Aug. 9, 2024
I have always disliked people who keep judging others. Not that i have anything against them ,but generally they are criticizing people who are more successful and with numerous achievements. On the other side , the critics are normal people with boring lives and plenty of spare time to waste on tracking others.
Judgemental People
'Judgement' is a general, more neutral concept, and is not really used to refer to the kind of people you discuss. Being 'judgemental' is the term that best fits your text.
I have always disliked people who keepconstantly judginge others.
Not that iI have anything against them , but they generally they are criticizingse people who are more successful and with numeroushave more achievements.
"but generally they criticise" is technically as correct as "but they generally criticise", but putting "generally" later sounds more natural to me. "but generally they criticise" puts more emphasis on "generally" which doesn't feel needed here. Both criticiZe and criticise would be generally accepted in British English, but criticiSe is the more common spelling.
On the other side hand, the critics are normal people with boring lives and plenty of spare time to waste on tracking otherother people's business.
"On the other side" makes sense, but "on the other hand" is idiomatic. "Tracking" is a very specific sense of "watching" and it's mostly used for specific professions or activities: the camera tracked the movement of the ball in the tennis match; the police are tracking the criminal's car via CCTV. "Other people's business" is very idiomatic and would not be suitable for a formal text, but it fits well with the tone of this sentence. It is always used to mean something that you should not pay close attention to. It does not mean other people's professional work; it refers to what they do, say and care about.
This is almost exactly as a native speaker would have written it – well done!
I have always disliked people who keepconstantly judginge others.
Not that iI have anything against them , but generally they are criticizing people who are more successful and withhave numerous achievements.
On the other side hand, the critics are normal people with boring lives and plenty of spare time to waste on tracking others.
Judgement Judgemental People 'Judgement' is a general, more neutral concept, and is not really used to refer to the kind of people you discuss. Being 'judgemental' is the term that best fits your text. |
I have always disliked people who keep judging others. I have always disliked people who I have always disliked people who |
Not that i have anything against them ,but generally they are criticizing people who are more successful and with numerous achievements. Not that Not that "but generally they criticise" is technically as correct as "but they generally criticise", but putting "generally" later sounds more natural to me. "but generally they criticise" puts more emphasis on "generally" which doesn't feel needed here. Both criticiZe and criticise would be generally accepted in British English, but criticiSe is the more common spelling. |
On the other side , the critics are normal people with boring lives and plenty of spare time to waste on tracking others. On the other On the other "On the other side" makes sense, but "on the other hand" is idiomatic. "Tracking" is a very specific sense of "watching" and it's mostly used for specific professions or activities: the camera tracked the movement of the ball in the tennis match; the police are tracking the criminal's car via CCTV. "Other people's business" is very idiomatic and would not be suitable for a formal text, but it fits well with the tone of this sentence. It is always used to mean something that you should not pay close attention to. It does not mean other people's professional work; it refers to what they do, say and care about. |
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