sachisachi's avatar

May 7, 2024

L the Death Note (72)

I'm going to write about the character L of Death Note again.

There are two main characters called L and Light in the story.

I like L more than Light.

He has a peculiar personality, yet is very attractive.

He is quite and emotionless, but always confident.

He is intelligent, doesn't laugh at all.

He always squats down in a chair or couch.

Also, he has a sweet tooth, so he always eats something sweet.

I think that's an interesting gap in his personality.

I couldn't describe him well, so I would appreciate, if you could fix my sentences to sounds more natural.












L thefrom Death Note

I'm assuming that you're talking about L, a character from Death Note

I'm going to writeing about a/the character L of/from Death Note again.

I rephrased your sentence to be more concise and offered suggestions on how you can rewrite your sentence.

He is quitet and emotionless, but alwayremains confident.

I wonder if he also remains calm and cool too.

He is intelligent, and doesn't laugh at all.

He always squats down in a chair or couch.

I think that' this is an interesting gap inpart of his personality.

I couldn't describe him well, so I would appreciate, it if you could fix my sentences to sounds more natural.


I also wonder what other things attract you about L? Is L logical and confident? Do you prefer his personality over Light? Is Light more extroverted than L?

sachisachi's avatar

May 9, 2024


Thank you so much for your corrections!
I like L more than Light because Light is a typical cool Japanese man, so he isn't very charming to me.
L is more mysterious, he lives alone and his lifestyle doesn't look healthy, but attracts me. It make me curious.

L thefrom Death Note

I'm going to write about the character L ofrom Death Note again.

There are two main characters called L and Light in the story.

I like L more than Light.

He has a peculiar personality, yet is very attractive.

He is quitet and emotionless, but always confident.

He is intelligent, and doesn't laugh at all.

He always squats down in a chair or on a couch.

Also, he has a sweet tooth, so he is always eatsing something sweet.

I think that's an interesting gap incontrast to his personality.

I couldn't describe him well, so I would appreciate, it if you could fix my sentences to sounds more natural.


Very interesting!
Do you think the manga is easy to read in Japanese?
I'd like to learn more about this character by reading the manga. :-)

sachisachi's avatar

May 9, 2024


Thank you so much for your corrections! Maybe it might be difficult to read it in Japanese, because the story is complicated.
but I'm glad you are interested in the character!

L thefrom Death Note

I'm going to write about the character L ofL from Death Note again.

There are two main characters called, L and Light, in the story.

Or: "The story has two main characters, L and Light."

I like L more than Light.

He has a peculiar personality, yebut his quirks are very attractive.

I think having a peculiar or "different" personality is not a negative thing, so "yet" sounds a little wrong (because it implies peculiar people can't be attractive)

He is quitet and emotionless, but always confident.

He is intelligent, and doesn't laugh at all.

He always squats down ion a chair or couch.

Also, he has a sweet tooth, so he is always eatsing something sweet.

I think that's an interesting gap in his personalityhis personality has interesting contrasts/quirks.

I couldn'tdon't think I described him well, so I would appreciate, it if you could fix my sentences to sounds more natural.


I thought Light was interesting at first, but he became a bit of a brat towards the end! Have you read or watched the entire series?

sachisachi's avatar

May 9, 2024


Thank you so much for your corrections! "Brat" good word!
I've watched the live action movie and I read the manga to the end, but it's a long time ago, so I don't remember every scene.
Now I kind of want to watch the movie again.

L thefrom Death Note

I'm going to write about the character L ofrom Death Note again.

There are two main characters called L and Light in the story.

I like L more than Light.

He has a peculiar personality, yet is very attractive.

He is quitet and emotionless, but always confident.

He is intelligent, and doesn't laugh at all.

He always squats down in a chair or couch.

Also, he has a sweet tooth, so he is always eatsing something sweet.

I think that's an interesting gap incontrast to his personality.

Gap moe, right? Unfortunately there isn't quite a word like that in English.

I couldn't describe him well, so I would appreciate, it if you could fix my sentences to sounds more natural.


I think you described him quite well!

sachisachi's avatar

May 8, 2024


Thank you so much for your corrections! Yes! I wanted to say "Gap moe." So can I say "That's an interesting gap moe in his personality."?

shorter's avatar

June 18, 2024


You can say "His personality is what we refer to in Japanese as 'gap moe'." Basically, you'll have to specify that this term is Japanese since there is no such word in English.

sachisachi's avatar

June 19, 2024


Thank you so much!!

L thefrom Death Note

I'm going to write about the character L ofrom Death Note again.

There are two main characters called L and Light in the story.

I like L more than Light.

He has a peculiar personality, yet is very attractivecharming.

魅力的 in English is closer to "charming". When describing people, "attractive" is more similar to 格好いい.

He is quitet and emotionless, but always confident.

