Scarlett_Father's avatar

Nov. 13, 2022

Meiji Restoration in Japan

Started from year 1868, a historical political reform carried in Japan called Meiji Restoration.
The government of Japan strived to learn everything from European countries, especially from Britain as I know. They invited English engineers to design and build transportation systems, that's the reason why steering wheel is on the right in Japan now.
Japan not only learned to industrialize but also implemented western constitutions and democracy. Japan gradually become a modern nation after the restoration.


Meiji Restoration in Japan

Started from yearIn 1868, a historical political reform carried in Japan called Meiji Restoration was carried out in Japan.

The Japanese government of Japan strioved to learn everything they could from European countries, especially from Britain as I know.

They invited English engineers to design and build their transportation systems, that's the reason why. This is why the steering wheel is on the right in Japan now.

Japan nNot only did Japan learned to industrialize, but it also implemented western constitutions and democracy.

Japan gradually becoame a modern nation after the restoration.


Looks good! It just needs a few changes to flow better. Good job. :)

Scarlett_Father's avatar

Nov. 13, 2022


Thank you :)

Meiji Restoration in Japan

Started from yearBeginning in 1868, a historical political reform carried in Japan called the Meiji Restoration was carried out in japan.

The government of Japan strived to learn everything they could from European countries, especially from Britain as I know.

They invited English engineers to design and build transportation systems, for them, and that's the reason why steering wheel iss are on the right in Japan nowese cars.

Japan not only learned to industrialize but also implemented a western-like constitutions and democracy.

Japan gradually becoame a modern nation after the restoration.

Scarlett_Father's avatar

Nov. 13, 2022


Thank you :)

Meiji Restoration in Japan

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Started from year 1868, a historical political reform carried in Japan called Meiji Restoration.

Started from yearBeginning in 1868, a historical political reform carried in Japan called the Meiji Restoration was carried out in japan.

Started from yearIn 1868, a historical political reform carried in Japan called Meiji Restoration was carried out in Japan.

The government of Japan strived to learn everything from European countries, especially from Britain as I know.

The government of Japan strived to learn everything they could from European countries, especially from Britain as I know.

The Japanese government of Japan strioved to learn everything they could from European countries, especially from Britain as I know.

They invited English engineers to design and build transportation systems, that's the reason why steering wheel is on the right in Japan now.

They invited English engineers to design and build transportation systems, for them, and that's the reason why steering wheel iss are on the right in Japan nowese cars.

They invited English engineers to design and build their transportation systems, that's the reason why. This is why the steering wheel is on the right in Japan now.

Japan not only learned to industrialize but also implemented western constitutions and democracy.

Japan not only learned to industrialize but also implemented a western-like constitutions and democracy.

Japan nNot only did Japan learned to industrialize, but it also implemented western constitutions and democracy.

Japan gradually become a modern nation after the restoration.

Japan gradually becoame a modern nation after the restoration.

Japan gradually becoame a modern nation after the restoration.

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