heatedcanine's avatar

March 11, 2024

LangCorrect vs Lang-8

(I'm) Hot Dog again!

I'm glad that my left knee hasn't gotten more painful this morning.

I was moved from Lang-8, and noticed that LangCorrect was much more active than Lang-8.

On Lang-8, there used to be more than 5 or more corrections for a Japanese entry written by a native English speaker, and those corrections were made immediately, less than one hour or so. However, there used to be no or only a couple of corrections for an English entry written by a Japanese person.
It was because there were many more members who were learning English than members who were learning Japanese.
However, since 2019, creating new accounts was banned on Lang-8, and in the last few years, there were only one or two corrections for Japanese entries written by native English speakers.

On LangCorrect, I've gotten a lot of corrections by many native English speakers, and I need to make a lot of corrections for entries written in Japanese by non-native Japanese speakers in order to make the "ratio between making corrections and corrections made" more than 1.0.

I feel that I've become busier spending time on LangCorrect than Lang-8 for that reason.
I can't see any avatars of members, so it seems more difficult to identify the identical members who made corrections for me.
It is more difficult for me to compare the corrections that other members made.
I don't know why but when I try to correct entries written in Japanese, I can't see the English version at first.
After making corrections, I can see the English version.
So I noticed that my interpretation of a somewhat weird Japanese sentence turned out to be wrong.
Even in such a case, I can't correct my correction unless I delete the whole corrections and do them again from the beginning.

Anyway, thanks to LangCorrect, I'm able to avoid giving up my hobby: to keep writing some tribal, not that important, and silly-most-of-the-time things.

LangCorrect と Lang-8の比較

Hot Dog です。









Hot Dog again!

I'm glad that my left knee hasn't gotten more painful this morning.

I think a little more natural would be to say "thankfully, my left knee hasn't gotten any worse," but what I've suggested is a minimal edit that is correct.

We don't need "this morning" because we can assume you are speaking of "now" and "more" is relative to "before."

I was moved from Lang-8, and noticed that LangCorrect was much more active than Lang-8.

"I was moved" implies someone put you on this site. Perhaps you do not manage your own account.
"I moved" seems to match the Japanese version, "Lang-8から移ってきて," and is more natural English.

On Lang-8, there used to be more than 5 or more corrections for a Japanese entry written by a native English speaker, and those corrections were made immediately, in less than one hour or so.

Without the "in", it's like you're saying "corrections were made to be less than an hour long. Corrections over an hour were discarded." Though the size of corrections isn't measured in time. :D

The "in" changes it to "within an hour," "一時間以内に".

However, there used to be no or only a couple of corrections for an English entry written by a Japanese person.

It was because there were many more members who were learning English than members who were learning Japanese.

However, since 2019, creating new accounts was banned on Lang-8, and in the last few years, there were only one or two corrections foper Japanese entriesy written by native English speakers.

A few sentences back, you correctly used the indefinite article, "*an* English entry written by a Japanese person" which essentially works like saying "If there is an English entry written by a Japanese person..." and we generalize it to all such entries.

Here, there's an ambiguity. Consider this sentence: "In this school, there are only two teachers for eighty students." The grammatical pattern isn't a generalization, it's a statement that the number of teachers is two and the number of students is eighty. I think your original sentence maybe can be interpreted as a generalization or a count, but I think "per" disambiguates it.

On LangCorrect, I've gotten a lot of corrections by many native English speakers, and I need to make a lot of corrections for entries written in Japanese by non-native Japanese speakers in order to make the "ratio between making corrections and corrections made" more than 1.0.

I feel that I've become busier spending time on LangCorrect than Lang-8 for that reason.

I can't see any avatars of members, so it seems more difficult to identify the identical members who made corrections for me.

It is also more difficult for me to compare the corrections that other members made.

I don't know why but when I try to correct entries written in Japanese, I can't see the English version at first.

I actually use two tabs, one with the original post (and native language text) and the other where I offer suggestions.

Anyway, thanks to LangCorrect, I'm able to avoid givingkeep up my hobby: to keep writing some tribal, not that important, and silly-most-of-the-time things.

"avoid giving up" feels a little obfuscated, but it really just means "keep up" right? Plus, this seems to match the Japanese version better (私の趣味を続けることができます--Able to continue my hobby.).


