March 14, 2024
I think I'm more mature this year because I can accept that some people around me are not friendly.
First of all, I realized that it's impossible to make everyone like you and agree with you. Second, I could still do things better even if someone hate me or the things. Third, haters are not important.
So just confirm it's the right thing and do it.
I think I'm more mature this year because I canALSO POSSIBLE: Since accepting that some people around me are not friendly.naturally friendly, I've become more mature.
NOTE: If *speaking* the original is fine. If *writing* the word "I" should be used less. (Spoken and written English differ.)
ALSO POSSIBLE: First of all, I came to realized that it's impossible to make everyone like you and agree with you.
Second, I could still do things better even if someone hate me or the things.COMMENT: I am not sure the meaning here . . . the sentence is a bit vague. Here is a guess: ¶
Second, I am indifferent to praise or condemnation.
Third, haters are not important.MORE SMOOTHLY: Third, I am busy with life to be overly concerned about people who might detest me.
So just confirm it's the right thing and do itUGGESTION: In English, there are several idioms that express this idea.¶
OPTION A: I have a strong internal compass and am self-directed.¶
OPTION B: I follow my own drummer regardless of what the rest of the world is doing.
Basically clear. Thanks for sharing!
I think I'm more mature this year because I can accept that some people around me are not friendly.
First of all, I realized that it's impossible to make everyone like you and agree with you.
Second, I could still do things better even if someone hate me or the thingseven if some people don't like me or the things I do, I can still do them well.
Third, haters are not important.
So just confirmif you're sure it's the right thing and, then do it.!
I think I'm have become more mature this year because I can accept (the fact) that some people around me are not friendly.
First of all, I realized that it's impossible to make everyone like you and agree with you.
Second, I could still do things betterwell even if someone hated me or the things I do.
Third, haters are not important.
So just confirmbe sure it's the right thing to do and do it.
I think I'm more mature this year because I can've accepted that some people around me are not friendly.
First of all, I realized that it's impossible to make everyone like you and agree with you.
Second, I could still do things betterwell even if someone hated me or the things I want to do.
我要做的事情 - things i want to do
Third, haters are not important.
So just confirmbe sure that it's the right thing and do it.
confirm 聽起來不對,你表達的是搞自信的意思 "be sure (of yourself)" 比“confirm"更好。confirm有鈡正式的含義,(比如按照某個權力確定還是表示某個事情是否正還是非),在你表達的情況下沒有另外的人跟他們確認你選走的路。
I think I'mthat I have become more mature this year, because I can accept that some people around me are not friendly.
First of all, I realized that it's impossible to make everyone like you and agree with you.
Second, I could still do things betterproperly, even if someone hated me or the things I was doing.
Third, haters are not important.
So just confirm it's the right thing and do it.
I agree with everything you stated in this paragraph.
I think I'm more mature this year because I can accept that some people around me are not friendly.
First of all, I realized that it's impossible to make everyone like you and agree with you.
Second, I could still do things better even if someone hates me or the thwhat I’m doings.
Third, haters are not important.
So just confirm that it's the right thing to do and do it.
So just confirm it's the right thing and do it. So just confirm that it's the right thing to do and do it. This sentence has been marked as perfect! So just confirm 聽起來不對,你表達的是搞自信的意思 "be sure (of yourself)" 比“confirm"更好。confirm有鈡正式的含義,(比如按照某個權力確定還是表示某個事情是否正還是非),在你表達的情況下沒有另外的人跟他們確認你選走的路。 So just So S |
Jotting This sentence has been marked as perfect! This sentence has been marked as perfect!
This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
I think I'm more mature this year because I can accept that some people around me are not friendly. This sentence has been marked as perfect! I think I think I'm more mature this year because I 這樣更好聽,含義是承認完成了 I think I This sentence has been marked as perfect!
NOTE: If *speaking* the original is fine. If *writing* the word "I" should be used less. (Spoken and written English differ.) |
First of all, I realized that it's impossible to make everyone like you and agree with you. This sentence has been marked as perfect! This sentence has been marked as perfect! This sentence has been marked as perfect! This sentence has been marked as perfect! This sentence has been marked as perfect! ALSO POSSIBLE: First of all, I came to realize |
Second, I could still do things better even if someone hate me or the things. Second, I could still do things better even if someone hates me or Second, I could still do things Second, I could still do things 我要做的事情 - things i want to do Second, I could still do things Second,
Third, haters are not important. This sentence has been marked as perfect! This sentence has been marked as perfect! This sentence has been marked as perfect! This sentence has been marked as perfect! This sentence has been marked as perfect!
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