for 'pulled beef' so I cheated and looked it up on Spanishdict and that is what they gave me. I checked it again just now and it translated to 'pulled steak'. All my posting are written on my own except for when I come to a word that I have no idea what to use I look it up. I thought that beef translated to biftec, Verdad?

If you don't know what translation could fit, just write that in notes and add more details. I'll do my best to find the best translation.
Beef means "carne de vaca" or "carne de res" but in this case, bistec is the best translation, I think.

BlackGlasses's avatar

Dec. 13, 2022


I never thought that maybe you don't know what this dish is. In case you don't, a beef roast is cooked until the roast literally falls apart. Then you remove the roast from the cooker, take two forks and pull the meat apart. Then you put this shreded meat back into you cooker, add your favorite sauce and reheat it. Between two slices of bread you put this shreded meat and eat it as you would a sandwich. Muy rico. This is also done to pork roasts, turkeys.

Ooh I didn't know that dish. This could be a better translation: "hamburguesa de bistec" or "sándwich de bistec."

Mi hijo mayor

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Mi hijo mas viejo y te novia ir a nos casa para almuerzo hoy.

Mi hijoHoy, el mayor de mais viehijos y tesu novia ir a nosvinieron a nuestra casa para almuerzo hoyorzar.

"Viejo" may came off as rude. Verbs and pronouns (including possessive pronouns) should agree with gender and number. Her/his= su. To go= ir. They came= vinieron.

Para almuerzo hicemos sandwiches biftec jalado con ensalada de col y encurtidos.

Para almuerzo hHiceimos saándwiches de bifstec jalado con ensalada de col y encurtidos de almuerzo.

"Bistec jalado" sounds strange and even funny. May I have more context here?

Terminar esta comida genial, mi esposa hice pastel bajo de fresa con la crema.

TPara terminar esta gran comida genial, mi esposa hicezo un pastel bajito de fresa con la crema batida.

Despues de la cena fue terminado, mi hijo y yo tuvo unos cerveza durante hablamos.

Despues de la cena fque terminadmos el almuerzo, mi hijo y yo tuvonos tomamos unoas cerveza durante habls mientras platicábamos.

Mi esposa y se novia tuvo café.

Mi esposa y sela novia tuvode mi hijo se tomaron un café.

To have coffee= tomarse un café. If you translate directly into Spanish "have coffee" means literally "to own coffee."

Ellos ir a casa son last tres.

Ellos ir Luego de fueron de la casa sona last tres de la tarde.

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