I think this is the first post by you I've corrected, so welcome to Langcorrect! Glad it sounds like you're enjoying it.

That ratio thing is rough, though. My last post had six people correcting numerous lines (I write above my level and tend to make long posts). I try to make suggestions to a few posts a day and I only write maybe once or twice a week, but I still only have just above a 0.7 ratio going. I think the best way to improve my ratio is I'll have to get so good at Japanese that there's nothing to correct. :D

baguette's avatar

March 11, 2024


Just so you and heatedcanine know, the required correction ratio is actually only 0.5, and even then it only matters when there's an uncorrected entry in your native language :)

heatedcanine's avatar

March 11, 2024


Thank you, splinterofchaos, for your corrections, explanations, and comments!
Thank you, baguette, for your feedback.

masemune's avatar

March 12, 2024


Just copying and pasting my previous comment here for visibility in case anyone else has the same question:

The system is very forgiving when it comes to ratios. I think the current minimum was 0.6 or the default of 0.5. Plus, if there are not uncorrected posts written in your native language(s) or if you're a premium user, then ratio checks are bypassed entirely.

You can see the code here:

Feel free to create an issue on GitHub or make a contribution to the code base if anyone has any better ideas on implementing ratio checks. We just need some kind of limit to prevent people from freely leeching (not making any corrections and only receiving them). After all, it's a give and take community! Exemptions are made for premium users because they keep the servers running for everyone!

heatedcanine's avatar

March 12, 2024


Thank you for the information.

LangCorrect vs Lang-8

Hi, (I'm) Hot Dog again!

I'm glad that my left knee haisn't gotten more painful this morning.

I was moved from Lang-8 to LangCorrect, and noticed that LangCorrect was much more active than Lang-8.

On Lang-8, there used to be more than 5 or more corrections for a Japanese entry written by a native English speaker, and those corrections were made immediately, less than one hour or so.

However, there used to be no or only a couple of corrections for an English entry written by a Japanese person.

You can also say "only a few".

It was because there were many more members who were learning English than members who were learning Japanese.

However, since 2019, creating new accounts was banned on Lang-8, and in the last few years, there were only one or two corrections for Japanese entries written by native English speakers.

On LangCorrect, I've gotten a lot of corrections by many native English speakers, and I need to make a lot of corrections for entries written in Japanese by non-native Japanese speakers in order to make the "ratio between making corrections and corrections made" more than 1.0.

I feel that I've become busier spending time on LangCorrect than Lang-8 for that reason.

I can't see any avatars of members, so it seems more difficult to identify the identical members who made corrections for me.

It is more difficult for me to compare the corrections that other members made.

I don't know why but when I try to correct entries written in Japanese, I can't see the English version at first.

After making corrections, I can see the English version.

So I noticed that my interpretation of a somewhat weird Japanese sentence turned out to be wrong.

Even in such a case, I can't correct my correction unless I delete the whole corrections and do them again from the beginning.

Anyway, thanks to LangCorrect, I'm able to avoid giving up my hobby: to keep writing some tribalthing that was for learning, not that important, and silly-most-of-the-time things.



I hope you continue this hobby, and that you enjoy it !

heatedcanine's avatar

March 11, 2024


Thanks, CherryatCherryavecCHERRY, for your corrections!

LangCorrect vs Lang-8


I'm) Hot Dog again!

In English, the "I'm" cannot be left out of the sentence

I'm glad that my left knee hasn't gotten mworse painful this morning.

I was movedcame from Lang-8, and noticed that LangCorrect was much more active than Lang-8.

On Lang-8, there used to be more than 5 or more corrections for a Japanese entry written by a native English speaker, and those corrections were made immediately, in less than one hour or so.

I'm a little confused here, why are English speakers correcting Japanese entries? Shouldn't the native Japanese speakers correct the Japanese entries?

However, there used to be no or only a couple of corrections for an English entry written by a Japanese person.

It was because there were many more members who were learning English than members who were learning Japanese.

However, starting ince 2019, creating new accounts was banned on Lang-8, and in the last few years, there were only one or two corrections for the Japanese entries written by native English speakers.

On LangCorrect, I've gotten a lot of corrections byfrom many native English speakers, and I need to make a lot of corrections for entries written in Japanese by non-native Japanese speakers in order to make the "ratio between making corrections and corrections made" more than 1.0.

