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Oct. 9, 2023

Journal #19: "How I'm learning English"

In this journal I will continue to tell you story how I met my friend.
My friend sat down on bench and we told about our future life at university, how we will learn different subjects, will meet maybe interesting people, what we will do after university. My friend can play the guitar wery good. He teached me how to play the guitar. I learned some song, but I never didn't play in public. Maybe I must tried, because I think it's interesting experience. I and Amga are the best friends to this day. I think we are must to talk more than now. We are have each our interests, but we don't stop be friends.

Thank for reading my journal.


In this journal I will continue to tell you a story how I met my friend.

missing an article

In this journal I will continue to tell you the story of how I met my friend.

My friend sat down on a bench and we told each other about our future life at university, how we will learn different subjects, will meet maybehow we will maybe meet interesting people, and what we will do after university.

My friend can play the guitar wvery good.well

He teachedaught me how to play the guitar.

I learned some songs, but I never didn't played in public.

Maybe I must triedshould try, because I think it's would be an interesting experience.

IAmga and Amga are thI are best friends to this day.

I think we are must to talk more than now.

We areeach have each ourour own interests, but we don't stop being friends.

Thanks for reading my journal.

Journal #19: "How I'm learning English"

In this journal, I will continue to tell you a story about how I met my friend.

"About" is a preposition, one of the hardest things to learn in a new language. Don't worry too much about it.

My friend sat down on a bench, and we tolalked about our future life at university, how we will learn different subjects, will meet maybe interesting people, what we will do after university.

"A" = another preposition. It's easy to understand you anyway, but this is the correct grammar.

To tell = to speak without expecting a response,
To talk = it's more likely you expect a response, and have a conversation

My friend can play the guitar wvery good.


He teachedaught me how to play the guitar.

"To teach" is an irregular verb. Past simple tense, "taught", needs to be memorised. It ignores the rules.

1) I learned some songs, but I never played in public.¶

2) I learned a song, but I
didn't play in public.

1) *plural "song" *continuous past "play"

2) * singular "song" *simple past tense "play"

You don't need both "never" and "didn't", only one.

Maybe I must triedy, because I think it's an interesting experience.

"Try" instead of "tried". You're thinking to try something in the future, not the past.

I and Amga are thAmaga and I are best friends to this day.

Removed "the" (not used before plural 'friends').

Position of "I" is after the other person (even native speakers get this wrong).

I think we are must to talk more than now.

We areeach have each our interests, but we don't stop being friends.

"to be" - continuous (You will continue to not stop being friends)

Thanks for reading my journal.

"Thank you" becomes "Thanks".


Great job! I could understand it without trouble. I'm very picky about corrections, so don't worry.

1) Review prepositions (in, on, about, around, for, etc). These are VERY difficult, but don't are usually not important.

2) Review simple past tense conjugation. When to use "to" in front of a verb (infinitive verb) and when to conjugate it ('to try' becomes 'try/tried/trying').

Journal #19: "How I'm learning English"

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

In this journal I will continue to tell you story how I met my friend.

In this journal, I will continue to tell you a story about how I met my friend.

"About" is a preposition, one of the hardest things to learn in a new language. Don't worry too much about it.

In this journal I will continue to tell you the story of how I met my friend.

In this journal I will continue to tell you a story how I met my friend.

missing an article

My friend sat down on bench and we told about our future life at university, how we will learn different subjects, will meet maybe interesting people, what we will do after university.

My friend sat down on a bench, and we tolalked about our future life at university, how we will learn different subjects, will meet maybe interesting people, what we will do after university.

"A" = another preposition. It's easy to understand you anyway, but this is the correct grammar. To tell = to speak without expecting a response, To talk = it's more likely you expect a response, and have a conversation

My friend sat down on a bench and we told each other about our future life at university, how we will learn different subjects, will meet maybehow we will maybe meet interesting people, and what we will do after university.

My friend can play the guitar wery good.

My friend can play the guitar wvery good.


My friend can play the guitar wvery good.well

He teached me how to play the guitar.

He teachedaught me how to play the guitar.

"To teach" is an irregular verb. Past simple tense, "taught", needs to be memorised. It ignores the rules.

He teachedaught me how to play the guitar.

I learned some song, but I never didn't play in public.

1) I learned some songs, but I never played in public.¶

2) I learned a song, but I
didn't play in public.

1) *plural "song" *continuous past "play" 2) * singular "song" *simple past tense "play" You don't need both "never" and "didn't", only one.

I learned some songs, but I never didn't played in public.

Maybe I must tried, because I think it's interesting experience.

Maybe I must triedy, because I think it's an interesting experience.

"Try" instead of "tried". You're thinking to try something in the future, not the past.

Maybe I must triedshould try, because I think it's would be an interesting experience.

I and Amga are the best friends to this day.

I and Amga are thAmaga and I are best friends to this day.

Removed "the" (not used before plural 'friends'). Position of "I" is after the other person (even native speakers get this wrong).

IAmga and Amga are thI are best friends to this day.

I think we are must to talk more than now.

I think we are must to talk more than now.

I think we are must to talk more than now.

We are have each our interests, but we don't stop be friends.

We areeach have each our interests, but we don't stop being friends.

"to be" - continuous (You will continue to not stop being friends)

We areeach have each ourour own interests, but we don't stop being friends.

Thank for reading my journal.

Thanks for reading my journal.

"Thank you" becomes "Thanks".

Thanks for reading my journal.

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