He is intelligent, and doesn't laugh at all.

He always squats down in a chair or on a couch.

Also, he has a sweet tooth, so he is always eatsing something sweet.

When a person has a habit of doing something repeatedly, you can use the structure "always doing (thing)".

I think that's an interesting gap in his personality.

I couldn't describe him well, so I would appreciate, if you could fix my sentences to sounds more natural.


Very good! Are you reading Death Note in English? Sometimes I read manga in Japanese for practice (:

sachisachi's avatar

May 8, 2024


Thank you so much for your corrections and comment. I watched the live action Death Note and read the manga in Japanese.
However, I've been reading the manga Spy Family in English. I'm still half through it. What manga do you read in Japanese?

cass_thebass's avatar

May 8, 2024


That's cool! I actually tried reading Spy Family in Spanish, haha. I'm currently reading Dungeon Meshi in Japanese.

sachisachi's avatar

May 8, 2024


Oh, Dungeon Meshi😄 I've been watching it lately!

He has a peculiar personality, yet is very attractive.

He is intelligent, but doesn't laugh at all.

I think that's an interesting gap in his personality.

I couldn't describe him well, so I would appreciate, if you could fix my sentences to sounds more natural.

sachisachi's avatar

May 8, 2024


Thank you so much for your corrections!

He is quite and emotionless, but always confident.

He is quitet and emotionless, but always confident.

He is quitet and emotionless, but always confident.

He is quitet and emotionless, but always confident.

He is quitet and emotionless, but always confident.

He is quitet and emotionless, but alwayremains confident.

I wonder if he also remains calm and cool too.

He is intelligent, doesn't laugh at all.

He is intelligent, but doesn't laugh at all.

He is intelligent, and doesn't laugh at all.

He is intelligent, and doesn't laugh at all.

He is intelligent, and doesn't laugh at all.

He is intelligent, and doesn't laugh at all.

He is intelligent, and doesn't laugh at all.

He always squats down in a chair or couch.

He always squats down in a chair or on a couch.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

He always squats down ion a chair or couch.

He always squats down in a chair or on a couch.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Also, he has a sweet tooth, so he always eats something sweet.

Also, he has a sweet tooth, so he is always eatsing something sweet.

When a person has a habit of doing something repeatedly, you can use the structure "always doing (thing)".

Also, he has a sweet tooth, so he is always eatsing something sweet.

Also, he has a sweet tooth, so he is always eatsing something sweet.

Also, he has a sweet tooth, so he is always eatsing something sweet.

I think that's an interesting gap in his personality.

I think that's an interesting gap in his personality.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

I think that's an interesting gap incontrast to his personality.

Gap moe, right? Unfortunately there isn't quite a word like that in English.

I think that's an interesting gap in his personalityhis personality has interesting contrasts/quirks.

I think that's an interesting gap incontrast to his personality.

I think that' this is an interesting gap inpart of his personality.

I couldn't describe him well, so I would appreciate, if you could fix my sentences to sounds more natural.

I couldn't describe him well, so I would appreciate, if you could fix my sentences to sounds more natural.

I couldn't describe him well, so I would appreciate, if you could fix my sentences to sounds more natural.

I couldn't describe him well, so I would appreciate, it if you could fix my sentences to sounds more natural.

I couldn'tdon't think I described him well, so I would appreciate, it if you could fix my sentences to sounds more natural.

I couldn't describe him well, so I would appreciate, it if you could fix my sentences to sounds more natural.

I couldn't describe him well, so I would appreciate, it if you could fix my sentences to sounds more natural.

L the Death Note

L thefrom Death Note

L thefrom Death Note

L thefrom Death Note

L thefrom Death Note

L thefrom Death Note

I'm assuming that you're talking about L, a character from Death Note

I'm going to write about the character L of Death Note again.

I'm going to write about the character L ofrom Death Note again.

I'm going to write about the character L ofrom Death Note again.

I'm going to write about the character L ofL from Death Note again.

I'm going to write about the character L ofrom Death Note again.

I'm going to writeing about a/the character L of/from Death Note again.

I rephrased your sentence to be more concise and offered suggestions on how you can rewrite your sentence.

There are two main characters called L and Light in the story.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

There are two main characters called, L and Light, in the story.

Or: "The story has two main characters, L and Light."

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

I like L more than Light.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

He has a peculiar personality, yet is very attractive.

He has a peculiar personality, yet is very attractive.

He has a peculiar personality, yet is very attractivecharming.

魅力的 in English is closer to "charming". When describing people, "attractive" is more similar to 格好いい.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

He has a peculiar personality, yebut his quirks are very attractive.

I think having a peculiar or "different" personality is not a negative thing, so "yet" sounds a little wrong (because it implies peculiar people can't be attractive)

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

L the Death Note (72)

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