I feel that I've become busier spending time on LangCorrect than Lang-8 for that reason.

I can't see any avatars of members, so it seems more difficult to identify the identical members who made corrections for me, as they all look identical.

It is more difficult for me to compare the corrections that other members made.

I don't know why but when I try to correct entries written in Japanese, I can't see the English version at first.

After making corrections, I can see the English version.

So I noticed that my interpretation of a somewhat weird Japanese sentence turned out to be wrong.

Even in such a case, I can't correct my correction unless I delete the whole correctionsm all and do them again from the beginning.

Anyway, thanks to LangCorrect, I'm able to avoid giving up my hobby: to keep writing some tribvial, not that important, and silly-most-of-the-time things.

trivial and not that important are basically the same thing, so you can take either one of those out of the sentence.


heatedcanine's avatar

March 12, 2024


>On Lang-8, there used to be more than 5 or more corrections for a Japanese entry written by a native English speaker, and those corrections were made immediately, in less than one hour or so.

>>I'm a little confused here, why are English speakers correcting Japanese entries? Shouldn't the native Japanese speakers correct the Japanese entries?

On Lang-8, there used to be more than 5 or more corrections (made by Japanese speakers) for a Japanese entry that was written by a native English speaker.

heatedcanine's avatar

March 12, 2024


Thank you for your corrections and explanations!

shorter's avatar

March 13, 2024


Ah yes, I thought about it afterwards and got it haha. No prob!

I don't know why but when I try to correct entries written in Japanese, I can't see the English version at first.

To see the English version while you’re correcting the Japanese, click the “Post Overview” button near the top of your screen.

Even in such a casea situation like this, I can't correct my correction unless I delete the wholeall my corrections and do them again from the beginning.


On LangCorrect, you know how you have to click the “Correct” button below the Japanese text before you can start correcting it? Well, after you have submitted your corrections, the text of the “Correct” button will change to “Corrected.” If you click that “Corrected” button, you should be able to edit your corrections.

kapnCrunch's avatar

March 11, 2024


Excuse me for jumping in. This is very useful information for me as a new LangCorrect user!
Now I know how to edit silly mistakes in my corrections. Thank you!

JoeTofu's avatar

March 11, 2024


Yes, the ability to fix my silly correcting mistakes is one of my favorite LangCorrect features :-))

fae's avatar

March 11, 2024


Oh I didn't know this either! Thanks for sharing!

JoeTofu's avatar

March 11, 2024


No problem!

heatedcanine's avatar

March 11, 2024


Thank you.
I'll try.

heatedcanine's avatar

March 11, 2024


Okay, I think I got it.
Thank you everyone for sharing "how to use LangCorrect more effectively, wisely, and smartly."

LangCorrect vs Lang-8

Hi, (I'm) Hot Dog again!

I'm glad that my injured left knee hasn't gotten mworse painful this morning.

I was moved from Lang-8, and noticed that LangCorrect was much more active than Lang-8.

On Lang-8, there used to be more than 5 or more corrections for a Japanese entry written by a native English speaker, and those corrections were made immediately, in less than one hour or so.

However, there used to be no or only a couple ofvery few corrections for an English entry written by a Japanese person.

It was because there were many more members who were learning English than members who were learning Japanese.

However, since 2019, creating new accounts was banned on Lang-8, and in the last few years, there were only one or two corrections for Japanese entries written by native English speakers.

Or as they said trying to gaslight us "creating new accounts has been suspended" :-\

On LangCorrect, I've gotten a lot of corrections by many native English speakers, and I need to make a lot of corrections for entries written in Japanese by non-native Japanese speakers in order to make the "ratio between making corrections and corrections made" more than 1.0.

I feel that I've become busier spending time on LangCorrect than Lang-8 for that reason.

Yes. I have become very busy on LangCorrect as well.

I can't see any user avatars of members, so it seems more difficult to identify the identical members who made corrections for me.

It is more difficult for me to compare the corrections that other members made.

I don't know why but when I try to correct entries written in Japanese, I can't see the English version at first.

Hot Dog-san, when you are correcting an entry, please press the Post Overview button (on the top right).
It will open up a small window with the text in Japanese (and in English, if the user wrote in English)

After making corrections, I can see the English version.

So I noticed that my interpretation of a somewhat weird Japanese sentence turned out to be wrong.

