Dec. 21, 2022
Kerala adipoli
Kerala valare vellam undu'
Kerala valare pasham undu'
Enikku' snehikkunu' Kerala
Enikku' ishtamane chayum kappium
Keralam adipwoli
Kerala valare vellamthil niraye nadhikal undu'
. ¶
Kerala valare pasham undu'
Enikku' snehikkunu' Kerala
Enikku' ishtamane ch
Njan Keralathiney snehikunnu.¶
Enikku Chaayayum kapKaapiyum
-it's better to write and say 'is' (aanu) and whatever the adjective is in the same word without space in between
-instead of saying there is vellam (water) in kerala let's switch it up by saying there is lots of nadhikal(rivers)
-im unsure what you meant with the third sentence
- nailed the ending sentence!
Great work! You are doing good!
Keralam adipoli
Kerala valarethil orepadu vellam undu'
Kerala valare pasham undu'
Njaan Keralathe snehikkunu' Kerala
Enikku' ishtamane chayayum kappiyum
Kerala valare pasham undu' i don't know what you meant here, if it's pazham(banana) the sentence goes like this - Keralathil orepadu pazham undu'. 'valare' is mostly used in the sentences like 'I love tea a lot' or 'I like Kerala a lot' means 'Enikke chaya valare ishtamane' and 'Njaan keralathe valare ishtapedunnu'
Although there is a lot to improve, I must say you did a great job in expressing yourself and Malayalam is not a easy language. Behalf of all the Malayalis out there we really appreciate your efforts and enthusiasm in learning our language. Keep going like this
Keralathil adipoli
Kerala valarethil othiri vellam undu'
Kerala valare pasham undu'
Njan keralathe snehikkunnu' Kerala
Enikku' ‘ishtam aneu chaya um kappi yum
Keep going
You can do it 😊
Keralam adipoliyanu
Keralam adipoli
Keralathil valare vellam undu'
Kerala valare pasham undu'
¶(what do you mean by pasham?)¶
Enikku' snehikkunu' Kerala
Enikku' ishtamane
Njan Keralathe snehikkunnu¶
Enikku' chayum kappium
Kerala adipoliyannu.
Kerala valathil kure vellam undu'.
Kerala valare pasham undu'
Keralathil Kure pushpangal undu
Enikku' snehikkunu' Kerala
Enikk ishtamaane keralam
Enikku' ishtamane chayum kappium
Enikku chayayum ,kappiyum ishtamaane
Kerala This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
Kerala adipoli Kerala valare vellam undu' Kerala valare pasham undu' Enikku' snehikkunu' Kerala Enikku' ishtamane chayum kappium Nanni Keralam adipoli Keralathil adipoli Keep going You can do it 😊 Keralam adipoli Kerala valare pasham undu' i don't know what you meant here, if it's pazham(banana) the sentence goes like this - Keralathil orepadu pazham undu'. 'valare' is mostly used in the sentences like 'I love tea a lot' or 'I like Kerala a lot' means 'Enikke chaya valare ishtamane' and 'Njaan keralathe valare ishtapedunnu' Keralam adipwoli -it's better to write and say 'is' (aanu) and whatever the adjective is in the same word without space in between -instead of saying there is vellam (water) in kerala let's switch it up by saying there is lots of nadhikal(rivers) -im unsure what you meant with the third sentence - nailed the ending sentence! |
Kerala adipoli Kerala adipoliyannu. Keralam adipoliyanu |
Kerala valare vellam undu' Kerala |
Kerala valare pasham undu' Kerala valare pasham undu' Keralathil Kure pushpangal undu |
Enikku' snehikkunu' Kerala Enikku' snehikkunu' Kerala Enikk ishtamaane keralam |
Enikku' ishtamane chayum kappium Enikku' ishtamane chayum kappium Enikku chayayum ,kappiyum ishtamaane |
Nanni This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
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