April 12, 2024
Les dernières années l'extinction de la biodiversité linguistique est complèment accrue.
LCes dernières années l'extinction de, la biodiversité linguistique s'est complèment accrubeaucoup/énormément/fortement reduite.
The "BIOdiversité" is the diversity of life forms (bios = life in Greek)
"Extinction" is the complete disappearance of something, so it doesn't make sense to say it has increased. It's like saying that the absence of something has diminished
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Les dernières années l'extinction de la biodiversité linguistique est complèment accrue.
The "BIOdiversité" is the diversity of life forms (bios = life in Greek) "Extinction" is the complete disappearance of something, so it doesn't make sense to say it has increased. It's like saying that the absence of something has diminished |
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