Hot Dog-san, just be sure to press the Post Overview button!

Even in such a case, I can't correct my correction unless I delete the whole corrections and do them again from the beginning.

Can we delete corrections here? Once I had a typo and it looked stupid, but I don't know how to delete and redo my corrections...

Anyway, thanks to LangCorrect, I'm able to avoid giving up my hobby: to keep writing some tribal, not that important, and silly-most-of-the-time things.



I gotta tell you that I enjoy very much your Hot Dog adventures!

kapnCrunch's avatar

March 11, 2024


Excuse me for jumping in. This is very useful information for me as a new LangCorrect user!
Now I know how to edit silly mistakes in my corrections. Thank you!

heatedcanine's avatar

March 11, 2024


Thank you, kapnCrunch, for your corrections, comments, and feedback!

Sorry, I made a mistake that I thought I could delete the corrections afterward.

LangCorrect vs Lang-8

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

It is more difficult for me to compare the corrections that other members made.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

It is also more difficult for me to compare the corrections that other members made.

I don't know why but when I try to correct entries written in Japanese, I can't see the English version at first.

I don't know why but when I try to correct entries written in Japanese, I can't see the English version at first.

Hot Dog-san, when you are correcting an entry, please press the Post Overview button (on the top right). It will open up a small window with the text in Japanese (and in English, if the user wrote in English)

I don't know why but when I try to correct entries written in Japanese, I can't see the English version at first.

To see the English version while you’re correcting the Japanese, click the “Post Overview” button near the top of your screen.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

I don't know why but when I try to correct entries written in Japanese, I can't see the English version at first.

I actually use two tabs, one with the original post (and native language text) and the other where I offer suggestions.

After making corrections, I can see the English version.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

So I noticed that my interpretation of a somewhat weird Japanese sentence turned out to be wrong.

So I noticed that my interpretation of a somewhat weird Japanese sentence turned out to be wrong.

Hot Dog-san, just be sure to press the Post Overview button!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Even in such a case, I can't correct my correction unless I delete the whole corrections and do them again from the beginning.

Even in such a case, I can't correct my correction unless I delete the whole corrections and do them again from the beginning.

Can we delete corrections here? Once I had a typo and it looked stupid, but I don't know how to delete and redo my corrections...

Even in such a casea situation like this, I can't correct my correction unless I delete the wholeall my corrections and do them again from the beginning.

Even in such a case, I can't correct my correction unless I delete the whole correctionsm all and do them again from the beginning.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Hi, (I'm) Hot Dog again!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!


I'm) Hot Dog again!

In English, the "I'm" cannot be left out of the sentence

This sentence has been marked as perfect!


Hot Dog again!

I'm glad that my left knee hasn't gotten more painful this morning.

I'm glad that my injured left knee hasn't gotten mworse painful this morning.

I'm glad that my left knee hasn't gotten mworse painful this morning.

I'm glad that my left knee haisn't gotten more painful this morning.

I'm glad that my left knee hasn't gotten more painful this morning.

I think a little more natural would be to say "thankfully, my left knee hasn't gotten any worse," but what I've suggested is a minimal edit that is correct. We don't need "this morning" because we can assume you are speaking of "now" and "more" is relative to "before."

I was moved from Lang-8, and noticed that LangCorrect was much more active than Lang-8.

I was moved from Lang-8, and noticed that LangCorrect was much more active than Lang-8.

I was movedcame from Lang-8, and noticed that LangCorrect was much more active than Lang-8.

I was moved from Lang-8 to LangCorrect, and noticed that LangCorrect was much more active than Lang-8.

I was moved from Lang-8, and noticed that LangCorrect was much more active than Lang-8.

"I was moved" implies someone put you on this site. Perhaps you do not manage your own account. "I moved" seems to match the Japanese version, "Lang-8から移ってきて," and is more natural English.

On Lang-8, there used to be more than 5 or more corrections for a Japanese entry written by a native English speaker, and those corrections were made immediately, less than one hour or so.

On Lang-8, there used to be more than 5 or more corrections for a Japanese entry written by a native English speaker, and those corrections were made immediately, in less than one hour or so.

On Lang-8, there used to be more than 5 or more corrections for a Japanese entry written by a native English speaker, and those corrections were made immediately, in less than one hour or so.

