le emission de televison quel j"aime

Je habite en Telangana, c'est en Inde, avec mon famille je regarde le film "Race Gurram", c'est film tres interessant et bon. J'aime ce film parce que, il a mon acteur prefere Allu Arjun, il est tres connu a Bollywood en beaucoup de films comme Aluvaikuntapuramlo, Race Gurram, Naa Peru Surya, Naa Illu India, etc. Il est un bon actuer.

I am learning french as a second language, I used to have it as a 3rd language, but as my second language was very tough i went to french. I only know 2 tenses, normal present and present perfect ( im not good at it tho ;<)


le eL'émission de teleélévision quel j"'aime

La/le+vowel => l'
j'aime l'émission (object) = que, relative object pronoun => l'émission QUE j'aime

Je 'habite enau Teélangana, c'est en Inde, et avec mona famille je regarde le film "« Race Gurram", » ; c'est un film treès inteéressant et bon.

The <h> of <habiter> is unpronounced, so the elision rule stated above applies => j'habite
Masculine countries/states starting with a consonant = à+article = AU Télangana
"famille" is feminine => MA famille
At least point-virgule (;) to separate two sentences with different ideas/points
"c'est un film bon et très intéressant" (with the short adjective coming first) would be more natural, but what you wrote is right

J'aime ce film parce que, 'il a mon acteur prefereéféré, Allu Arjun, i. Il est treès connu aà Bollywood enpour beaucoup de films comme « Aluvaikuntapuramlo, », « Race Gurram, », « Naa Peru Surya, », « Naa Illu India », etc.

You don't make any pause with your voice after "parce que", so there's no comma after such a word
However => que+vowel = qu'

Even better => j'aime ce film parce que mon acteur préféré y joue (y = dans le film)

The most standard way to translate "in" is "dans", although "en" is used in numerous set expressions & phrasings. However, it would make more sense to say someone is known "POUR quelque chose" ("FOR" something, because of something)

It's better to write titles between quotation marks when it's impossible to underline them or write them in italic

Il C'est un bon actueur.

It's quite tough to explain, but when a sentence is very descriptive, with a strong focus on the subject complement (qualities associated with this subject), the natural pronoun is "ce", not "il/elle" => c'est


There's no present perfect in French. I suppose you mean the passé composé as in "j'ai fait" (both tenses are built the same way morphologically but their meanings & usages are different)
I strongly recommend you learn the imparfait ("je faisais") and the plus-que-parfait ("j'avais fait"), because it's impossible to write a correct text in the past without at least the imparfait.


ok, and yeah i meant passe composee, ty for the info hope you have a great day

le emission de televison quel j"aime

le eL'émission de teleélévision quel j"'aime

La/le+vowel => l' j'aime l'émission (object) = que, relative object pronoun => l'émission QUE j'aime

Je habite en Telangana, c'est en Inde, avec mon famille je regarde le film "Race Gurram", c'est film tres interessant et bon.

Je 'habite enau Teélangana, c'est en Inde, et avec mona famille je regarde le film "« Race Gurram", » ; c'est un film treès inteéressant et bon.

The <h> of <habiter> is unpronounced, so the elision rule stated above applies => j'habite Masculine countries/states starting with a consonant = à+article = AU Télangana "famille" is feminine => MA famille At least point-virgule (;) to separate two sentences with different ideas/points "c'est un film bon et très intéressant" (with the short adjective coming first) would be more natural, but what you wrote is right

J'aime ce film parce que, il a mon acteur prefere Allu Arjun, il est tres connu a Bollywood en beaucoup de films comme Aluvaikuntapuramlo, Race Gurram, Naa Peru Surya, Naa Illu India, etc.

J'aime ce film parce que, 'il a mon acteur prefereéféré, Allu Arjun, i. Il est treès connu aà Bollywood enpour beaucoup de films comme « Aluvaikuntapuramlo, », « Race Gurram, », « Naa Peru Surya, », « Naa Illu India », etc.

You don't make any pause with your voice after "parce que", so there's no comma after such a word However => que+vowel = qu' Even better => j'aime ce film parce que mon acteur préféré y joue (y = dans le film) The most standard way to translate "in" is "dans", although "en" is used in numerous set expressions & phrasings. However, it would make more sense to say someone is known "POUR quelque chose" ("FOR" something, because of something) It's better to write titles between quotation marks when it's impossible to underline them or write them in italic

Il est un bon actuer.

Il C'est un bon actueur.

It's quite tough to explain, but when a sentence is very descriptive, with a strong focus on the subject complement (qualities associated with this subject), the natural pronoun is "ce", not "il/elle" => c'est

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