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Sept. 24, 2024

Love Is Living 3 Years?

It is so sad when our relationship is changed. Today I said my closely friend about things in our communication when I really don’t like. I feel free and scared to lose a friend but I think it was necessary.


Love Is LivingIs love still alive after 3 Yyears?

It iwas so sad when our relationship is changed.

Today, I saitold my closely friend about things inabout our communication when( relationship) that I really doidn’t like.

I feel free andliberated but also scared to lose a friend, but I think it was necessary.

Is Love Is Living 3 Years?

Technically yours is correct and very stylistic. The correction is a question whereas your original is a statement you are posing as a question.

It is so sad whento see our relationship is changed.

Your original sentence is correct but it’s very awkward because “is” is present tense and “changed” is past tense, so I made the entire sentence present tense.
This allowed me to add “see” which makes the sentence less passive.

Today I saidtalked to my closely friend about things inaspects of our communication whenthat I really don’t like.

I think you are trying to say that you had a conversation with your friend about rough parts in your communication.
When you use “when” it sounds like you’re saying you had a conversation but you did not want to talk.

I feel free andam glad I talked to him but I am scared to lose a friend but. I think it was necessary.

Your original is correct, but you are saying “free” in a very metaphorical sense so I think “glad I talked” sounds better. Since “scared to lose a friend” is a sad thing and the first part is a happy thing we use “but” instead of and.
Using two conjunctions (and, but, etc.) in one sentence is not always easy so I would recommend making the second part a new sentence.


I am sorry to hear you had a rough conversation with your friend. I hope you two can work things out 💕

Love Is Living 3 Years?

Is Love Is Living 3 Years?

Technically yours is correct and very stylistic. The correction is a question whereas your original is a statement you are posing as a question.

Love Is LivingIs love still alive after 3 Yyears?

It is so sad when our relationship is changed.

It is so sad whento see our relationship is changed.

Your original sentence is correct but it’s very awkward because “is” is present tense and “changed” is past tense, so I made the entire sentence present tense. This allowed me to add “see” which makes the sentence less passive.

It iwas so sad when our relationship is changed.

Today I said my closely friend about things in our communication when I really don’t like.

Today I saidtalked to my closely friend about things inaspects of our communication whenthat I really don’t like.

I think you are trying to say that you had a conversation with your friend about rough parts in your communication. When you use “when” it sounds like you’re saying you had a conversation but you did not want to talk.

Today, I saitold my closely friend about things inabout our communication when( relationship) that I really doidn’t like.

I feel free and scared to lose a friend but I think it was necessary.

I feel free andam glad I talked to him but I am scared to lose a friend but. I think it was necessary.

Your original is correct, but you are saying “free” in a very metaphorical sense so I think “glad I talked” sounds better. Since “scared to lose a friend” is a sad thing and the first part is a happy thing we use “but” instead of and. Using two conjunctions (and, but, etc.) in one sentence is not always easy so I would recommend making the second part a new sentence.

I feel free andliberated but also scared to lose a friend, but I think it was necessary.

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