I'm a little confused here, why are English speakers correcting Japanese entries? Shouldn't the native Japanese speakers correct the Japanese entries?

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

On Lang-8, there used to be more than 5 or more corrections for a Japanese entry written by a native English speaker, and those corrections were made immediately, in less than one hour or so.

Without the "in", it's like you're saying "corrections were made to be less than an hour long. Corrections over an hour were discarded." Though the size of corrections isn't measured in time. :D The "in" changes it to "within an hour," "一時間以内に".

However, there used to be no or only a couple of corrections for an English entry written by a Japanese person.

However, there used to be no or only a couple ofvery few corrections for an English entry written by a Japanese person.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

However, there used to be no or only a couple of corrections for an English entry written by a Japanese person.

You can also say "only a few".

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

It was because there were many more members who were learning English than members who were learning Japanese.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

It was because there were many more members who were learning English than members who were learning Japanese.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

However, since 2019, creating new accounts was banned on Lang-8, and in the last few years, there were only one or two corrections for Japanese entries written by native English speakers.

However, since 2019, creating new accounts was banned on Lang-8, and in the last few years, there were only one or two corrections for Japanese entries written by native English speakers.

Or as they said trying to gaslight us "creating new accounts has been suspended" :-\

However, starting ince 2019, creating new accounts was banned on Lang-8, and in the last few years, there were only one or two corrections for the Japanese entries written by native English speakers.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

However, since 2019, creating new accounts was banned on Lang-8, and in the last few years, there were only one or two corrections foper Japanese entriesy written by native English speakers.

A few sentences back, you correctly used the indefinite article, "*an* English entry written by a Japanese person" which essentially works like saying "If there is an English entry written by a Japanese person..." and we generalize it to all such entries. Here, there's an ambiguity. Consider this sentence: "In this school, there are only two teachers for eighty students." The grammatical pattern isn't a generalization, it's a statement that the number of teachers is two and the number of students is eighty. I think your original sentence maybe can be interpreted as a generalization or a count, but I think "per" disambiguates it.

On LangCorrect, I've gotten a lot of corrections by many native English speakers, and I need to make a lot of corrections for entries written in Japanese by non-native Japanese speakers in order to make the "ratio between making corrections and corrections made" more than 1.0.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

On LangCorrect, I've gotten a lot of corrections byfrom many native English speakers, and I need to make a lot of corrections for entries written in Japanese by non-native Japanese speakers in order to make the "ratio between making corrections and corrections made" more than 1.0.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

I feel that I've become busier spending time on LangCorrect than Lang-8 for that reason.

I feel that I've become busier spending time on LangCorrect than Lang-8 for that reason.

Yes. I have become very busy on LangCorrect as well.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

I can't see any avatars of members, so it seems more difficult to identify the identical members who made corrections for me.

I can't see any user avatars of members, so it seems more difficult to identify the identical members who made corrections for me.

I can't see any avatars of members, so it seems more difficult to identify the identical members who made corrections for me, as they all look identical.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Anyway, thanks to LangCorrect, I'm able to avoid giving up my hobby: to keep writing some tribal, not that important, and silly-most-of-the-time things.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Anyway, thanks to LangCorrect, I'm able to avoid giving up my hobby: to keep writing some tribvial, not that important, and silly-most-of-the-time things.

trivial and not that important are basically the same thing, so you can take either one of those out of the sentence.

Anyway, thanks to LangCorrect, I'm able to avoid giving up my hobby: to keep writing some tribalthing that was for learning, not that important, and silly-most-of-the-time things.

Anyway, thanks to LangCorrect, I'm able to avoid givingkeep up my hobby: to keep writing some tribal, not that important, and silly-most-of-the-time things.

"avoid giving up" feels a little obfuscated, but it really just means "keep up" right? Plus, this seems to match the Japanese version better (私の趣味を続けることができます--Able to continue my hobby.).


This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

On LangCorrect, I've gotten a lot of corrections by many native English speakers, and I need to make a lot of corrections for entries written in Japanese by non-native Japanese speakers in order to make the "ratio between making corrections and corrections made.

I feel I've become busier spending time on LangCorrect than Lang-8.

I can't see any avatars of members, so it seems more difficult to identify the identical member who made corrections for me.

You need LangCorrect Premium to access this feature.

Go Premium